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Urban v's the Commentariat

Sounds like that old Matthew Arnold thing about art being a social glue and shared heritage etc. I'm not sure I ever bought that 100%, pretty pictures and the plunder of antiquity don't put food on the table, the social sphere facilitated by access to art and culture is still heavily class demarcated (as this article shows, even though the author doesn't realise it). Our things and their things. For some reason I'm recalling Educating Rita which while a soppy tale does show that working class people are encouraged to think in terms of their art and our getting on with life, the reactions of Rita's husband for instance.

There are some absolute scumbags in the art world, look at those cunts buying stolen antiques from ISIS and then going all quiet when asked where they got them. And then there was that cunt who starved a dog to death in a gallery (tho not quite on the same level). Yesterday i walked over a tempory bridge thats been put up while road works are being done, lots of graffiti on there and someone had written asking for graff walls to be legalised so they could paint something decent. Not really any way they can make a buck out of that tho so not gonna happen. I am ranting I know but I really despise some of the immoral cunts that inhabit that milieu.
There are some absolute scumbags in the art world, look at those cunts buying stolen antiques from ISIS and then going all quiet when asked where they got them. And then there was that cunt who starved a dog to death in a gallery (tho not quite on the same level). Yesterday i walked over a tempory bridge thats been put up while road works are being done, lots of graffiti on there and someone had written asking for graff walls to be legalised so they could paint something decent. Not really any way they can make a buck out of that tho so not gonna happen. I am ranting I know but I really despise some of the immoral cunts that inhabit that milieu.
There are many works seemingly lost to the world through war and plunder that will be in some super rich sociopaths private gallery. Da Vincis terracotta statues, half the shit the nazis nicked that never turned back up. I think for collectors of conflict art it isn't just the antiquity and craft that motivates. Its having it to yourself, in your special viewing room. Even showing it to select discreet fellow super rich collectors of such things, for the private club kudos. There was a forger of antiquities recently, well in the last five years. He fooled everyone. They clocked him in the end but the things he was turning out of his shed were indistinguishable from similar artefacts of the periods he was impersonating. Probably carbon dating that fucked him in the end. You can build it, weather it and make it look 100% but you can't mimic the age of radiation half life measuring
Monument to the Conquerors of Space. I used to pass that place a fair bit in northern Moscow. It's been cleaned up in recent years, used to be covered in graffiti.

I knew you'd know of it! I just always found it touching that cmrd Laika, who made the ultimate sacrifice, is there with gagarin and all the other cosmonaut pioneers. Never forget our animal friends
"Where art is concerned the crowd is an idiot".

I'd like to go round his house and do a massive turd on his doorstop. I'd call it "Dirty Protest" and claim it was a statement about the relationship between artists and critics. He'd like it and then it would win the Turner Prize.

His Guardian columns constitute an ever expanding lake of shit. It's my own fault for knowing that, mind you. If I choose to read a Guardian art column, I deserve to read a Guardian art column.
There are many works seemingly lost to the world through war and plunder that will be in some super rich sociopaths private gallery. Da Vincis terracotta statues, half the shit the nazis nicked that never turned back up. I think for collectors of conflict art it isn't just the antiquity and craft that motivates. Its having it to yourself, in your special viewing room. Even showing it to select discreet fellow super rich collectors of such things, for the private club kudos. There was a forger of antiquities recently, well in the last five years. He fooled everyone. They clocked him in the end but the things he was turning out of his shed were indistinguishable from similar artefacts of the periods he was impersonating. Probably carbon dating that fucked him in the end. You can build it, weather it and make it look 100% but you can't mimic the age of radiation half life measuring

What happens when the war ends and daesh are sent to hell and the post war Syrians want to have some of their stuff back to take the kids on a day out or a nice walk in front of those statues? And they cant because its sitting in a private collection of some ultra rich fucker somewhere in London.
His Guardian columns constitute an ever expanding lake of shit. It's my own fault for knowing that, mind you. If I choose to read a Guardian art column, I deserve to read a Guardian art column.
Somebody in a nearby team at work reads the guardian and likes to prove how cultured he is to us by naming all sorts of weird and wonderful arts stuff. We like to mock him relentlessly for being a Guardian reader in return.
Where exactly, in history, are these wise crowds? Do you mean the hordes who joined the first crusade and immediately started murdering Jews? The mobs who attacked Catholics, immigrants and foreigners in the 18th-century Gordon riots? Or the people who join in social media attacks on supposedly outrageous remarks by some poor sod or other?

