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US election 2020 thread

I understand where you're coming from but "the reight ear" for that article is as fucking mental as the assertions the writer is making.

Yes but this whole shit show is fucking mental. It’s pointless trying to understand it from a rational sane standpoint.

(I’ve corrected the autocorrect mistake)
I wish...

I understand that betting odds mean nothing in terms of outcome. But the odds have shortened, which is indicative of mood etc.

He really could win it.

one of the articles you've quoted is from 2018.
This strikes me as very naive tbh.

All of it but especially the bit I’ve bolded

There is nothing he won’t do in order to hang onto power, not only for the next four years but for as long as he can. He’ll work to extend his tenure not because he wants to be president (he doesn’t give a shit about America or the people) but because of power and control. He’s working this shit out as he goes along, taking each and every opportunity to bulldoze his way into the history books. He’ll ride roughshod over and through all the constitutional checks and balances. There are enough arselicks who want to ride his coat-tails that will work to enable him.

He’ll sit and watch non-Trump America /Americans go down in flames. He’s already doing it. And whatever he doesn’t manage himself his acolytes will grant him. Look at the way they drive their cars into demonstrators, shoot and beat them in the street. We’ll look back at the anti racist and BLM stuff with fond nostalgia for a more gentle age

A year ago, who would have predicted he’d be nominated for the peace prize? I laid a bet with a friend that he’d be nominated; and he could win it.

We’re through the looking glass, we’re off the edge of the map with this shit.. Here be dragons.

I can imagine a narrow loss, huge long winded shenanigans as it’s all disputed endlessly while Trump builds his support both politically and otherwise, possibly some kind of uneasy determination for Biden, and then a Trump coup.

He’d raise an army if he felt the need.

He doesn’t care about anything other than what he wants. He’s like a zombie or an automaton, motivated purely by what he covets.

I know this sounds like hysterical nonsense, and I know common sense, the law and political reality stands in the way; but those are constructs and artefacts of a sane system and rely on consensus. Trump doesn’t need give a single solitary shit about consensus, and not do his supporters. It’s mob rule.
I’m not sure I’m being naive but am happy to be wrong. ;) I think the trade dispute with China has hit American agriculture quite hard especially in the dairy and soya sectors. I think the impact to their wealth (farmers) will cause a re think.
Yes but this whole shit show is fucking mental. It’s pointless trying to understand it from a rational sane standpoint.

(I’ve corrected the autocorrect mistake)
I know it is. I was merely posting up a clarification for my reaction to spring-peeper 's post so they didn't end up thinking I was mocking them or making light of the content. Sometimes, when faced with the insanity, all you can do is laugh at the futility of it all.
Even the top brass of the Republicans, including Mitch O'Connell are saying trump will have to go, in the event he loses the election. Trump's idea of being a macho hardman is taking people to court, this whole thing smells of an under threat CEO trying to regain his position.

yes I saw the headline but I'm not sure (a) they are being at all honest and (b) they can give those assurances. Trump would sack anyone in a moment who came up against him - just look at all the people he's sacked and turned on.
It's obvious that postal votes from Democrat voters are going to be blocked (Trump has been complaining about postal votes for months now and postal votes are more likely to be from Democrat voters - overwhelmingly infact) and the result is also likely to be announced too early, meaning a Trump 'win' (coup). This sort of thing has happened before though- remember when Bush Jr stole the Presidency from Al Gore in 2000? And Trump didn't even win the popular vote at the last election.

This time though there is the likelyhood of chaos and more bloodshed, possibly even a civil war.
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It just won't work. Everyone knows Biden isn't a socialist, and Harris is way too centrist.
Tbh, it smacks of desperation

You'd be surprised. Talk to Trump supporters and Biden is seen as communist/socialist/Marxist/leftist/liberal etc etc.

He really is jack of all trades, according to the Trump cult :rolleyes:
If you ask me the Democrats need to make the most of the story about Trump stopping face masks being distributed by the USPS to try and get as many votes as possible.

