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Urban v's the Commentariat

I live with nine other people in the gutted remains of a music storage warehouse in Brent. None of us are from the area, and many of us aren’t even from the country, but we are conclusively failing at the whole gentrification thing, given that most of us earn significantly less than our neighbours, none of whom would want to live in the warehouse given the perennially harrowing state of the plumbing.

Arrrrrrrggggg! You're RICH. You're from a rich family and you work as a journalist in one of the world's richest cities. How dare she write as if she works part-time in a chippy in Sunderland or something. She gentrifies everything she looks at. Just because you're neighbours are rich, it doesn't mean you aren't a stinkingly wealthy pig-dog as well.

The cheek of it. The fucking bare-faced cheek.
Arrrrrrrggggg! You're RICH. You're from a rich family and you work as a journalist in one of the world's richest cities. How dare she write as if she works part-time in a chippy in Sunderland or something. She gentrifies everything she looks at. Just because you're neighbours are rich, it doesn't mean you aren't a stinkingly wealthy pig-dog as well.

The cheek of it. The fucking bare-faced cheek.
Fuck - what a solipsistic pile of garbage. Utter drivel. The tone of smug, self-congratulatory narcissism is truly unedifying...and this is supposedly journalism - a 'look at me, I am so, so...special' piece of romanticised rubbish...with not so much as a mention of the real travails of house shares with 9 other (obviously self-obsessed nitwits) - pink tutu ffs. What about the toilet cleaning! And what are the arrangements for leasing this, (ahem) commune...because I am pretty certain it will not be the usual outer London squat scenario which I, and 3 decades later, my daughter, are so familiar with (harrassment, bailiffs, insecurity, anxiety, horrible living conditions...although it should be remembered, it is still summer - all these utopias look different in a gloomy english winter with no electricity). And, of course, there is the question of choice...or lack of it.WANKER.
What was her income last year? Anyone here think it was anything less than 30k? No chance. She's doing fine and playing at being poor again (Guardian article about houseshares springs to mind). It's a sick insult to British people who are suffering.
She was in Harvard for the last year on the sort of freebie that's reserved for society's officer class but she could supplement her income by getting a day job or by churning out more content - 4 or 5 ar'icles a month isn't very good - and maybe she'd get better rates if she wasn't a scab working for an anti union paper.
and maybe she'd get better rates if she wasn't a scab working for an anti union paper.

Ah yes, the supposedly 'left wing' New Statesman. The same 'left wing' New Statesman that steadfastly refuses to recognise the National Union of Journalists. Hardly, I'd have thought, the natural home for anybody with a proper interest in issues like workers rights and so on.
I had a date with an ex-flatmate of penny's last year, who was living with her when she was first writing those pity-me breadline stories a few years ago. When they lived together, they shared a comfortable semi-detached house in suburban London: everyone else in the house was a bit :hmm: when they read the articles as they didn't recognise what she was writing about at all.

Would you believe.
Arrrrrrrggggg! You're RICH. You're from a rich family and you work as a journalist in one of the world's richest cities. How dare she write as if she works part-time in a chippy in Sunderland or something. She gentrifies everything she looks at. Just because you're neighbours are rich, it doesn't mean you aren't a stinkingly wealthy pig-dog as well.

The cheek of it. The fucking bare-faced cheek.

Rich people always think that they aren't rich because they compare themselves to other rich people rather than ordinary people who they regard as not being people at all.
Great news guiz- Frank Turners got a new album coming out. Just heard a tune off it. Its the same one he always does, you know, shouty bit, tortured soul bit, boringly trad guitar given a polish.
I pretty much did tbh. :oops:
Ah yes, the supposedly 'left wing' New Statesman. The same 'left wing' New Statesman that steadfastly refuses to recognise the National Union of Journalists. Hardly, I'd have thought, the natural home for anybody with a proper interest in issues like workers rights and so on.

Even the Torygraph recognises the NUJ and probably has some actual leftists working on it, unlike the New $$tatesman which is a right-wing liberal scab paper written for fellow right-wing liberal scabs who want to convince themselves and other right-wing liberal scabs at dinner parties that they are still the open minded progressive people that they never were at university.
Oh I absolutely guarantee that within a decade, she will be living the life of some middle class surburbanite with a cleaner and nanny, have become totally right wing and will still be droning on endlessly and witlessly about her amusingly 'radical' younger self, ho ho, and no doubt being paid to spout vacuous rubbish.
Oh I absolutely guarantee that within a decade, she will be living the life of some middle class surburbanite with a cleaner and nanny, have become totally right wing and will still be droning on endlessly and witlessly about her amusingly 'radical' younger self, ho ho, and no doubt being paid to spout vacuous rubbish.

Basically Julie Burchill only with trendier slang.
Oh I absolutely guarantee that within a decade, she will be living the life of some middle class surburbanite with a cleaner and nanny, have become totally right wing and will still be droning on endlessly and witlessly about her amusingly 'radical' younger self, ho ho, and no doubt being paid to spout vacuous rubbish.

Lifestyle journalist is her future. I've always thought that. Articles about trendy home decor and how she couldn't live with whatever the 20s equivalent of a good ice-cream maker will be.
I'm disappointed that Atheism+ has gone down. I kept wanting to ask them whether they thought that tattoos represented cultural appropriation.

Lifestyle journalist is her future. I've always thought that. Articles about trendy home decor and how she couldn't live with whatever the 20s equivalent of a good ice-cream maker will be.

the next islington tornado story ,

she described how she ran inside in her [insert brand name here] pumps, clutching her [insert brand name here] bag and reached for her [insert brand name here] phone to call her editor and then her darling who works for [insert brand name here], in that order. we sat sipping coffee in [insert brand name here] and talked of how the danger reminded her of her long ago days in occupy. She uses a napkin to wipe cream from her [insert brand name here] manicure

and i've got to stop before I puke.
Not even pickled onion Space Raiders will remain..?
those snacks will survive even a nuclear war, you know this. Stuffed as they are wit cockroach chitin and MSG. But imagine such a future, where the only crisps are space raiders and chomps the only chocolate. Pass the cyanide capsules please.
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