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Urban v's the Commentariat

Neither does the second to last. Do a shit job all day and it follow you home or do shit hours for shit pay but any free time isn't your own because if you want to keep even that pittance you better be ready to jump at a moments notice.
Well yeah that one too. I think they sound especially bad in combination.
I cant make up my mind whether this is an interesting bit of analysis or to think that at the end its bordering on apologism especially the last three paragraphs.

ISIS Transforming Into Functioning State That Uses Terror as Tool http://nyti.ms/1Voiy9U

I mean wtf

Mr. McLaughlin, the onetime C.I.A. deputy, wondered whether the group, as it evolves, would begin to change its behavior, halting the destruction of antiquities, as it did in the recently captured Syrian city of Palmyra, or moderating its brutality as other revolutionary movements in history have done. “If they did,” he said, “the sense could settle in that this could be the new reality.”

Still, he said, it is hard to imagine the Islamic State becoming a legitimate state, with functioning airports and passports.

But, he added, “it’s not inconceivable.”

Mr. McCants said this was an underlying theme in his coming book, “The ISIS Apocalypse,” to be published in September. “You’d like to say that treating people well and good governance go hand in hand,” he said, “but it’s not the case.”

yes i should definitely start a conversation with people i work with and my female friends about wanking and what we wank about!? :facepalm:
yes i should definitely start a conversation with people i work with and my female friends about wanking and what we wank about!? :facepalm:

I remember as a kid being shown a sex education video at school which started off with a load of lads talking about how fiercely they'd wanked last night. Completely forget the greater message, don't get crabs or something, but that scene always stuck with me.
I remember as a kid being shown a sex education video at school which started off with a load of lads talking about how fiercely they'd wanked last night. Completely forget the greater message, don't get crabs or something, but that scene always stuck with me.
why are sex-ed videos always so cringey?
I remember as a kid being shown a sex education video at school which started off with a load of lads talking about how fiercely they'd wanked last night. Completely forget the greater message, don't get crabs or something, but that scene always stuck with me.

Are you sure this was a legit sex-ed video? :hmm:
So glad I went to a catholic school!!

Yeah me too. Our sex education mostly consisted of a nun telling us that contraception was evil, and that loads of women have died horrifically after getting a coil fitted. In my head a coil was some sort of giant rusty spring. The logistics of how such a device functioned was never made clear.
Yeah me too. Our sex education mostly consisted of a nun telling us that contraception was evil, and that loads of women have died horrifically after getting a coil fitted. In my head a coil was some sort of giant rusty spring. The logistics of how such a device functioned was never made clear.

Does it prevent pregnancy by explosively ricocheting through your body and out of the top of your head when you have sinful thoughts?
Please, new associate members who will shape the party for the next five years, maybe forever: do a little research. Think what kind of country you want for you and your children and, even more importantly, think how you might get there. Now think, is Jeremy Corbyn in the middle of that picture? I don’t think so.

I am really cynical about the labour party and wont be joining it ever let alone voting for him but most of the people who are have their hearts far more in the right place than you you soulless careerist guardian twonk
I am really cynical about the labour party and wont be joining it ever let alone voting for him but most of the people who are have their hearts far more in the right place than you you soulless careerist guardian twonk

There is an astonishing amount of entitlement coming from red and yellow Tories, they think that they should get to decide everything. The plebs can vote, yes, but of course it is only sensible that they can only do so within the parameters of the financial sector asset striping dictatorship which we have imposed and called the moderate centre ground.

Notice that she does not address one single policy in her diatribe, it's just mudslinging, because his policies are actually quite popular with the electorate.
Blair urges Labour not to wrap itself in a Jeremy Corbyn comfort blanket


Is this a direct quote, in which case, why not put it in quote marks?

If its not a direct quote then I dunno wtf to say :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
I wouldn't mind wrapping Blair in a comfort blanket. Accompanied by an anchor and swift trip off the Vauxhall Bridge.


Furnace would be more eco friendly.
Blair urges Labour not to wrap itself in a Jeremy Corbyn comfort blanket


Is this a direct quote, in which case, why not put it in quote marks?

If its not a direct quote then I dunno wtf to say :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

Now that the Yellow Tories are basically no more the Graunid is moving to the next best horse - Red Tories.
yes i should definitely start a conversation with people i work with and my female friends about wanking and what we wank about!? :facepalm:

Either she has some quite confused ideas about what men talk about or all of the men I know are unusually prudish. She skips straight from the correct observation that men are more likely to make jokes about wanking to suggesting that women should talk with their friends about masturbation technique and fantasies. These things are not the same. Men are also more likely to make jokes about taking a dump. It doesn't flow from that observation that women should therefore start telling each other about the consistency of their stools.
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