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Urban v's the Commentariat

Given the recent online abuse directed at the muppet who shot Cecil the lion, has anyone asked any of the commentariat whether this too constitutes online bullying and trolling?

I would tweet Penny Dreadful and ask but she blocked me yonks ago.
nuff museums do charge anyway :mad:

one of my greatest pleasures when going round otherwise boring towns is going to odd little museums and finding something random and cool.

this place is full of them. an odd mix of china collections, local archaeology and industry and the 'wot we nicked on our holidays'

pilchard museum is in newlyn. and there's some fantastic bits of artwork of the old fishing boats in the bay in the penlee.
While I don't dispute that there is a lot of online victimisation, I don't think any intelligent person could deny that or oppose it, I can't help thinking that professional victimhood exists as well. Accusations of bigotry and bullying can also be a useful way to shut down a debate that the accuser is losing, come to think of it.

it's also entirely possible to build status out of victimhood. it fits with the commentarriat habit of making the story about them, rather than about the story or people whose lives are actually affected by stuff. a bit of snide shittirring >twitterstorm>another series of articles about how it's all about them. i mean fuck the whole terf wars thing, it's not about transwomen or rad fems, a few choice comments on twitter and it can be all about soemthing really fucking important. her.

and i really am still feeling this book coming on.
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The terf wars thing is really shit both sides are as bad as each other and I think both sides manage to inflict a lot of damage on quite vulnerable people. It seems more to be about finding scapegoats and posturing than on trying to work together on issues that affect both cis and trans women

The radfems (many of them anyway) are also really blind to how damaging some of their views and the emphasis they place on relatively minor things can be sometimes, in my opinion.
Ah, the gift that keeps on giving. How self-obsessed is this?:


I asked my new friends if I could stay for a few days whilst my landlords dealt with a rat problem. I ended up staying forever.

Fair play to her but she's lucky to have a landlord that actually deals with the rat problem instead of leaving us to (not that i'm having a go at her for that btw)
Didn't bother going past the first lie in the first line - "After a year of minor troublemaking in America"
With all that's going on in the world at the moment, all the crises affecting so many people in so many different and negative ways, I'm surprised that even Penny Dreadful didn't manage to acknowledge any of them by picking one and writing about it. Instead it's hundreds of words of self-referential 'All about me' garbage instead of returning with some actual reportage.
With all that's going on in the world at the moment, all the crises affecting so many people in so many different and negative ways, I'm surprised that even Penny Dreadful didn't manage to acknowledge any of them by picking one and writing about it. Instead it's hundreds of words of self-referential 'All about me' garbage instead of returning with some actual reportage.

It is no secret that London, even more than most major world cities, has become all but uninhabitable for young professionals, young unprofessionals, artists, writers, entrepreneurs - all the people, in short, who make a city more than just a coincidence of twelve million people breathing the same sooty air.

Don't forget, you and your problems don't matter. But for this cavalcade of cunts we'd just be a few million scumbags staggering drunkenly around London as if it were a giant Wetherspoons on a Friday after work rather than a magical background for Hipsters and the lifestylist poor to float around having really profound experiences and doing 'politics'.
Also people who're actually doing something interesting or worthwhile rarely have to bang on at such fucking length about how interesting and worthwhile the thing they're doing is. Unless of course deep down they know that they're just playing at life despite having a fucking cavernous gap where any sort of real personality or worth should be. But that wouldn't apply here, no siree.
I had another go...

Tottenham is completely gone, and in its place is simply a smoking crater and a giant hologram of Ian Duncan Smith's head, cackling in an endless loop. No wonder all the liberals are leaving if they can.

No. Lazy shit. And a 'revolutionary socialist' from the 'autonomist tradition' fretting about the plight of liberals is it. Ffffs.
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