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nop[e this

No sunshine

The body rock stopped, probably got caught by the cops
Nearby, somebody got shot
But parties don't stop and the parties don't care
It's a stick-up, it's why we got our hands in the air

Still demanding a share, refrigerators bare
'Cause they wanna see trade get free and not fair
But we are not blind, we are not there
We don't got time left to spare to not care

On the last day of November, swellin' in ranks
Went to chant down the mighty IMF and World Bank
A gathering of people in peaceful assembly
Onward to Westlake to disrupt the entry

Walk along steady, riot squad ready
To protect every last dignitary's ass
But this started when they herded us like cattle in a fence
Protesters gettin' restless without an exit

They threatened to arrest us, we pushed back and then
A hail of rubber bullets hit teens and old men
I admit, had to split when the first gas canisters hit
Felt it burn in my eyes, nose, and lips

They tried to blame it on the anarchists, garbage
I was there, I'll tell you right now the pigs started it
But they distort it in the news
Talkin' bout stompin' down Niketown wearing their shoes

But the body rock stopped, probably got caught by the cops
Nearby, somebody got shot
But the parties don't stop and the parties don't care
It's a stick-up, it's why we got our hands in the air

50,000 deep, and it sound like thunder when our feet pound streets
50,000 deep, and it sound like thunder when our feet pound streets
50,000 deep, and it sound like thunder when our feet pound streets
50,000 deep, 50,000 deep

Yeah, now, the body rock stopped, probably got caught by the cops
Nearby, somebody got shot
But parties don't stop in the south
So take your shoes off when you come into my house

I had to duck out 'cause I knew I stuck out in the crowd
After many years growin' up brown in this town
Now this is what democracy looks like
Not what you all had in mind for tonight

Mr. Mayor, shell-shocked for 5 days straight
Press conference, lookin' constipated and pale
Tossed a homie in jail, wasn't even protesting
Wrong place, wrong time, learned a quick lesson

But this is not a question what we did to deserve this
Rich kids went and got arrested on purpose
But was it worth it? My first inclination
Globalization is the root of the pain

Made the reason that they left and the reason that we came
Catch my breath, blood pulsates my brain
And they called it a riot?
Huh, I call it an uprising

And they call this a riot?
But nah, I call it a uprising
And they call this a riot? Nah man, fuck that
I'm a call it a uprising

50,000 deep, and it sound like thunder when our feet pound streets, yo
50,000 deep, and it sound like thunder when our feet pound streets, come on y'all
50,000 deep, and it sound like thunder when our feet pound streets, yeah
50,000 deep, and it sound like thunder when our feet pound streets
Some of those associated with MIM and RAIM became the (Maoist Third-Worldist) Leading Light Communist Organization a while back, upholding the earlier labour aristocrat theory and the Mao-Lin Biao concept of global People's War.

American Maoism is quite odd. It seems mainly confined to the internet, though, with LLCO forming out of a collection of blogs about MTWism appearing over the years, the most important one (I think) being Monkey Smashes Heaven (LLCO's journal keeps the name).

Class-privileged Harvard (and the like) freaks. The kind of privilege we won't hear about when they look down on the white trash and crackers enjoying the benefits of United $nakes imperialism. The aristocrats may as well be literally drinking the blood of super-exploited people in the 'occupied third world.' I think they'd scare the average liberal intersectionalista bully on Twitter shitless. It would be quite funny to watch a prairie fire melt a special snowflake. It comes form the same place, though.
Some of those associated with MIM and RAIM became the (Maoist Third-Worldist) Leading Light Communist Organization a while back, upholding the earlier labour aristocrat theory and the Mao-Lin Biao concept of global People's War.

American Maoism is quite odd. It seems mainly confined to the internet, though, with LLCO forming out of a collection of blogs about MTWism appearing over the years, the most important one (I think) being Monkey Smashes Heaven (LLCO's journal keeps the name).

Class-privileged Harvard (and the like) freaks. The kind of privilege we won't hear about when they look down on the white trash and crackers enjoying the benefits of United $nakes imperialism. The aristocrats may as well be literally drinking the blood of super-exploited people in the 'occupied third world.' I think they'd scare the average liberal intersectionalista bully on Twitter shitless. It would be quite funny to watch a prairie fire melt a special snowflake. It comes form the same place, though.

