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Urban v's the Commentariat

Milo has been spending the past couple of years trying to push a neoreactionary views to younger people through Gamergate, this seems to be part of that offensive, you can see the strong Murdoch hand at work slowly turning Vice into a (more obvious) right-wing publication through the 'libertarian' gateway drug.
Paul Mason imagines that technology is going to liberate us on its own.. (despite all evidence to the contrary on the use of automation under our current system)
Only someone in the media could write this nonsense
information technology has brought about in the past 25 years. First, it has reduced the need for work, blurred the edges between work and free time and loosened the relationship between work and wages
The last one doesn't even sound like a good thing to me.
Only someone in the media could write this nonsense

The last one doesn't even sound like a good thing to me.
Neither does the second to last. Do a shit job all day and it follow you home or do shit hours for shit pay but any free time isn't your own because if you want to keep even that pittance you better be ready to jump at a moments notice.
All those new billions of actual wage-dependent manual workers in china have blurred the edges between work and free time and loosened the relationship between work and wages

Does he only ever see the country he is currently in love with?

He's got a book called postcapitalism. A comrade recommends i read it for a light reading group. I'm not at all sure. I just imagine force feeding him (mason) quotations from The Spirit of Horsepower
There's one potential advantage. When ours pops her clogs I can always bung the stick up her arse and use her as a duster.

any more of that and i will confiscate the keyboard.

go to bed, you're tired enough to be being a fucking idiot and starting to go more than a bit hyper. if you don't want to star5t triggering a manic episode, go to fucking bed. grab yoiur meds first

go to bed.
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