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Our betters are having a barney:

The CUSU Women’s Campaign has spoken out against the invitation of Caroline Criado-Perez to speak at the ‘Women of the World’ (WOW) Festival [...]

The Women’s Campaign wrote an open letter to the organiser of the event, describing Criado-Perez as a “totally inappropriate and offensive candidate”.

In a statement signed by the entire Women’s Campaign committee and Sarah Brown, former Cambridge City Councillor, they claimed that Criado-Perez holds views that “harm and exclude trans people, especially women”...Criado-Perez is also accused of having a “dismal” record on race and having beliefs which “privilege” non-transgender women [...]

In an email to the Women’s Campaign obtained exclusively by Varsity, Criado-Perez described herself as “deeply hurt and saddened”...She also denied the allegations of transphobia levelled at her by the Women’s Campaign, claiming that she “stand with trans women against the male violence that we all face”.

Criado-Perez also elaborated on her “specific objections” to the term 'cis', primarily “the need to be able to specifically address the discrimination faced by women who have been raised as girls since birth, as well the need to not present this oppression as privilege by mixing these women with their oppressor class – men, who certainly do benefit from having been born and raised as boys. I believe that cis does this by mixing "cis women" together with "cis men."" [...]

Criado-Perez invited the Women’s Campaign to meet with her in order to identify her stance on specific issues that have “made them feel uncomfortable”. It is not clear yet whether the Women’s Campaign have accepted her offer [...]


My head hurts.

This is droll, though:

The Women’s Campaign were also disappointed not to have been invited to the WOW event, describing their exclusion as “bizarre”. Committee members cited both their “pioneering schemes" and "ideas that the University gains public approval from” as reasons for their inclusion in the event.​
it should be noted that the ideas harmful to transpeople are nothing more than asking if simply claiming to be a woman is enough to considered a woman, and suggesting that if womens spaces are open to any man simply on the basis of his claim to be a woman then these spaces aren't womens spaces, IIRC.
I've had no internet for weeks, so catching up on Weevgate, but WTF is this shit? Look what Crabapple favourited...

the piece also says "when she was still a nude model no one could have predicted she'd one day be taken seriously as a political artist"...

Whereas now she's totally taken seriously.

Oh, no, hang on, she's actually not, is she??!? And with her ongoing fawning over weev, that's hardly any surprise...
Oh for fuck's sake. Attack her for the gaping holes in her politics, not because she posted a slightly mememe tweet about dyeing your hair an unnatural colour attracting unwanted attention :facepalm: seriously.


That's not the fucking context is it? Looking at the last few pages it looks like folk are being snidely attacked for questioning the story of a fucking infamous bluffer.
Exactly .

how can you reconcile this

Didn't see anyone having a go at her for feeling unsafe.

with this

don't care what she does with her hair, just fed up with another in the long line of posts where lp claims to b victim of extreme circumstances. Maybe I'm being too mean to her, I'm finding her really annoying lately.

either you pair accept that Laurie Penny felt unsafe enough to dye her her a less noticable colour because of being harrasled in the street or you dont.If its the former then whats all the "claims to be a victim" shit about?

leaving aside the fact that what i clearly said was
Castigating her for expressing those fears through the medium she presumably finds enabling is to my eyes wankerish.

which is what
just fed up with another in the long line of posts where lp claims to b victim of extreme circumstances. