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US election 2020 thread

Total fearmongering

If you think your choice in this election is Donald Trump versus Joe Biden, you’re blind, deaf or really dumb. Biden’s not the candidate. Biden is just a placeholder, a brand name at the top to scam voters. But he will never serve as the actual president. Who’s dumb enough to not see that?

The real behind-the-scenes winners will be Kamala Harris as president and Nancy Pelosi as vice president. Add in the infamous radical Commie Squad as the Cabinet. That’s who’s really running the Democratic Party nowadays: Reps. Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. And don’t forget former President Barack Obama and Rep. Maxine Waters for the Supreme Court.

That’s the team you’re really voting for when you vote for Biden: two California crazies and a bunch of commies (literally).

..and it continues....

Poor Joe clearly has signs of dementia. He’s very old, feeble, mumbling and bumbling, at times incoherent. He can’t string three good sentences together. He hides in his basement with a mask. Since Labor Day, President Trump has held rallies in front of 62,000 Americans, versus Biden, who has spoken in front of 64, mostly members of the media.

But don’t worry about Biden. No need to ever mention him again. He’s just the placeholder. He’ll be president in name only.

With a President Kamala Harris and Vice President Nancy Pelosi running the show, there is no debate, no question, on what you’ll get: THE END OF AMERICA.
"Get rid of the ballots and there won't be a transfer of power"

of course he's talking out of his hole, ramping up the rigged shit talk, just like he did in October 4 years ago.
Maybe he's preparing the ground for negotiating a deal with Biden, should he lose. "I'll leave Office quietly in exchange for complete immunity from prosecution (or automatic pardon) for me and my whole team." As an opening gambit to a supine, newly-elected President facing a split country and civil conflict, I'm sure Biden and the Democratic Party leadership would be tempted.
The greater the threat of turmoil the stronger Trump's negotiating position.
of course he's talking out of his hole, ramping up the rigged shit talk, just like he did in October 4 years ago.
Do you mean you think its just bluster and nonsense and that when it comes to it he'll just be a bit annoyed but will be escorted from the white house like a normal person? i don't think so.
Do you mean you think its just bluster and nonsense and that when it comes to it he'll just be a bit annoyed but will be escorted from the white house like a normal person? i don't think so.
No I don’t think it’s all bluster but it’s a way to stir up his support. I’m not sure the situation in the States is so unruly that the state itself would be happy with him not handing over office. I’m off the opinion that his drop in rural support will hurt him and the Republicans bad Enough that he’ll lose the presidency and the republicans the senate.
He’s more of a carter type president than anything else, he’s the end of something not the beginning.
any attempt by trump to hold onto power via legal challenges and sundry shenanigans would - I would guess - provoke massive demonstrations - met by a violent police response and trumps supporters piling in as well. scary shit. And I fear anything short of an overwhelming democrat victory will see Trump challenge the result.
the "biden has dementia" trope was supplemented by the "he must be on drugs to be coherent" trope, which has now, in the run-up to the debates, been replaced by the "he's actually pretty sharp" trope to make trump look like anything when biden overmatches him. am off to class, may get examples of these later.
Its cute that anyone imagines an incoming democrat president would prosecute an outgoing republican president. So sweet.

If I'm reading this article right, Trump could face charges from state and federal prosecutors upon leaving office, which the next president would have nothing to do with. Do you think President Biden would pardon all of Trump's crimes, including the ones committed before attaining office? Even if Biden does that, or if Trump steps aside so that Pence can pardon him, (this seems unlikely to happen but I mention it as a possibility anyway), there are also state-level investigations for which Trump cannot be pardoned by a president if found guilty.

If Trump is somehow allowed to weasel his way out of everything, then the US ruling classes are even more fucked in the long-term, it would be another nail in the coffin of government legitimacy.
The guy is preparing to unleash utter mayhem to stay in power. No other American President has ever acted like this:eek:

He might just be refusing to commit to going quietly if his goons can come up with a credible (to his fans) reason for why there were voting irregularities etc.

That said, he has flip-flopped on so many things that you'd think he could easily get away with saying he will accept the result, and then doing whatever later.
I don't know the exact mechanism by which Trump won't be prosecuted, but politics says he won't be.

While Trump is an unusual president, no incoming democrat would wish to set a precedent of the outgoing president being prosecuted, 'cause there's a good chance that four or eight years down the line, the republicans will be taking it back, and out for blood. It's just not going to happen.
I don't know the exact mechanism by which Trump won't be prosecuted, but politics says he won't be.

