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Urban v's the Commentariat

Werther's Originals will still be available though, they'll be a staple of the People's Ration and still no fucker will touch 'em.
I still rate 'which side are you on boy?'. It has little musical value but its a good question/chant

Not a patch on either Pete Seeger or Utah Phillips' versions and they have the added bonus of being proper class warriors instead of some lifestyle socialist wanker.
Not a patch on either Pete Seeger or Utah Phillips' versions and they have the added bonus of being proper class warriors instead of some lifestyle socialist wanker.
heh, and heres me thinking it was his original. Should have known the queen loving fauxcialist wasn't doing an original.
He was well dead when reece wrote it.
the copper bosses etc

but he was for so long an influence on american unionism in its...mythos? its heart rather than head side iyswim. You know I'm going to ask you for a book now. Even if you haven't got it, the title will do. I'll dig it up.

e2a on the struggle she spoke of and sings about obvs!
the copper bosses etc

but he was for so long an influence on american unionism in its...mythos? its heart rather than head side iyswim. You know I'm going to ask you for a book now. Even if you haven't got it, the title will do. I'll dig it up.
You want the book by franklin rosemont on him (and the culture of the iww) , one of the finest books I've ever read.
"I know that somewhere in this neoliberal theme-park there is at least one bolthole for freaks, perverts, bohemians, migrants, angry feminists and revolutionaries to camp out and drink tea while the rest of the capital circles the plughole of socio-economic insanity."

She makes out like it's easy, when I first moved to london, no one put pervert on their gumtree ads , it was hard work and a bit of luck I eventually managed to find a flatmate who constantly walked round with his lad in his hand watchin porn on his phone while making tea for the rest of the house!
"She makes out like it's easy, when I first moved to london, no one put pervert on their gumtree ads , it was hard work and a bit of luck I eventually managed to find a flatmate who constantly walked round with his lad in his hand watchin porn on his phone while making tea for the rest of the house!

Hope you never asked for cream in your coffee.
It's like they're living in 50s alabama and the last 70 years never happened. Capital has made a market of this stuff - it's one of the internal enclosures that capital requires - and this mindset is actually part of the cultural legitimation of it.

Yes, sort of like doing yoga or writing for the New Statesman!
I tracked down a few posts on the Alex callinicos handbags thread that looked like she was lezard's housemate in January 2013.

she's been going on about how her attitudes to gender make her a special snowflake for a few years now. but in a way that is still her trademark of it all being about how wonderful she is for not being an arsehole to other people. got to think she would have used some of this material before if it was so easily available.
Why is being a pervert, 'freak' or 'bohemian' considered oppositional to neoliberalism?

because they see neoliberalism as standing in favour of traditional family values. if they stand in opposition to those, then they are achieving protest points by going to a party and getting laid. it's activism without effort.

how much the neoliberal parties are actually wedded to the nuclear family ideal rather than wedded to it's use as part of the striver v. scrounger discourse, i'm not certain. i'm sure there are those who believe that one family is parents comfortably ensconced in elderly care facility, one botox enhanced wife to look good at public events, make that 2, you're allowed a second when the first stops being a sufficient as arm ornament, 3 obedient children in PR internships, and 4 silicon enhanced mistresses for funtimes. but i don't think that all who espouse the value of the nuclear family as the only acceptable lifestyle really believe in it anymore. so the bohemian set are protesting against something that is an empty shell and a distraction.
I dunno. I am sure that there are plenty of people who see these things as interlinked but the two people I know who have gone on to work as investment bankers are gay and use drugs regularly, they despise social conservatives just as much if not moreso than the average left-winger but hold the line completely on neoliberalism. According to them, I have no idea because they are really my only direct window on that world, being a 'libertarian pro-free market' (a term they unironically apply to themselves despite supporting bank bailouts) gay bloke that uses drugs is not uncommon high up in the financial sector.

My own experience of being at the very bottom of the financial services industry food chain in a call centre is that while institutional classism, anti-scrounger rhetoric and to an extent racism are all common gay rights, particularly those of gay men, are taken very seriously and most banks have 'LGBT societies'. These societies operate a bit like the societies do at university and do make peoples lives better in some ways, for example when a trans temp at Aviva in Sheffield was sacked and the IWW picketed the Aviva office there were people in the society there that voiced support for the sacked worker, though none joined the picket line. They also often include things like fast-tracking people on that basis in order to promote equality within the organisation.
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