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Urban v's the Commentariat

it should have all stoped after 'generation x'. I don't mind 'millenials' so much even if its largely used by wanks to write pieces about modern youth culture. It just sounds well futuristic so its fine with me.
She's onto 'millenials' today. Back to crowd-sourcing copy...

Just putting this one here...

Scuffles at the fees demo. Anybody from here there? Judging by her twitter machine content, I don't think the urban75 poster and official voice of youth Laurie Penny is. This is why we can't have nice things.

laurie penny leadership.jpg
Scuffles at the fees demo. Anybody from here there? Judging by her twitter machine content, I don't think the urban75 poster and official voice of youth Laurie Penny is. This is why we can't have nice things.

View attachment 79115

It's a measure of her journalistic priorities and Prada-Meinhof posturing if, instead of covering actual issues, she files cod-psychology opinion on James Bond and Harry Potter.
Can anyone tell me exactly what Harry Potter and Bond have to do with actual issues like welfare reform, Syria, disability and so on?
They're all about killing people.

The difference being that Syria, welfare reform, the persecution of the sick and disabled and suchlike kill actual people, not the products of a scriptwriter's imagination.

Yet our fearless 'voice of a generation' seems to think that said imaginary people are seemingly more worthy of coverage than the real ones dying real deaths in all sorts of places. Doesn't say much for anybody claiming to be a professional journalist that their news sense is that far off-kilter. Either that or they simply don't give a toss about said real issues involving real people. I'm remarkably glad that I don't and wouldn't cover true crime cases in a similarly unfeeling and disinterested fashion.
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