While Trump is an unusual president, no incoming democrat would wish to set a precedent of the outgoing president being prosecuted, 'cause there's a good chance that four or eight years down the line, the republicans will be taking it back, and out for blood. It's just not going to happen.
Absolutely, and that's why it won't happen uj nless there is overwhelming evidence of Trump's criminality, in which case Pres Biden will, 'reluctantly, overwhelmingly, and with the heaviest of hearts," press charges.
In actual fact, the scenario you outlined pretty much did happen; one of the reasons why the GOP gunned so hard for Clinton (over what, let's face it, added up to a blow-job) was to even the scores for Nixon. They realised early on with Carter they simply couldn't make anything stick to him.
The guy is preparing to unleash utter mayhem to stay in power. No other American President has ever acted like this:eek:
I'm not so sure if it's mayhem, but Trump is not as strong as Regan, Bush H and W in terms of popular appeal but his main basis of support is minoritarian institutions, that are built to protect the numerical minority; the senate, the electoral college, and supreme court which may explain his haste to get his nomination onto the Supreme Court before the election.
The police seems stuffed full of white supremacists, but I wonder how much support he has in the military.
No I don’t think it’s all bluster but it’s a way to stir up his support. I’m not sure the situation in the States is so unruly that the state itself would be happy with him not handing over office. I’m off the opinion that his drop in rural support will hurt him and the Republicans bad Enough that he’ll lose the presidency and the republicans the senate.
He’s more of a carter type president than anything else, he’s the end of something not the beginning.

This strikes me as very naive tbh.

All of it but especially the bit I’ve bolded

There is nothing he won’t do in order to hang onto power, not only for the next four years but for as long as he can. He’ll work to extend his tenure not because he wants to be president (he doesn’t give a shit about America or the people) but because of power and control. He’s working this shit out as he goes along, taking each and every opportunity to bulldoze his way into the history books. He’ll ride roughshod over and through all the constitutional checks and balances. There are enough arselicks who want to ride his coat-tails that will work to enable him.

He’ll sit and watch non-Trump America /Americans go down in flames. He’s already doing it. And whatever he doesn’t manage himself his acolytes will grant him. Look at the way they drive their cars into demonstrators, shoot and beat them in the street. We’ll look back at the anti racist and BLM stuff with fond nostalgia for a more gentle age

A year ago, who would have predicted he’d be nominated for the peace prize? I laid a bet with a friend that he’d be nominated; and he could win it.

We’re through the looking glass, we’re off the edge of the map with this shit.. Here be dragons.

I can imagine a narrow loss, huge long winded shenanigans as it’s all disputed endlessly while Trump builds his support both politically and otherwise, possibly some kind of uneasy determination for Biden, and then a Trump coup.

He’d raise an army if he felt the need.

He doesn’t care about anything other than what he wants. He’s like a zombie or an automaton, motivated purely by what he covets.

I know this sounds like hysterical nonsense, and I know common sense, the law and political reality stands in the way; but those are constructs and artefacts of a sane system and rely on consensus. Trump doesn’t need give a single solitary shit about consensus, and not do his supporters. It’s mob rule.
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I only laugh reacted to the post as the content from that article is so batshit bonkers...

It’s not though. Or at least, it doesn’t feel like it to Trump supporters. Compare it to the way the left were talking about Steve Bannon and Pence being smuggled in behind Trump as the stooge. That sounded and felt real to some at this end of the spectrum. This stuff feels and sounds right from the other end.
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A year ago, who would have predicted he’d be nominated for the peace prize? I laid a bet with a friend that he’d be nominated; and he could win it.
it happens more or less every year that some nazi-adjacent norse MP nominates some comic book supervillain or the other for the peace prize, so yeah, there was no way he was going to make it through his tenure without this happening. It doesn't mean anything though - it's trolling.
It’s not though. Or at least, it doesn’t feel like it to Trump supporters. Compare it to the way the left were talking about Steve Bannon and Pence being smuggled in behind Trump as the stooge. That sounded and felt real to some at this end of the spectrum. This stuff feels and sounds right ear from the other end.
I understand where you're coming from but "the reight ear" for that article is as fucking mental as the assertions the writer is making.
it happens more or less every year that some nazi-adjacent norse MP nominates some comic book supervillain or the other for the peace prize, so yeah, there was no way he was going to make it through his tenure without this happening. It doesn't mean anything though - it's trolling.

I wish...

Donald Trump is now the bookie's favourite to win the Nobel Peace Prize this year, after the President accepted an invitation to meet Kim Jong Un.

Ladbrokes has set 2/1 odds on Trump scooping the prize, which was last year awarded to a group which campaigned to abolish nuclear weapons.

I understand that betting odds mean nothing in terms of outcome. But the odds have shortened, which is indicative of mood etc.

He really could win it.

President Trump “has broken a 39-year streak of American presidents either starting a war or bringing the United States into an international armed conflict.” The Norwegian official who said that, in nominating Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize, minced no words about why the president should win it.
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