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Serbia military building up along Kosovo border

Replied to early post.
I read the rest of the thread.
I've then given up.
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Does the Azeris rolling into Nagorno-Karabakh unopposed seem like a factor? Should think it would encourage Belgrade to think they could do similar without consequences.
Friend G told me she was aware Kosovo formal recognition became a non starter after Crimea as mood in UN turned against break aways. Given armament Belgrade is coming out of Russia and China that's the UN neutered. Not good
Why does my not caring about what they say mean that somebody shouldn't reply? I don't deny anybody the right to reply, rarely attack them unless attacked myself, have never reported anybody to a moderator, put them on ignore or demanded they be excluded from a thread. I 'berate' people for being obsessed with other posters rather than the subject. Such people do, I admit, puzzle me. After all, they don't spend life in the real world only among people who agree with them, and never will, so why here? Genuinely unfathomable.

Once again-does anybody have anything to say about the subject of the thread?
What's their end game? I thought Serbia was being welcomed back into the European fold. I know the RN had a mission over there making friends partners for peace etc. Population of Kosovo still hate them.
What's their end game? I thought Serbia was being welcomed back into the European fold. I know the RN had a mission over there making friends partners for peace etc. Population of Kosovo still hate them.
The ethnic Serbian population of Kosovo probably have a more nuanced attitude towards Serbia.
Back to the subject again. Was Tito right in clamping down on any resurfacing of ethnic nationalism? Given what happened, and is continuing, I'd say so. It's only a pity he didn't cut off a whole generation of nationalist activists with a bullet to each head. If it had been possible to suss out the likes of Milosevic and Tudjman (sp.) so early, it might have been some sort of solution.

It wouldn't- there'd simply have been others. Much as Tito was / is a hero of mine his politics are now about as relevant as those of Lord Salisbury's.
Less than 2% of the population. I don't think anyone is going to tolerate the Serbs trying anything again

Vučić has stated that he "fears" further provocations in Kosovo, Montenegro and the RS entity in BiH in 2024. It's autocrat speak meaning that he intends fermenting further discord in all three territories.

Von der Leyen was humiliated in a recent news conference with Vučić, who starkly told journalists in her presence that the movements of the Serbian army and its day to day orders were a matter for him alone.

The EU and US is reaping the whirlwind from its disastrous policy of appeasement towards Vučić, turning a blind eye to his maneovres in the hope that Serbia's being in good standing with them and the international community matters.

They've been asleep at the wheel as China has increased its presence markedly in the fomer Yugoslavia- notably Serbia, BiH and North Macedonia- through trade & infrastructure projects. The Russians have also been on diplomatic maneovres but to be honest I think the significance of those has been over-stated.

Serbian support for EU membership amongst the voters has declined markedly in recent years and the EU is widely seen in the region as untrustworthy, duplicitous and moralising in rhetoric whilst pretty nasty in reality. Moreover, with the focus having shifted to try and bring the conflict in Ukraine to an end, and with the global diplomatic corps focused on that and the unfolding crimes against humanity in Palestine, ex-Yugoslavia is absolutely no-one's priority. The clientilist relationships that have been in place since the wars of Yugoslav succession in the 1990s are altering rapidly and with profound consequences for the region.

Autocrats like Vučić have seen Israel commit war crimes and genocide in Gaza and nothing has happened- the international community has not taken action. He will have noted that carefully. Whilst nothing can be guaranteed, it wouldn't surprise me at all if something military happens in ex-Yu next year. I fervently hope not, but the political mood is currently bleak and the influence of the US and EU, with their current absurd policy, weakens day by day.
What would be your message to ethnic Serbs living in that bit of the North that has a Serbian majority?
Bit like the ethnic Serbs that were living in the Krajina when Croatia was recognised as independant....my ex-inlaws came from there and lost family in the terrible aftermath that was never mentioned in the media at the time.....people were burnt out of their homes.....my ex mil lost a cousin (burnt in his home) whilst his wife fled in just her nightie......i really hope all this doesn't start up again

Well the speaker of the parliament of Montenegro, together with the "equivalent" in the RS entity of Bosnia and the speaker of teh Serbian parliament, have apparently signed a secret declaration aiming at the estalishment of a confederal "Union of Serbian Countries"- the agreement signed in mid-November.

