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European parliament elections

I don't think there's anything Neo about the National Front's fascism. They have changed the name and put the daughter at the head because she was more presentable than her dad but you don't have to crape to hard to remove the varnish.

If you look at other founding members of the FN you get people like:
Victor Barthélémy - he was high ranking in the PPF (number 2 by the occupation era) and was involved in the Vel' d'Hiv Roundup.
André Dufraisse - he was a member of the LVF Legion of French Volunteers Against Bolshevism - Wikipedia
Paul Malaguti - member of the gestapo From the NS archive: On the front line

So no, nothing neo, they were always dyed in the wool.

And while people seem to happily buy the "not her father" line - nice white washing piece and sympathetic portrait from the beeb there Marine Le Pen - it really doesn't take much looking aat who is standing behind her to see that if most of the old guards are no longer there it's because time took its toll rather than because she had any issues with their credo.

These bits in the beeb piece did my head in:

"The FN's opponents point out that Marine still has on her staff former members of a far-right militant group called GUD."

Gee, why would people think that's a problem BBC come on dig a bit. what is their role in the party? Do they just stuff envelopes or are they in important communications and financial roles? And that GUD group, how do they do their militating beeb, tell us more, any beating people up by any chance?

As for this, I have not words. Can the BBC really not comprehend that someone might be clever enough to understand that sometimes you have to keep the quiet part quiet and that some people are good at respectability polictics but that it doesn't make them any lest dangerous.

Many in the Muslim community do not trust her. Iman Mestaoui, a 25-year-old clothes designer of Moroccan parents, sees Marine Le Pen as merely a more presentable version of her father.
“She's definitely a racist, but she hides it better. She hides the Islamophobia. She is totally scary,” she says.
But this “just-scratch-beneath-the-surface” argument has its limits.
If people insist over and again that they do not have a particular opinion, is it fair to judge them by saying that you think they do? In France they call that a procès d'intention - putting people on trial for views you tell them that they have.
Well said.
This was what I was trying to say earlier, the information I had been scrambling around for: The Far-right has probably done better than most people think, because it's not just the two main groups, there are the far-right parties/MEPs that are not aligned or not aligned yet, 47 of them according to this graphic From Le Monde

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This was what I was trying to say earlier the information I had been scrambling around for: The Far-right has probably done better than most people think, because it's not just the two main groups, there are the far-right parties/MEPs that are not aligned or not aligned yet, 47 of them according to this graphic From Le Monde
View attachment 428352

The real impact of the far right is in their own governments rather than the European Parliament whose powers are quite limited in my opinion however there is plenty for them to get their teeth into. The far right won big in big countries ie France and Italy and fairly well in Germany. Despite the EPP's triumphalism about winning and being against extremism etc, it is they that have nurtured and normalised Meloni within the European Parliament and they will continue to do so. The far right can get 20 % of the vote and 25% of the seats , its no longer small or seen as extreme and it has heavily influenced the debate on immigration, it has also intervened and been influential in the green policies issue and gender/sexuality. Whatever groups they fall into , they will use their positions and influence to trade, to be offered buy offs and will be pragmatic. The EU is going to have to deal with expansion and integration issues , Ukraine and the austerity and lack of public funding that their state budget rules impose. Plenty for the far right to horse trade on.
The Putin-Surkov-Dugin-Bannon plan proceeding as they intended, with centrist neo-liberals reaping as they sowed.

The national sovereignty myth stalking the world in its jackboots (there have never been sovereign nations in the way the European far right imagine - there have been empires and there have been vassal states and there have been integrated capitalist economic areas with a large measure of pooled sovereignty.)

All these are built on myths and the (sometimes violent and repressive) avoidance of the real (brutal, colonialist and exploitative) histories of the nation states that people are encouraged to base their identities upon, the class dynamics at play and the nature of the transnational ruling/mobster class.

It is a horror film with a few more reels to play before the binary alternative endings predicted by Marx and many others…
I can't leave this alone like a dog with a bone, I keep coming back to it: the AfD are applying to rejoin the ID group that would bring that group up to 73 members the same as the ECR Group and only 6 MEPs behind the 3rd place Renew group and there are still parties like the Polish Confederation Party who have yet to decide which group they are going to join and they alone have six MEPs, also Fidesz with their 10 MEPs are looking for a new home and have been invited to join the ID group.:(
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I can't leave this alone like a dog with a bone, I keep coming back to it: the AfD are applying to rejoin the ID group that would bring that group up to 73 members the same as the ECR Group and only 6 MEPs behind the 3rd place Renew group and there are still parties like the Polish Confederation Party who have yet to decide which group they are going to join and they alone have six MEPs, also Fidesz with their 10 MEPs are looking for a new home and have been invited to join the ID group.:(

I'm not sure there is anything to get excited about .Van Der Leyen will work with the fascists in the Meloni's ECR . but not, at present, with the ID group.
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