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Although, to be fair, 'Saudade' and 'Fifty Shades of Socialist feminism' have been the crowning turds in the waterpipe thus far.

I remember it well.

And lots of people work for a living and still have serious difficulties meeting rent and bills, not forgetting the people who can't work but are arbitrarily cured by Atos, until they die anyway.
It was tongue in cheek, the works for a living comment, it was thrown at us the first chance she got. Didn't well for her.
It's a kind of cultural appropriation, isn't it? Rich people playing at poverty. Because it's poverty and low wages that makes most people have to live in big flatshares rather than choice.


I mean, this is not reality, is it?

Prospective residents answer probing questions like “What are your passions?” and “Tell us your story (Excite us!).” If accepted, tenants live in what the company’s promotional materials describe as a “highly curated community of like-minded individuals.” In other words, they rent a room in an apartment in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, but with opportunities for social and spiritual growth, like dinner parties and meditation sessions.

In order to charge residents top dollar for living with others, bells and whistles are in order. Pure House, for example, offers a premium $4,000-a-month package that includes massage, yoga, fresh fruits and vegetables, personal coaching and wellness counseling.
Oh yes, now I remember. A fervent supporter of weev, even after all his dodgyness was exposed.
It was all out there already - years of it before the nazi blog piece appeared. While she was most likely too shallow and lazy to do a bit of googling to get the full picture, she knew enough ('I thought he was trolling') but didn't care. And Paul Mason doesn't care that she and crababble didn't care. He needs an intervention tbh.

obsequious paul mason molly crabapple.jpg
Oh yes, now I remember. A fervent supporter of weev, even after all his dodgyness was exposed.

She had dug herself in so deep with that one that she couldn't do a standard reverse-ferret. If she'd done a modicum of research before jumping on the weev-supporting wiberal bandwagon, she could have avoided showing herself up as an utter arse, but no! She had to jump on the bandwagon!
She had dug herself in so deep with that one that she couldn't do a standard reverse-ferret. If she'd done a modicum of research before jumping on the weev-supporting wiberal bandwagon, she could have avoided showing herself up as an utter arse, but no! She had to jump on the bandwagon!

Probably didn't do wonders for the Prada-Meinhof posturing or building that 'ethical' brand, eh?

I'm seeing more of the word curator applied to collections of people rather than information and objects. Seems very pretentious to me.
It seems to be the current in thing to do. 99 times out of 100 they're actually the curator of fuck all.

Pickman's model can advise further, but I don't think 'curating' is a real verb, it's one of those made up ones.
for 4 k a month it'd better include more than yoga and fruit, you can roll my spliffs and laugh at my jokes while you are there
I'd want more than a few apples and a spot of yoga for that money too. I'd also not want to live with hipster twats who pretend to 'curate' all the time.
It seems to be the current in thing to do. 99 times out of 100 they're actually the curator of fuck all.

Pickman's model can advise further, but I don't think 'curating' is a real verb, it's one of those made up ones.
I've seen it in loads of work stuff today, it's really irritating. I'm also seeing "sale" repositioned as "edit" for the past few months too :rolleyes:
People who 'curate' their apartments :thumbs :

Was wandering past some ubercool opening party for a magazine in Shoreditch the other week, with music curated by some collective or other. They were playing Material Girl when I passed one way and Billie Jean on the way back which just goes to show how tricky this curating thing is. :thumbs:

ETA Mind you, I was probably the only person in the vicinity who actually remembered them first time round...
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