Yeah. Given that it seems to be being waved about by some in the public eye to simply mean "hey I don't 100% agree with the expectations associated with my assigned gender and I'm more complex than that" I have sympathy with Moore's point that it's what you kind of expect, and it's true for everyone. It may be worth saying but it's an easy thing to say if your life is not being actively repressed, and, well, privilege and history need to be borne in mind.
The piece does fall apart a bit nearer the end though.
it's a bit disjointed, but this bit is what i really aggree with.
Because if sex is just something you do rather than something you are, then it is way easier to play with gender. Yet it has become so muddled that every identity must be proclaimed in a hierarchy of grievance. This fragmentation, which is not intersectionality, but rather an increasingly insular discussion about cis-ness, microaggressions and trigger warnings, runs in horrific parallel to images of women being raped and killed all over the world.
which i reckon translates as asking if we can take a step back and look at the bigger picture as well for a while. because if you've got a voice that gets listened to, then wasting it on wibbling about your non-privilaged credentials makes it about you. and your sex life, and where you live and your haircut and your .....
i could have given my non priv credentials in the last post, but i'm not lp, so 'because stuff' will do. because then tis about the argument i'm making. not about me. Lp takes this making it all about her to extremes. moore indulges in a bit of her own as well, her own claim to special snowflake status is being spelled out through that. far froim innocent, but not anywhere near LP's level in this article.
and she's also right about this shit not being intersectionality.