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US election 2020 thread

it is fascinating. There's no way back from this, it is how all elections will be now surely, micro-targetted ads to persuade or deter depending on what they know about you, which is a lot.
Of course micro-targeting of ads was genius when Obama first did it. Rather more simplistically, but he’d have done more if he could have
Of course micro-targeting of ads was genius when Obama first did it. Rather more simplistically, but he’d have done more if he could have
was this going on already in 2012? i didn't know that.
oh yeah. Obama, Facebook and the power of friendship: the 2012 data election
the tone of that 8 year old article seems so innocent and blind from here. ('Digital analysts predict this will be the first election cycle in which Facebook could become a dominant political force.."
It's a fascinating segment, that channel 4 one. Alongside the Netflix social network documentary... social media in its present form is dead. The only question is how long it takes to die.
what do you mean, you think everyone in the world will delete facebook when they realise all of this?
Eventually, or the monetization model changes. I suspect the latter is hard for them to turn off. So they'll be overtaken by something else.
Eventually, or the monetization model changes. I suspect the latter is hard for them to turn off. So they'll be overtaken by something else.
i don't think that makes sense. Social media's not dying its just getting started, if facebook becomes less popular other platforms that collate and sell data on its users to the highest bidder will just take its place.
i don't think that makes sense. Social media's not dying its just getting started, if facebook becomes less popular other platforms that collate and sell data on its users to the highest bidder will just take its place.
Will they? Perhaps networks that don't do that will thrive instead.
Will they? Perhaps networks that don't do that will thrive instead.
how will they make money or are you talking about a post-capitalism world. Only the "free" apps will have huge amounts of users globally and they are the ones where you are the product obvs.
jesus. They are trying to get 'an army' of trumpers to stand around at polling booths on election day.

Not too sure of the election day rules....can you wear your maga hat while "monitoring" or is all political signage banned at and around the polls.
I think it was just a coule of pages back that I said Trump would raise an army if he felt the need.

And here we are.

It’s perfect for him. This plays directly to the Second Amendment claims and fears.

And regardless of what the polls say, his loyal followers are digging in now. And they’d be glad of the call to arms.

Most gun owners are in the right. The far right hold a larger proportion of arms than anyone else.

A buddy system is a terrible idea, although I can’t think of a better one.

If you’ve got rightists standing around outside polling stetions, with or without MAGA hats, with or without combat fatigues and guns, so soon as you have civic minded buddies accompanying voters (probably dem supporters but conceivably civic minded republican supporters) , you’ve got opposing armies in embryonic form. In an already inflamed situation.

Which side will the police support? Who would they protect if push comes to shove? How many would stay away from the vote in order to stay safe? Imagine the mess when trying to count the votes after an election of this kind.
And would doubtless lead to photos of the buddies coming to the polling station with the caption "See they're voting multiple times - fake election :mad: "
I think it was just a coule of pages back that I said Trump would raise an army if he felt the need.

And regardless of what the polls say, his loyal followers are digging in now. And they’d be glad of the call to arms.

If they are digging, how will those lard boys get out of the holes?

Trump's army will mirror him. Fat useless fucks, who get out of breathe walking to their cars. Who get angry when servers don't call them sir.
His army will be good for sitting on the porch and pointing guns, maybe 3% will be able to run.

I'm jesting, there was a great book released in 2018 called Hinterland (worth a read) that did show that the far right was able to get a following but in the epilogue of the French edition of the book Neel sees some cause for hope for those of us that want a society fundamentally reordered The Spiral
It’s not just the far right who love him. This is a big blind spot that people seem to have. Normals love him too. Middle class professionals love him. People who loved Reagan love Trump. It’s not just people at the bottom of the financial heap who love him, or those who are way the fuck out there beyond the pale. There are plenty of voters who don’t cause any kind of ripple, who will vote for him.

And with the BLM movement and the MeToo movement, it’s the middle ground arseholes who are feeling under attack who will support Trump to a second term, and who - right now - are already chiming in to say maybe it’s time to reconsider this two-terms-and-your-out stuff

Knowing he only paid 750 bucks to the tax man will make them cheer and love him more. They hate paying their taxes. He’s their man!

