In Jamaica, many middle-class families have a home-help. This person lives in and has food provided. They are cook and cleaner and washer and child-minder: it may seem a lot of work but they get a lot of free time for loafing in the sun and, usually, they become just part of the family. They receive very little wages but there is no shortage of people looking to be home helps because they get to live in a bit of city luxury rather than in rural poverty.
When a person is living in and expected to be reasonably available to help the family out, you can't apply normal minimum wage or normal weekly hour rules. And, yes you can find cases where the system is abused and the home-help is treated appallingly but these are the exception. The home-help would just go back to her agency and ask for another family.
I can imagine this same sort of situation applying here. Just because the employer is dark-skinned does not mean she is a primitive slave-driver or an arrogant bitch.