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Urban v's the Commentariat

I've heard of the first one in literary terms but I thought it applied to the ones who died not the ones still alive now.

I don't hear people using these terms about themselves or their contemporaries, and I see a lot of people who are over 75. Don't hear these terms used in our media. 'Bed-blocker' 'pensioners' perhaps 'silver surfers'. Usually just 'elderly' or 'old'.
I agree that they are usually just dismissively labelled as "old" :(
i see penny dreadful's sister is following in her footsteps working with that god-awful novara media bunch.

Be interested to hear you thoughts on Novara... I do/did like Novara, but the obvious ego and bluster has started to get quite grating, and topics increasingly often seem a bit shit. I also think that they think they're much cleverer than they actually are. Being well read isn't the same as being clever IMO.

The fully automated luxury communist stuff is interesting, but fucking annoying too. It's pretty easy for a load of academics and people who do totally socially useless jobs going on about automating all work. Maybe they should do a year in care work and then have a re-think.
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Be interested to hear you thoughts on Novara... I do/did like Novara, but the obvious ego and bluster has started to get quite grating, and topics increasingly often seem a bit shit. I also think that they think they're much cleverer than they actually are. Being well read isn't the same as being clever IMO.

The fully automated luxury communist stuff is interesting, but fucking annoying too. It's pretty easy for a load of academics and people who do totally socially useless jobs going on about automating all work. Maybe they should do a year in care work and then have a re-think.

a lot of us do socially useless stuff nowadays, but amongst the likes of Bastanni /the Novara lot, I doubt you'd find too many that undervalue the work of careworkers/health workers/ a load of other non automatable professions etc .
I also think that they think they're much cleverer than they actually are. Being well read isn't the same as being clever IMO.

My thoughts exactly, they just come across like a bunch of pompous twats to me. Bastani the lesser pompous twat.

As for penniless, he makes me want to chuck my radio out the window.
Living on the breadline? I assume that it isn't going to be about him then, I'm sure the Henry Jackson Society and other neocon think tanks don't pay NMW.
"What Podemos really need to do is get into Oxford, get a job at the Graunid then just chill and coast for a bit"
And Pm Press published author (sort of US based AK Press, set up by ex AKUK people in fact) who effectively run the Against the Grain show that i know J Ed loves.

So whose laughing now eh? :mad:
Paul Mason is either just a buzzword bingo merchant or a chump, isn't he?

"A Gramscian party in a non-Gramscian world." An interview with Paul Mason

He is asked:-

AS: One of Syriza’s main selling points was the idea of new politics, of doing politics differently, “We’re not going to be like the establishment parties.” Was there anything you found while filming Syriza which differentiated them from other parties and politicians you have previously covered?

There were massive differences. [... complete failure to list any differences]
they do feel some ministers did get too close. The other thing is the question of prioritisation. As Euclid Tsakalotos actually says to me in an interview that will come out later, probably over the weekend, ‘Yeah, we didn’t do enough on the oligarchy and corruption.’ Even if they didn’t get captured by the oligarchy and corruption, they now admit that they didn’t do enough on that. Yet the ideal time to fight oligarchy and corruption is when the masses are with you, and everybody’s overwhelmed.

He is constantly talking as if Syriza is not in power in anymore not administering privatisations ND never dreamed of actually pushing through.
just seen Penny Red on the Beeb Reggie Yates / MRA documentary, and in the context of Milo Y /Nero,Dapper Laughs, Roosh V + various other snivelling, deranged,mistanthropic excuses for humanity dribbling on, she was spot on - hearing about the abuse that she has to put up with from these scumbag's spineless, waste of space acolytes week in week out, makes me wonder about how much some of us ( me included, 100% ) direct our cynicism at her on here.
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just seen Penny Red on the Beeb Reggie Yates / MRA documentary, and in the context of Milo Y /Nero,Dapper Laughs, Roosh V + various other snivelling, deranged,mistanthropic excuses for humanity dribbling on, she was spot on - hearing about the abuse that she has to put up with from these scumbag's spineless, waste of space acolytes week in week out, makes me wonder about how much some of us ( me included, 100% ) direct our cynicism at her on here.
i saw the documentary and was meant to do a topic on it but never got round to it. some real horrible people on there and laurie penny wasn't one of them. that 18 year old lad going to speakers corner has to be seen to be believed!
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