Going on a rape, forced conversion and pillage spree is like a bunch of people calling someone an idiot on Comment is Free articles? Good, glad thats cleared up.
The museum of Proletarian Democracy, telling the story of our road to power, will be free, as will all the beings in the known universe that our party has touched.

I finished work on Comrade Mainwaring's glass mausoleum-cum-exhibition case last month, and design work proceeds apace with the spaceship landing pad and Posadist education centre.
Also, free museums are great for kids. Once you've coughed up a tenner, you feel obliged to stay a couple of hours, until most children are thoroughly bored. Take a child to see 2 or 3 beautiful paintings in a little 30 minute visit and they'll probably leave having enjoyed it and maybe even wanting more.
Sounds like that old Matthew Arnold thing about art being a social glue and shared heritage etc. I'm not sure I ever bought that 100%, pretty pictures and the plunder of antiquity don't put food on the table, the social sphere facilitated by access to art and culture is still heavily class demarcated (as this article shows, even though the author doesn't realise it). Our things and their things. For some reason I'm recalling Educating Rita which while a soppy tale does show that working class people are encouraged to think in terms of their art and our getting on with life, the reactions of Rita's husband for instance.

It certainly ties in to what my Grandad used to say (though he was talking about football stadiums and crowds) "Treat people like animals and they'll act like animals"

Some fuckers will always try and do one better and commercialise shit though. The entire modern art scene seems more like a marketing/sales role than actually producing something worth looking at, though even there one or two things manage to actually be worth a look at.
An rather stupid argument that undermines itself there. On the one hand the people on Twitter and Facebook who like corbyn are a tiny irrelevant subset of not only voters but if Facebook users. On the other these irrelevant people secretly voted tory and decided the election.

A lot of what happens on Facebook, as with Twitter, is “virtue signalling” – showing off to your friends about how right on you are.

What an ironic thing to write considering the fact that she is an editor of a fauxcilist magazine and most of her writing for it is virtue signalling to other servants of the political class about her own neoliberal credentials.

But I’ve had enough of people describing him as “principled” as if it were a synonym for “holds opinions I agree with”. Liz Kendall, who has been relentlessly called a Tory in disguise – a Facebook Q&A she did was particularly testy on this front – is also principled. If you acknowledge that Corbyn is giving voice to marginalised opinions, you must also acknowledge it takes lady-balls to go to a meeting of Labour activists and say that you support the two-child benefit limit or the 2 per cent defence spending commitment. Kendall is booed at hustings while Corbyn is cheered. Her campaign is faltering precisely because she is saying what she believes.

As it happens, I disagree with her about the two-child limit – in the words of The West Wing’s Josh Lyman, Osborne apparently wants a government just small enough to fit into our bedrooms. But it is undeniably popular with exactly the people Labour was founded to represent.

So she wants to slag off the Labour Party membership for booing a disgusting eugenics policy but not take any flak for supporting that policy herself... and in an article based on the premise that Corbyn is unprincipled and Kendall is principled. Jesus Christ.
Remember how she claimed "it could be argued that" without the illegal Iraq War the civil war in Syria would be worse? Now she is basically doing the same with Liz Kendall. Does she have any beliefs of her own or does she exist purely to provide left cover for reactionaries?
Its all the thinly veiled accusations of misogyny as well.

Luckily my criticisms of a two child policy are purely recreational and harmless. I don't actually believe it or commit to anything at all in my magazine. Fine. But what about other people less stable, less educated, less middle-class than me? Builders or blacks for example. If you're one of those, my advice to you is to do what your betters tell you to do and shut up. Good luck.
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