Their connection with Trump is cultural and emotional as much as political, closely intertwined with their lives and identities. His enemies are their enemies, his grievances are their grievances. They live by the rules he lives by: that concepts such as White male privilege or structural racism and sexism are to be scoffed at, that the working class, Christians and Trump supporters have been victimized, that it’s okay to be moved to tears by a love for the country and its president but that liberals are crybabies and snowflakes. They pride themselves on being self-made and see Trump, whose life has been nothing like their own, as a once-in-a-lifetime leader.
Thanks for engaging the post I wrote above could easily be seen as been cranky...but...

I think it's based on the supreme court, the electoral college, and the senate being the basis for his support. The fact that in 2016, he lost the populat vote, but because Clinton and Robbie Mook had no ground game in Penn and other midwest states they lost the college. Forward to 2020...the fucking cops love him...so what! The fucking cops always love a republican because under the republicans (And the Dems) they get pay raises.

Unlike every other joe who isnt a rentier, or in upper management in the US. The Joe whom is pushed for longer hours for less pay and forced to work during the pandemic. His tax cut may have given some one 1200 dollars extra a year but the billionaires got millions. The Joe's are paying more in insurance, in property taxes, even goods in the store as all Trump's trade wars do is make imports more expensive for the customer. I don't have the stats for food poverty but I can guess that amoungst every demographic it's risen bar the top 15%. The huge fantastic rallies are anything but...remember Juneteenth? If he could rouse an army like we've never seen before, where were they?

The the anti lockdown rallies were organised by the same couple of thousand loons but they are made to look a threat because THE RESISTANCE at the WP/Grey Lady need Trump to keep selling their failling papers. So everything about Trump becomes a headline, a pundit proclaims the death of America and they hark back to the golden days of W's decency and the fact that he can share a pint with the Obama.

I've said before I'm not down playing all the stuff that goes on but Trump does not have an paramilitary army of 100k plus who can smash the fuck out of anyone who does not follow Trump. No, i think you need an honest appraisal of the enemy. For all their hot talk, it's nothing but vapour. My honest appraisal is the right are in turmoil and are actually quite weak. I think the prolonged multiracial, overwhelmingly working class (those that sell their labour, or are in the pool of reserve labour) demos in the states show who is actually on the rise. Whether that translates in the election I don't know, but as I've said before, Trump is the end of something not the beginning.

If you have 90 minutes give this a listen /129/ The Right Is Weak ft. Corey Robin Corey Robin is one of the American intellectuals that I think is really worth listening to about the American right.

The president has said he is willing to participate in such an inspection, Fox News reported, but Biden has not as of Tuesday morning.

Both the Trump campaign and Biden campaign did not immediately return a request from The Hill asking to confirm the Fox News report. The Commission on Presidential Debates also did not return a request for comment.
Trump does not have an paramilitary army of 100k plus who can smash the fuck out of anyone who does not follow Trump. No, i think you need an honest appraisal of the enemy. For all their hot talk, it's nothing but vapour.





Things have changed a lot since 2018 though flypanam . I’m much less hopeful than I was then. How about you?
I'm a bit less hopeful - tho overwhelmingly because I thought it was so hard for Clinton to lose last time - pretty much everything had to go right for Trump for him to win. But it did.

Three key differences this time, i think:

Misogyny - there's barely any political difference between Clinton and Biden, but there is that gender difference. There are sadly more than one or two people who just couldn't bring themselves to vote for a woman as there CinC. That's probably worth a point.

Lack of complacency - Clinton really blew it by failing to campaign in various states she saw as a shoo-in. Complete idiocy which isn't being repeated this time. Worth a couple of points, in key states.

Money - I think the dems have actually been clever this time. They've made Trump waste money on pointless ads, draining his slush fund. It seemed utterly absurd when Bloomberg threw his hat in so late in the game, but now I think it was all just a ploy. Trump wasted millions on an ad in the Superbowl, because Bloomberg did. That's money he hasn't got to spend later (ie, now) when it is actually critical. Playing up to his ego, his unwillingness to be outdone was smart.

Of course Biden could well still blow it with a lousy performance tonight, but if he keeps his cool, Trump will be in a whole lot of shit.
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Trump's problem tonight will be that he set the bar incredibly low for Biden by spending the last six months portraying him as a senile, doddering, old fool incapable of stringing a sentence together, meaning Biden will be able to win just by appearing to be more lucid than Grampa Simpson.

Trump's team realises this, which is why they've starting calling for drug tests before the debate, and earlier today demanded that a neutral third party check both candidates for earpieces.
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