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Urban v's the Commentariat

I still have no idea why I've heard of supertanskii or why I'm supposed to give a toss what she thinks.
She’s either John the Baptist Redux or A Vile Troll, depending on whether you’re Pepsi or Coke.

Or if you’re outside looking in, she’s an example of that bizarre thing: a Twitter celebrity, in a world where nobody in the media knows what to call Twitter any more.
Never stumbled across this thread before: apart from that spook Paul Mason and JK Rowling, never heard of95% of these people. Its great, like watching I’m a Celebrity Masterchef get me out of here. I positively revel in not knowing who these nonentities are—must be because I dont do Twitter (X?) or Facebook, two other things I’m happy about…Anyway, as you were, interruption over…
FML I've just spent an hour watching Bastani on Triggernometry. The 'good' bit is about 52 minutes onwards when having said a few times he's a Marxist / socialist throughout the talk then gets asked what left wing policies he'd bring in. He comes out with the most dull liberal nonsense about reducing the size of the House of Lords and paying local councillors more. They quite hilariously call him out on it a few times, with, "None of that is socialist, when do you seize the means of production?" to which he stutters and doesn't give any better responses (something about a Land Value Tax, etc.).

What a disingenuous political chameleon cunt. He should get a new Novara t-shirt printed saying, "I am literally a liberal."

Bet my Youtube algorithm is going to be horrible now I watched this.
FML I've just spent an hour watching Bastani on Triggernometry. The 'good' bit is about 52 minutes onwards when having said a few times he's a Marxist / socialist throughout the talk then gets asked what left wing policies he'd bring in. He comes out with the most dull liberal nonsense about reducing the size of the House of Lords and paying local councillors more. They quite hilariously call him out on it a few times, with, "None of that is socialist, when do you seize the means of production?" to which he stutters and doesn't give any better responses (something about a Land Value Tax, etc.).

What a disingenuous political chameleon cunt. He should get a new Novara t-shirt printed saying, "I am literally a liberal."

Bet my Youtube algorithm is going to be horrible now I watched this.

It's been a decade of steady decline since his gun-jumping toe-in-the-water of 2013 😥

Screenshot 2023-09-01 at 21.02.46.png
FML I've just spent an hour watching Bastani on Triggernometry. The 'good' bit is about 52 minutes onwards when having said a few times he's a Marxist / socialist throughout the talk then gets asked what left wing policies he'd bring in. He comes out with the most dull liberal nonsense about reducing the size of the House of Lords and paying local councillors more. They quite hilariously call him out on it a few times, with, "None of that is socialist, when do you seize the means of production?" to which he stutters and doesn't give any better responses (something about a Land Value Tax, etc.).

What a disingenuous political chameleon cunt. He should get a new Novara t-shirt printed saying, "I am literally a liberal."

Bet my Youtube algorithm is going to be horrible now I watched this.

Bloke is a total grifter. Waiting to do an Embery heel turn.
Have we had Ed Balls and Robert Peston playing Anarchy in the UK as a band called Centrist Dad yet? I think this is probably the thread for that, I suppose.
Bollocks looks like I missed this. 😉
Used to live nearby and popped down at the end of the day to see if anyone I knew was still standing (this is a mixed event of lots of famlies and lots of drinking.)
Caught the last 2 acts on the main stage, a Bob Marley tribute and a 2 tone/ska tribute band. Both were absolutey excellent and had a few hundred people bouncing up and down.
That's the same guy who wrote pro-fascist pieces for the Spectator, isn't it?
Yep, that's the one:
Taki said:
Golden Dawn came into being because of PC, poor Greeks at times getting fewer benefits than African illegal immigrants. Then GD became very popular with certain poor Greeks while it defended them from being mugged by Albanian criminals and drug dealers, and for safeguarding older folk after bank withdrawals. No, Golden Dawn is not house-trained, and many of its members tend to use rough language and get physical. None of them went to Eton, and none of their parents was my playmate when I was a child. But if they were lefties and railed against capitalism they would be treated like heroes, the way Bono, Bianca Jagger and other such untalented rappers and phonies are. Golden Dawn members might need some lessons in social etiquette, but what the bien pensant need much more is to get off the pot and their double standards. Golden Dawn members are mostly labourers, martial artists, cops, security personnel and good old-fashioned patriotic Greeks.
Much more on him here.

"Over the course of these lengthy proceedings, Ms Power was shown to have been operating an anonymous Twitter account, @gorsedd6, which she used to engage alongside Mr Miller in their aggressive course of bullying behaviour towards me. Ms Power also deleted the majority of the tweets from this account in December 2020, well into proceedings, claiming that they were not relevant to these proceedings. During this time, Mr Miller and Ms Power were also shown to have operated ‘Groyper’ accounts, which the Judge described as being “particularly enjoyed in the New Right milieu.” "

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