I am on neither side though, I'm neither for bourgeois democracy or far-right populism/fascism (just two different ways of managing capitalism that have often worked together). The prospect of a Biden win doesn't give me any hope or positivity- it will just be business as usual, with capitalism continuing to harm and destroy humanity around the globe and rape the planet.

Things will likely continue to get worse with Biden as President because the capitalist system requires more 'growth' (profit for the rich) to function, meaning more exploitation and harm and more destruction of the environment. This is why capitalism needs to go, in any and all of it's forms, people insist on propping it up and supporting it though.
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You'd be surprised. Talk to Trump supporters and Biden is seen as communist/socialist/Marxist/leftist/liberal etc etc.

He really is jack of all trades, according to the Trump cult :rolleyes:
Sure, amongst the Trump cultists.
But the key point is, nowhere near everyone who voted for Trump in 2016 is a Trump cultist - in fact, the Cultist may be a minority of those. There's certainly not enough of them to get him over the line this time (and he won very narrowly last time - 60,000 of his votes going the other way would have won it for HRC last time, if those votes were in the right places).
It's the swing voters who will decide this, and I don't think it will work with them.
The conspiracy theory is that Biden is being 'handled' or 'used' by 'left-wingers'. The reality is that Biden is using left-wing social-democrats such as Bernie Sanders, AOC and Ilhan Omar, giving them a pat on the head so he can use them to get more votes and backing. He'll give them some bullshit unity commision position. So it's actually the other way around, Biden is using their popularity for his own ends.
Sure, amongst the Trump cultists.
But the key point is, nowhere near everyone who voted for Trump in 2016 is a Trump cultist - in fact, the Cultist may be a minority of those. There's certainly not enough of them to get him over the line this time (and he won very narrowly last time - 60,000 of his votes going the other way would have won it for HRC last time, if those votes were in the right places).
It's the swing voters who will decide this, and I don't think it will work with them.

Yes, but:

It's obvious that postal votes from Democrat voters are going to be blocked (Trump has been complaining about postal votes for months now and postal votes are more likely to be from Democrat voters) and the result is also likely to be announced too early, meaning a Trump 'win' (coup). There will be chaos and more bloodshed, possibly even a civil war.
It's obvious that postal votes from Democrat voters are going to be blocked (Trump has been complaining about postal votes for months now and postal votes are more likely to be from Democrat voters - overwhelmingly infact) and the result is also likely to be announced too early, meaning a Trump 'win' (coup).
I think there's too much pre-emption and preparedness from te Dems to make either a real 'goer', let alone one that hands it to Trump on a plate.
He can't also really rely on the SCOTUS. The key thing to remember about so-called 'Conservative' justices is that they are strict, even pedantic constitutionalists. The Constitution is their Ark of the Covenant. They regard the integrity and preservation of that Constitution as being much, much more important thanthe affiliations of any Presidential election contest
I think there's too much pre-emption and preparedness from te Dems to make either a real 'goer', let alone one that hands it to Trump on a plate.
He can't also really rely on the SCOTUS. The key thing to remember about so-called 'Conservative' justices is that they are strict, even pedantic constitutionalists. The Constitution is their Ark of the Covenant. They regard the integrity and preservation of that Constitution as being much, much more important thanthe affiliations of any Presidential election contest

I hope that's true. However, some of those pedantic Constitutionalists have bent themselves into pretzels to give corporations the same or better rights than real persons. If you read some of the federalist papers and look at the first laws of the country, they were very wary of giving power to corporations. Nevertheless, a number of so-called originalists voted for Citizen's United.
I hope that's true. However, some of those pedantic Constitutionalists have bent themselves into pretzels to give corporations the same or better rights than real persons. If you read some of the federalist papers and look at the first laws of the country, they were very wary of giving power to corporations. Nevertheless, a number of so-called originalists voted for Citizen's United.
Yes, you have a point there.
Sincerely hope you're right. It worked for Bush though didn't it?
Sure, but this is a very different situation.
here, absolutely everyone confidently expects all mannert of dodgy shenanigans, and is planning accordingly
e2a: I have never witnessed any election as batshit mental as this.
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