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Urban v's the Commentariat

If only there was some way of seeing if x-twitter posts were currently on someone's timeline. Or even mentioned on anyone else's.
(Of course, without supporting fascism by, you know, looking). :D

(Is deliberately misspelling people's names one of those, whatchamacallit, "meme" things? It's so hard for us oldies to keep up).
I thought Sunday was Monday which was a bit depressing until I realized it was Sunday, but by that time I'd spent all day thinking Sunday was Monday and at which time it was Monday again :(.
If only there was some way of seeing if x-twitter posts were currently on someone's timeline. Or even mentioned on anyone else's.
(Of course, without supporting fascism by, you know, looking). :D

(Is deliberately misspelling people's names one of those, whatchamacallit, "meme" things? It's so hard for us oldies to keep up).
Yeah yeah. :)

The tweet I grabbed it from said he posted it and the deleted it some time later.
Increasingly hard to defend Bastani's attempts at populist rhetoric as he gestures towards an imagined past and favours nationalist posturing

It's so constant as well. Every day he's on there trying to pick some position he thinks everyone can like, such as being against dangerous dogs, or against modern architecture. Does he not get tired?
Increasingly hard to defend Bastani's attempts at populist rhetoric as he gestures towards an imagined past and favours nationalist posturing

It's so constant as well. Every day he's on there trying to pick some position he thinks everyone can like, such as being against dangerous dogs, or against modern architecture. Does he not get tired?

I don't think anyone has defended him on here for several years now, but I agree he seems to have got markedly worse in the last few months.

A definitve shift into commentating on whatever the media is wanging on about rather than having a political analysis. "Common sense" and all that.
Tbf, in my experience he's improved immensely since it became impossible to look at xtwitterx without an account, meaning that I'm completely unaware of whatever he's on about unless someone posts it on here. Can anyone find that one old tweet where he denied the US Civil War?
In other news, I'm applying for the job of proofreader at Novara, since it seems like they really need one:
Aaron Bastani getting called out at length

I am writing this statement as unfortunately Novara Media have left me little choice. In light of the organization’s refusal to address the actions of one of its senior employees that led to the persecution of three young women of color and their ultimate conviction under the UK’s racist and Islamophobic counterterrorism laws, I have asked that my interviews be removed from their platforms. Amidst an ongoing genocide, and at a time in which Palestinian political expression is under attack, this staff member chose to collaborate with the British police and the right wing media in their campaign of persecution, incitement, and hate-mongering. This has caused serious legal and social repercussions and psychological harm to the individuals involved. I have been the target of countless smear campaigns which I have usually disregarded as background noise. However, I chose to speak out in this instance, even though it did not directly affect me, because the silence of Novara, an organization self-described as “always politically committed,” represents a complete failure in upholding the principles of accountability, solidarity, and anti-racism, and should concern us all.One might argue that Aaron Bastani’s actions fall within the realm of free speech, however, exploiting an atmosphere that is already hostile to Palestinians and collaborating with the British establishment to smear, police, and punish us and our allies sounds less like free speech and more like harassment and incitement. Where does Novara, an institution that purports itself to be a voice on the side of justice, stand when one of its staff members causes such harm? Bastani’s actions—and his colleagues’ silence—must not be separated from this context. Demanding accountability is not “sowing division,” what is divisive is putting a target on the most vulnerable among us, the most susceptible to state violence. Novara’s above-average reporting on Palestine is not a gift they are bestowing upon us, it is as simple as journalists doing their job. It does not give them a special license to police our movement. (There is a joke to be made here about British institutions and colonial legacies.) If Novara wants to contribute to the larger anti-capitalist, anti-racist movement, it has a responsibility to hold itself accountable for violence that is produced within its own institution.

for this

Even if you think the paragliders aren't a good look for the demo keep your mouth shut and stop supporting the perspective of the state and police
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If it is just that post, I don't see the problem as his comment is fair enough. Also, I seriously doubt they were arrested as a consequence of Bastani's post.
Yeah, I don't love finding myself defending Bastani cos I think he's a fucking clown overall, but there's much better things to criticise him for. Obv if I've missed something and he actually doxxed them or something then that's a different matter, but if it is literally just that one post calling them idiots then all the talk of "violence that is produced within its own institution" seems a bit overblown.
I'd agree with you hitmouse.
And considering the anti-semitsm, often unthinking, that sometimes creeps discussion of Isreal (even some examples of it on U75) it is important that people don't just keep their mouths shut.
Whether posting things on twitter is really all that helpful, well probably not. But pointing out the dodginess of the unthinking crap, and isolating the more ideological shite is not supporting the perspective of the state and police. It's part of us self-organising and something that needs to be done.
Also, even though it's been a while now, the basic comedic value of people logging on to the Elon Musk website to give their little morality lectures still hasn't worn off for me, if anything it gets funnier over time. I'm withdrawing all my work from Novara because I only want to contribute to really ethical, liberatory institutions, like the Elon Musk website.
I hate the tendency of some people on the left to expect some kind of pure perfect ideological stance (that chimes precisely with their own) from every high profile left journalist and publication and when that doesn't happen, the required action is an absolute condemnation / boycott rather than healthy debate. Classic vampire castle stuff I know but it doesn't get any less tedious or self-defeating. Like I've picked up a bit of sneering about Bastani interviewing right wing figures like Peter Hitchins - to me, that kind of intelligent political debate between very different viewpoints can be interesting in itself, plus the fact that some traditional conservatives have their own issues with the consequences of neoliberalism means there are opportunities there for coalition building on some issues. But no, lets just stay inside a rigidly policed ecosystem and shout at each other.
The main issue with Bastani is the trajectory he is on. Which is towards respectability and against anything disrespectable like many forms of direct action, unpopular strike action, rioting etc.
I agree that there is some evidence that he's on such a trajectory (though I haven't seen him criticise direct action or strikes? ) and completely fair enough to criticise points he makes that are along those lines - and debate him - and potentially pull him back from that, these trajectories aren't inevitable, although as chilango has pointed out probably reflects his life circumstances. But that doesn't mean he's suddenly completely beyond the pale, or doesn't have anything useful to say on any issue at all, or that Novara is now a risla paper away from being the Daily Mail.
I think there is a criticism to be made of Bastani here that he's in a position which directly benefits from throwing the occasional pile-on party against powerless people doing silly shit, but the reaction is also itself clearly, as hitmouse notes, selective in its performance.

Tbh though everyone involved is showing off in Britain to provoke or placate Brits on issues of reputable behaviour, to one degree or another. I don't really see any of it having much to do with helping actual Palestinians.
It comes across as purely a message of his own respectability to other media types imo.
Bin/ban ;)
It's also helped kill a few minutes on the train
I agree that there is some evidence that he's on such a trajectory (though I haven't seen him criticise direct action or strikes? )
In my view he is on a trajectory towards that. I.e. not done it yet.

I think it’s clear that the guy is an opportunist and is also not part of the revolutionary left fwiw.

That’s not a suggestion that everyone needs to purify themselves for fear of being excommunicated but simply a statement of where the guy is at.

Possibly some of the claims in that post criticising him are overblown. I don’t think that’s the main issue.
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It's always an issue when some talking head with a managerial approach appears to talk for and profit from the labour movement without much of a connection beyond wanting a career out of it.
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