Very alarming indeed- full article here

I expect some sort of incident either next year or the following year at the latest.

Vučić yesterday gave his view on how he sees 2024 shaping up for Serbia, on a TV discussion programme. Not only does he absolve Milošević from any blame for the events of the 1990s (all caused by "the West" apparently), he ridicules other ex-Yugo state leaders for aligning their foreign policy with the EU.

Most damningly, he seems to be hoping for an alignemnt of the stars; the continued fraying of Western resolve in Ukraine together with military setbacks, followed by a Trump victory over Biden. Whilst not explicitly stating it, he spends much time lavishing prise on Aliyev and the Azerbaijani reclaiming of Nagorno Karabakh. Take away: he is hoping for a favourable alignment of the geopolitical stars enabling him to "take back what is divinely ours".

Makes the European and American appeasement of Vučić at the expense of Kurti, look even more ludicrous, to be honest. Vučić increasingly can't be bothered with the pretence of going along with their agenda.

In short it seems absolutely fanciful 1. that there won't be escalation of events in Kosova and (perhaps) eastern Bosnia, together with diplomatic initatives to hollow out the independence of Montengro, in the next 1-2 years. 2. Much less clear that there is any appetite in an over-stretched NATO / "West" to confront it or do anything in response. Trump certainly would shrug and do fuck all.

Kremlin welcomes Aleksandar Vucic's victory in Serbian elections​

The Kremlin has welcomed the victory claimed in parliamentary elections by Serbian leader Aleksandar Vučić’s party (see earlier post at 08.32).

Vučić said on Sunday his Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), which has been in power since 2012, won the vote, while official results are expected late on Monday.

Opposition parties have claimed electoral fraud favouring the government, and called for a recount.

“We welcome this achievement from Vučić,” Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

Peskov, who referred to Serbia as a “brotherly” country, said Moscow hoped the result would lead to the “further strengthening of friendship” between the countries.

Serbia and Russia have historically close ties, with Belgrade not joining international sanctions against Moscow for its full-scale invasion of Ukraine last February.

Vučić yesterday gave his view on how he sees 2024 shaping up for Serbia, on a TV discussion programme. Not only does he absolve Milošević from any blame for the events of the 1990s (all caused by "the West" apparently), he ridicules other ex-Yugo state leaders for aligning their foreign policy with the EU.

Most damningly, he seems to be hoping for an alignemnt of the stars; the continued fraying of Western resolve in Ukraine together with military setbacks, followed by a Trump victory over Biden. Whilst not explicitly stating it, he spends much time lavishing prise on Aliyev and the Azerbaijani reclaiming of Nagorno Karabakh. Take away: he is hoping for a favourable alignment of the geopolitical stars enabling him to "take back what is divinely ours".

Makes the European and American appeasement of Vučić at the expense of Kurti, look even more ludicrous, to be honest. Vučić increasingly can't be bothered with the pretence of going along with their agenda.

In short it seems absolutely fanciful 1. that there won't be escalation of events in Kosova and (perhaps) eastern Bosnia, together with diplomatic initatives to hollow out the independence of Montengro, in the next 1-2 years. 2. Much less clear that there is any appetite in an over-stretched NATO / "West" to confront it or do anything in response. Trump certainly would shrug and do fuck all.

think memories are long and we still have some spare stormshadows with the GPS upgrade Vucic won't live to regret starting some shit
Thousands accuse Serbia’s ruling populists of election fraud at a Belgrade rally
December 30, 2023
BELGRADE, Serbia (AP) — Thousands of people rallied in Serbia’s capital on Saturday, chanting “Thieves!” and accusing the populist authorities of President Aleksandar Vucic of orchestrating a fraud during a recent general election.

The big rally in central Belgrade capped nearly two weeks of street protests against reported widespread irregularities during the Dec. 17 parliamentary and local ballot that were also noted by international election observers.
The ruling Serbian Progressive Party was declared the election winner but the main opposition alliance, Serbia Against Violence, has claimed the election was stolen, particularly in the vote for the Belgrade city authorities.

Serbia Against Violence has led daily protests since Dec. 17 demanding that the vote be annulled and rerun. Tensions have soared following violent incidents and arrests of opposition supporters at a protest last weekend.
Can't find much from last week. Is there popular support for the protests?
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