A pattern that goes back to the 60s apparently - the Trots were strong in US public unis, but Mao Zedong thought took its recruits from the elite private schools.

Did I ever email you that Monthly Review special issue on the cultural revolution at Tsinghua university, btw?
Oh, and his Blowback Chalmers Johnson recalls checking his university library at the height of anti-Vietnam feeling, and being surprised to discover that all the books on Mao and China were sitting unread and ignored on the shelves.

Students, eh?
Some of those associated with MIM and RAIM became the (Maoist Third-Worldist) Leading Light Communist Organization a while back, upholding the earlier labour aristocrat theory and the Mao-Lin Biao concept of global People's War.

American Maoism is quite odd. It seems mainly confined to the internet, though, with LLCO forming out of a collection of blogs about MTWism appearing over the years, the most important one (I think) being Monkey Smashes Heaven (LLCO's journal keeps the name).

Class-privileged Harvard (and the like) freaks. The kind of privilege we won't hear about when they look down on the white trash and crackers enjoying the benefits of United $nakes imperialism. The aristocrats may as well be literally drinking the blood of super-exploited people in the 'occupied third world.' I think they'd scare the average liberal intersectionalista bully on Twitter shitless. It would be quite funny to watch a prairie fire melt a special snowflake. It comes form the same place, though.
whatever happened to the RIMmers?
A pattern that goes back to the 60s apparently - the Trots were strong in US public unis, but Mao Zedong thought took its recruits from the elite private schools.

Did I ever email you that Monthly Review special issue on the cultural revolution at Tsinghua university, btw?

No you didn't. Linky please.
A pattern that goes back to the 60s apparently - the Trots were strong in US public unis, but Mao Zedong thought took its recruits from the elite private schools.

Guilty liberalism turned up to eleven basically. The interesting part is just how big US Maoism got for a little while. There's even a direct link to today's much less radical guilty liberal politics through privilege theory, which originated in the US Maoish diaspora.
weather underground self crit sessions etc. I rrecall reading something from an ex member ages ago- almost cultish set up
Some of those associated with MIM and RAIM became the (Maoist Third-Worldist) Leading Light Communist Organization a while back, upholding the earlier labour aristocrat theory and the Mao-Lin Biao concept of global People's War.

American Maoism is quite odd. It seems mainly confined to the internet, though, with LLCO forming out of a collection of blogs about MTWism appearing over the years, the most important one (I think) being Monkey Smashes Heaven (LLCO's journal keeps the name).

Class-privileged Harvard (and the like) freaks. The kind of privilege we won't hear about when they look down on the white trash and crackers enjoying the benefits of United $nakes imperialism. The aristocrats may as well be literally drinking the blood of super-exploited people in the 'occupied third world.' I think they'd scare the average liberal intersectionalista bully on Twitter shitless. It would be quite funny to watch a prairie fire melt a special snowflake. It comes form the same place, though.

Canadian anarcho/maoist publisher Kersplebedeb has really been championing this neo-Maoism, hasn't it?

This is the new political economic textbook for the neo-Maoists. I'll up a PDF for reference if it can't be found. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Divided-World-Class-Stratification-Capitalism/dp/1894946413
Guilty liberalism turned up to eleven basically. The interesting part is just how big US Maoism got for a little while. There's even a direct link to today's much less radical guilty liberal politics through privilege theory, which originated in the US Maoish diaspora.

Their upper middle class guilt takes them to some nasty places. In their fantasy, after the victorious People's War, reparations are expected.

As well as making use of the advanced technologies and infrastructure of the defeated countries as part of a redistribution of stolen wealth, this includes the unproductive exploiter populations of the defeated imperialist countries (me and you) being forcibly dispersed throughout the world under the Joint Dictatorship of the Proletariat of Oppressed Nations, to take part in socialist construction under the supervision of the new global revolutionary state power.

Given their take on things re race and privilege, this would likely take on the character of ethnic cleansing, not to mention the forced labour.
Their upper middle class guilt takes them to some nasty places. In their fantasy, after the victorious People's War, reparations are expected.

As well as making use of the advanced technologies and infrastructure of the defeated countries as part of a redistribution of stolen wealth, this includes the unproductive exploiter populations of the defeated imperialist countries (me and you) being forcibly dispersed throughout the world under the Joint Dictatorship of the Proletariat of Oppressed Nations, to take part in socialist construction under the supervision of the new global revolutionary state power.

Given their take on things re race and privilege, this would likely take on the character of ethnic cleansing, not to mention the forced labour.

Thankfully it will always remain a fantasy. If they, you know, actually conducted some research, the braindead numbskull philistines, they would realise that a lot of Maoist parties in India, for instance, are owned by wealthy businessmen. There are like 500 Maoist sects in India. I'm not kidding. The Nepalese Maoists once again split last Monday.

People persistently accuse Trotskyism of being a nebulous and sectarian movement, which is not wholly unwarranted, it must be conceded, but they still don't compare to the Maoists...
The author was apparently a part of the US Maoist milieu back in the 1970s.

Have you read it? I've only red Cope and found his implicit conflation of surplus-value with profit, his idea that productive labourers in the first world are remunerated, and an inability to distinguish between the multifaceted layers of the first world proletariat to be extremely problematic. Oh and his apologetics for third period Stalinism, using the work of Aly Götze to come to some strange conclusion that workers didn't resist fascism.
Their upper middle class guilt takes them to some nasty places. In their fantasy, after the victorious People's War, reparations are expected.

As well as making use of the advanced technologies and infrastructure of the defeated countries as part of a redistribution of stolen wealth, this includes the unproductive exploiter populations of the defeated imperialist countries (me and you) being forcibly dispersed throughout the world under the Joint Dictatorship of the Proletariat of Oppressed Nations, to take part in socialist construction under the supervision of the new global revolutionary state power.

Given their take on things re race and privilege, this would likely take on the character of ethnic cleansing, not to mention the forced labour.

This is MIM and the post-MIM third worldist milieu you are talking about here I presume rather than the 70s organisations with thousands of members? MIM were always unrepresentative fruitcakes and to be considered such in company as fruitcakey as US Maoism is quite the accomplishment.

The likes of the RU, CP(ML) etc were strange in their own ways but they weren't MIM strange.
This is MIM and the post-MIM third worldist milieu you are talking about here I presume rather than the 70s organisations with thousands of members? MIM were always unrepresentative fruitcakes and to be considered such in company as fruitcakey as US Maoism is quite the accomplishment.

The likes of the RU, CP(ML) etc were strange in their own ways but they weren't MIM strange.

I was talking about the newer organisation which came partly out of MIM, the activity of which seems to only exist on the internet.

The CP (M-L) you're talking about defended Democratic Kampuchea until some of its members realised their trip there in 1978 was foolish indeed. The party collapsed not long after.
I was talking about the newer organisation which came partly out of MIM, the activity of which seems to only exist on the internet.

The CP (M-L) you're talking about defended Democratic Kampuchea until some of its members realised their trip there in 1978 was foolish indeed. The party collapsed not long after.

Yes, quite a lot of Western Maoists were supportive of "Democratic Kampuchea", partly because the Khmer Rouge were seen as a successful national liberation movement (they beat the imperial powers and their local puppets before the Vietnamese did) and partly because Pol Pot and Co tended to align themselves with China rather than Russia. Most, but not all, of them eventually realised that this was not a good idea.

I'm no fan of the CP(ML) at all, but they were very much larger and much less nuts than the MIM. They were a real thing rather than a couple of strange lads with a typewriter.
Have you read it? I've only red Cope and found his implicit conflation of surplus-value with profit, his idea that productive labourers in the first world are remunerated, and an inability to distinguish between the multifaceted layers of the first world proletariat to be extremely problematic. Oh and his apologetics for third period Stalinism, using the work of Aly Götze to come to some strange conclusion that workers didn't resist fascism.

I haven't read either. His Maoist history is vaguely referred to in the intro I think, saw it mentioned somewhere. I would be interested if you can get hold of copies.

As for Maoism in India, when you talk of the hundreds of groups (are there really that many?!) I assume you're talking about orgs beyond those that trace their origins to the CPI (M-L) and the doomed Charu Mazumdar line of armed struggle. On that score, I think there are something like 40 groups of 'Naxalites.' The term is misused by the authorities there, even when they are using it on Maoists, rather than just blaming something else on them.
Yes organisations beyond CPI (M-L) and Charu Mazumdar. Just insignificant sectlets really, 10-100 members max, kinda like some tiny Trot groups in the UK. I'll ask my Indian comrades next time I speak to them or see if I can find any literature on it from Turkish Maoists.

Hundreds was me slightly hyperbolising but definitely more than 40...
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