Not sure which song you're referring to there
He's not referring to a song, Great Uncle Idris2002 is just expressing his fondness for the Melvyn Bragg discussion programme on Radio 4
Not sure which song you're referring to there
It's just so, so fucking pointless. It hurts to think of just how pointless it is. How much time and energy and money are wasted on such absolutely fucking pointless pointlessness.
Lady Gaga has racist hair? Did I miss something?
I disagree, I don't think that articles like these are pointless. Or at least their very pointlessness serves a useful function. The New $cabsman, and the Guardian, put stuff like this out about pop culture at a pretty consistent rate and for good reason. This sort of 'radical' pop culture commentary gives the appearance of challenging structural issues while doing nothing of the sort. The legitimacy provided by this faux-radicalism can then be used to give the impression that their critiques of anything to the left of Blairism come from a radical position rather than the same position of entrenched privilege as the editorial position of the Daily Mail or the Telegraph. You can talk about Tories mansplaining to fellow Oxbridge women or Lady Gaga's racist hair or whatever till the cows come home, great, just don't elect a politician that threatens private profits because that's going too far.
Lady Gaga has racist hair? Did I miss something?
I don't know, it just seems like something that they would write about.
I notice Novara Media now has a video starring one Eleanor Penny, sister to James Butler's Oxford chum...Laurie Penny!
Welcome to the new media, curiously similar to the old media...
It is a little uncanny. I don't want to have a go at EP particularly though. It's more that Novara, after a long, hard search for women presenter talent, have finally settled on....the sister of an Oxford mate who already has a media profile. It's a bit Guardian isn't it?Watching Eleanor Penny is freaking me out, it's like Laurie Penny has inhabited multiple bodies. I wonder who's going to grow up to be Christopher and who will be Peter?
Tha fuck?!Ultimately, it is terribly difficult to sustain an ironic erection. To do so involves a kind of anxiety that the men and boys of the 21st century know very well.
a copy of the Patriot Act: savage and silly and just a little bit pathetic.
I notice Novara Media now has a video starring one Eleanor Penny, sister to James Butler's Oxford chum...Laurie Penny!
Welcome to the new media, curiously similar to the old media...
It's just so, so fucking pointless. It hurts to think of just how pointless it is. How much time and energy and money are wasted on such absolutely fucking pointless pointlessness.
Yes, apart from her piece about living in a LBGQT collective in East London everything she wrote since she returned from the US is not even hinting at anything substantial or interesting (and even that article was pointing out how radical she was from the safety of her middle class lifestyle). where are her articles about the junior doctors contracts, foodbanks in hospitals, the jack the ripper museum masquerading as women's history?Come to think of it, I'd expect a well-paid, supposedly professional and radical journalist to come up with news about issues that actually matter. Syria, refugees, welfare reform, the persecution of the sick and disabled, that sort of thing. Not turn in copy on irrelevant prattle that reads like a third-rate 'A' level cultural or media studies essay.
There's a whole raft of social, national and international issues that matter to which anybody with a public profile might devote an entire page. And perhaps might have any radical position they claim to espouse be better illustrated by actually doing so.
Yes, apart from her piece about living in a LBGQT collective in East London everything she wrote since she returned from the US is not even hinting at anything substantial or interesting (and even that article was pointing out how radical she was from the safety of her middle class lifestyle). where are her articles about the junior doctors contracts, foodbanks in hospitals, the jack the ripper museum masquerading as women's history?
I think that's the one that surprises me the most, given her much vaunted feminist credentials.I'd have thought the Ripper museum would have caught her attention.
I think that's the one that surprises me the most, given her much vaunted feminist credentials.
I think that's the one that surprises me the most, given her much vaunted feminist credentials.