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Urban v's the Commentariat


This looks terrible, a little bit CIA even, but it's where LP's career trajectory might be headed isn't it? The bottomless pit of US state dept/disney/NGO cash. Crabapple did an ad for it, exploiting Ferguson. Check out the speaker bios - Samantha Power, conspiraloon Tim Pool, Pussy Riot, a Venezuelan brat that bagged a Cato Institute "Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty", various entreprenuers. Oh dear.
I'm seeing OJ's catchphrase everywhere now.
That author is a right charmer, isn't he?


Stephen O’Byrnes is one of the most aggressive agents in the unregistered world of Irish lobbying...The covert machinations of MKC and the arch-Macchiavelli O’Byrnes have not conduced to a healthy and democratic discussion of this fairly mainstream environmental and political issue.


The latest well-paid bigshot to chastise those who've lost their jobs for their carelessness is Stephen O'Byrnes, a leading PR consultant who took a break from his spin-doctor's surgery last week to talk down to the unemployed from the opinion pages of The Irish Times...Given the number of immigrants employed in [the market gardening, meat processing and hospitality] sectors, he concludes that the "no jobs mantra" is a convenient excuse that "suits the disposition of the work-shy and the welfare abuser".

That author is a right charmer, isn't he?
See OR's post here. They don't know how to respond really. The scenario he and the rest of the media are trying to present is just not recognisable to most people. Of course there's an element who want to see people battered for the lolz but they're not the ones that need to be addressed.

John Waters of all people, although the *silent* protest is a bit of a crap idea.
The word "violence" crept into the reporting as a matter of routine. Politicians and scribes sought to outdo each other in an orgy of platitudinising about democracy and freedom. By Monday, the Taoiseach was sufficiently self-assured to declare that the Tanaiste had been "effectively kidnapped". Our bullyboy Government was "traumatised and upset".

Let's get real. Throwing water or eggs is not "violence". It's been a staple element of street protest for at least two millennia. A road blockade, too, is a legitimate form of protest and although she was in the car with her secretary, the Tanaiste was under the protection of the Garda Public Order Unit.

Nearly vomited reading that yesterday, think one of murphys mistakes in the media, and in fairness he has done very well considering the forces he is dealing with, is to get drawn into an debate over what constitutes peaceful protest!
Just saw yesterday's Herald with amazing "Burton Hag Insult Not My Fault" front page. And yet I did smirk when Murphy was quizzed on his background (private school) and he claimed that class (or background can't remember) isn't important. Or at least that was what was reported.
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Something tells me this is not going to end happily.
Kshama Sawant arrested yesterday. Still no mention of her or offers of #solidarity from the revolutionary socialist and feminist Laurie Penny. What gives?
Seattle City Councilwoman Kshama Sawant was arrested after she failed to disperse during a protest outside of Alaska Airlines headquarters in SeaTac Wednesday evening.

Sawant was one of four people arrested when they stayed in the middle of a street at a protest calling for a $15 minimum wage for all workers at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. The other people arrested were a cargo handler, a former airport worker and a church reverend.

Sawant said before the protest started that it was her “obligation as a public servant” to exercise civil disobedience and risk arrest.
i saw this and thought of this thread "Specifically, they identify as a non-binary genderqueer peoplequeer mentally ill non-monogamous kinky critical feminist robot"
LP's "digital activist hero" in Pando.

One aspect of the culture that weev obviously enjoys is the concept of “wasta,” an entrenched organizing principle in Levantine neighborhoods, economies and political life, which roughly means “clout” or “influence” or “who you know.” It also signifies protection.

“I’ve got some wasta,” weev says. “Enough to mitigate a controlled kidnapping situation. But there is a much greater risk that the US government could just kill me.”

He refers to wasta frequently throughout our talk, and clearly relishes the idea of a network of protection that doesn’t cave to threats of prosecution or violence. He says he owes his wasta to his girlfriend’s family ties in Beirut.
I get the feeling that it's not the US govt he should be worried about but rather the inevitable falling out with shady new associates because he's a massive cunt.
Everyone stop what you're doing and get #furious at this filthy heteronormative propaganda.

Left in Love is a monthly dating column for progressive daters, written by Meghan Murphy. Left alone? Find love at rabble.ca. Let us send you out on the town with someone who will tickle your radical fancy!
Left in Love: Angus and Priscilla overcome white male privilege and find common ground
Self-awareness is sexy. We did the whole "where would you like to be in 10 years" bit, and I was attracted to the way she described her metric for achievement.
Something about "metric for achievement" makes me die inside a bit. I don't get it. Is this made up stuff with normal people used as props for the pics?
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