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Urban v's the Commentariat

"Individualism", "personal brand" "gender fluid" etc is all bullshit but if some shops (ie the ones i can afford to shop in, not selfridges) start making "menswear"-type clothes to fit (pear-shaped, big-breasted) women, or at least stock more stuff for women who don't like wearing dresses or particularly feminine clothes, and if shop assistants are going to stop getting flustered because I've taken clothes from the menswear department into the women's changing room then that'll be an upside to this nonsense. Menswear is often better made, warmer, and more practical than womenswear, and can look good too.
I like this one though

You may have to post them here as we're mostly blocked.

I'm not sure how to do that, but I'll have a go.

In the meantime, can't you simply log off your twitter account and read them that way?

(I don't have a twitter account, and when I click on the link in gawkrodger's post, her tweet appears with all the responses under it. I possibly don't fully understand how it all works though...)
Here's a selection
Fair do's. She's hidden that "clever" core identity well, since reaching adulthood.
Clearly a MENSA plant in deep cover.
In a crowded field, definitely a contender for weirdest tweet of the year.
I hope one day you gain enough self awareness to realise how awful your tweets make you sound.This one's a real peach
CAN'T. EVEN. BREATHE. This is the funniest thing you've posted in ages!
You clearly have no concept of just how fatuous and self-absorbed you appear to those outside your echo chamber.
You clearly have no concept of just how fatuous and self-absorbed you appear to those outside your echo chamber. #ItsAllAboutMe
And perhaps my favourite
...and then you signed up for Twitter, and it all went horribly wrong.
I hate the word queer, what about all the people 'triggered' by the fact that when they were at school it was used as a term of homophobic abuse?

Not sure I like the use of the term queer in any context, tbh (well maybe the original meaning of the word as something odd and quirky). I know it's supposed to be a reclamation of a term of abuse with the intention of turning it into something positive, but it still just seems like sweary offensiveness to me. Maybe I'm just becoming an old fuddy duddy.
Isn't this a very old debate? I thought we reclaimed 'queer' long ago. Or is it just 'genderqueer' that worries people.

That all very old debate too, new langauge same old issues. Recall having those very discussions 30 years ago.
Hot right now? again...
She claims this generation is braver and less naive than any other? Tell that to those who went into any number of wars when they were teenagers.

There seems to be a generation name for anyone born after the war 'Baby boomers' onwards.
But anyone born before is just 'old'. if you are 65-110 its all the same.
Who are "we"?
We as in me and people I know. I am a queer, lezza, dyke, gay, friend of Dorothy. I quite like the term, as it is inclusive rather than exclusive. I'm not that keen on non queer people using the term or on Queer as a term of abuse obviously.

Though I'm old enough to remember it being an acrimonious debate in the London L&G Centre (when it was only L&G and T and B was still debated too) and one man took to standing outside with a placard 'I AM NOT QUEER' as he was from the generation of men who fought to be called 'gay' but he was alone voice. I thought it was an old debate. Is it still debated?
I've heard of the first one in literary terms but I thought it applied to the ones who died not the ones still alive now.

I don't hear people using these terms about themselves or their contemporaries, and I see a lot of people who are over 75. Don't hear these terms used in our media. 'Bed-blocker' 'pensioners' perhaps 'silver surfers'. Usually just 'elderly' or 'old'.
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