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Vehicle explodes on US Canadian border

My accelerator stuck once while on the motorway. It was pretty fucking scary. My immediate thought was to take it out of gear. Then I thought the engine was going to blow. Luckily it was quite late at night and there wasn't many cars about so I was able turn the ignition off and coast over to the hard shoulder.

I've had quite a few close calls in my time. I consider myself pretty fucking lucky to still be alive.
Kind of surprising that such a high-class brand of vehicle could have such a basic and critical problem with the accelerator. Or did the owner not get that problem looked at, despite being apparently wealthy enough to own and operate a Bentley?
Sometimes cars have a little niggle or something not right and it’s not worth the hassle of sorting it out, as much as the cost. Sometimes faults are intermittent or just go away, or you just wait it out to see what is happening before deciding to get it looked at. Wealthy people often value their time quite highly, so in some ways may be less likely to go out of there way to get something dealt with that they might not perceive as serious (yet).
Vincent A. Ettari, a civil engineer in Westchester County, N.Y., who serves as an expert witness on road design in court cases, said that a trail of dark vapor visible behind the car as it flew through the air in surveillance footage suggested that the driver was alert and not impaired, and that he had been pressing on the brakes.

This is an intresting comment. A civil engineer specialising in road design isn't the sort of expert I'd expect to be offering an opinion on the failure mode of a car. If the road had failed and caused the issue sure ask a civil engineer but a mechanical engineer preferably an automotive engineer or a forensic specialist feel like the right person to be offering this sort of opinion.
see american don't tend to do manual cars

so in that situation your be completely fooked

maybe knock into neutral would help

knock the engine off would cause you to lose power steering and it would lock not the best if you doing 110 miles an hour
I had a car that tried to kill me. The accelerator didn't stick. It was some weird thing with the timing chain where it would shift into a higher gear and not shift down again. The first time it happened I chalked it up to a fluke. The second time, I took it to a mechanic, and he checked it over and said it was ok. It had been a good car for almost 20 years, so I didn't want to get rid of it. I also didn't want some unsuspecting person to buy it. The third time, it tried to drag me through a red light with me standing on the brake. I was finally able to get a mechanic to listen to me and he found the problem and fixed it.

What the mechanic told me to do was to put it into neutral and coast to a stop. On some cars, turning the ignition off, also shuts power off to the brakes and power steering.
see american don't tend to do manual cars

so in that situation your be completely fooked

maybe knock into neutral would help

knock the engine off would cause you to lose power steering and it would lock not the best if you doing 110 miles an hour
I'd be trying something well before it hit 110mph :eek:
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I had a car that tried to kill me. The accelerator didn't stick. It was some weird thing with the timing chain where it would shift into a higher gear and not shift down again. The first time it happened I chalked it up to a fluke. The second time, I took it to a mechanic, and he checked it over and said it was ok. It had been a good car for almost 20 years, so I didn't want to get rid of it. I also didn't want some unsuspecting person to buy it. The third time, it tried to drag me through a red light with me standing on the brake. I was finally able to get a mechanic to listen to me and he found the problem and fixed it.

What he told me to do was to put it into neutral and coast to a stop. On some cars, turning the ignition off, also shuts power off to the brakes.
Wait a minute, I've read this one before...

:eek: :eek: :eek:
I'd be trying something well before it hit 110mph :eek:

You might not have as long as you think, these things are stupidly fast.

0-80 km/h (sec):2.4
0-100 km/h (sec):3.4
0-160 km/h (sec):7.6

That's from a standing start so if you were barreling along at 55mph or whatever you'd have maybe 3 seconds to react? 2 of which would be your brain denying what was happening, 1 second of sheer panic and then...
I'd be trying something well before it hit 110mph :eek:

The Bentley Flying Spur goes 0-60 from a standing start in 3.7 seconds. Probably less if you're already rolling. That doesn't seem like a hell of a lot of time to realise what's wrong and then find a solution that works, especially since you might be panicking at the time. If you're driving something more sedate like a VW Golf GTE, then you'd get 6.7 seconds, which still isn't a great deal of time IMO.
hmm did not help that guy who skoda crashed on the m40

Skoda driver decapitated after claiming car's cruise control was stuck.

Vw is a massive company and the bentley spur is a british hand built car based around a VW model

Regardless this could of be avoid if as anyone with sense should not if the break or the loud paddle are broken on your car

drive something else ffs
I'm a nervous driver at the best of times but that kind of thing doesn't help. Putting the handbrake on at 100 mph would be quite an experience 😕
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