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Urban v's the Commentariat

As I appear to be so fascinated by la Penny's quotidian output...perhaps I should start a dedicated thread? What could go wrong?
As I appear to be so fascinated by la Penny's quotidian output...perhaps I should start a dedicated thread? What could go wrong?
Why bother? She's been exposed as the psuedo-radical charlatan she is enough here. Why go on and on about her? She really isn't that important.

There are plenty of targets in the commentariat, either writing drivel or just being weathercocks. Novara Media for one probably deserves a bit of a rougher ride than it gets here. Aaron Bastani now has an organisation called Silke Digital I note: Silke Digital
Why bother? She's been exposed as the psuedo-radical charlatan she is enough here. Why go on and on about her? She really isn't that important.

There are plenty of targets in the commentariat, either writing drivel or just being weathercocks. Novara Media for one probably deserves a bit of a rougher ride than it gets here. Aaron Bastani now has an organisation called Silke Digital I note: Silke Digital
Sorry, probably should have added a :p type thingy.
"overseen digital strategy for several breakthrough campaigns, the most prominent being the ‘3 Cosas Campaign’ where we deployed a set of digital assets to raise over £7,000 for outsourced cleaners to take industrial action"

Deploying sets of digital assets is a little bit communism.
Why bother? She's been exposed as the psuedo-radical charlatan she is enough here. Why go on and on about her? She really isn't that important.

There are plenty of targets in the commentariat, either writing drivel or just being weathercocks. Novara Media for one probably deserves a bit of a rougher ride than it gets here. Aaron Bastani now has an organisation called Silke Digital I note: Silke Digital
Because we developed our own trad enemies and it's up to fucking us if we want to keep picking at it. And because she came on here and treated us like cunts. Do you go to football and tell people to stop chanting against people they hate? Do you really imagine we think we're doing anything else here other than that?
"overseen digital strategy for several breakthrough campaigns, the most prominent being the ‘3 Cosas Campaign’ where we deployed a set of digital assets to raise over £7,000 for outsourced cleaners to take industrial action"

Deploying sets of digital assets is a little bit communism.
This means putting out appeals on the internet for money/putting self forward for paid interviews.
Why bother? She's been exposed as the psuedo-radical charlatan she is enough here. Why go on and on about her? She really isn't that important.

There are plenty of targets in the commentariat, either writing drivel or just being weathercocks. Novara Media for one probably deserves a bit of a rougher ride than it gets here. Aaron Bastani now has an organisation called Silke Digital I note: Silke Digital
Crack the fuck on with that then.
So, Novara's revolution will not be televised, but 'digitally executed'.
Digitally sexecuted even.

"we've interviewed some of the biggest names in politics and theory, from Natalie Bennett and Jeremy Corbyn to Paul Mason, Owen Jones and Melissa Gira Grant."

PDs linkedin would feature a list of so-called lefties that our cybermilitants have pwned on the twitter machine.
Paul Mason is either just a buzzword bingo merchant or a chump, isn't he?

"A Gramscian party in a non-Gramscian world." An interview with Paul Mason

He is asked:-

AS: One of Syriza’s main selling points was the idea of new politics, of doing politics differently, “We’re not going to be like the establishment parties.” Was there anything you found while filming Syriza which differentiated them from other parties and politicians you have previously covered?

There were massive differences. [... complete failure to list any differences]
they do feel some ministers did get too close. The other thing is the question of prioritisation. As Euclid Tsakalotos actually says to me in an interview that will come out later, probably over the weekend, ‘Yeah, we didn’t do enough on the oligarchy and corruption.’ Even if they didn’t get captured by the oligarchy and corruption, they now admit that they didn’t do enough on that. Yet the ideal time to fight oligarchy and corruption is when the masses are with you, and everybody’s overwhelmed.

He is constantly talking as if Syriza is not in power in anymore not administering privatisations ND never dreamed of actually pushing through.

The sheer extent that people will go to to justify Gramsci's Stalinism (or first world social democracy) is mind boggling. even amongst so-called anti-stalinist currents who arrogantly speak in the name of the working-class.
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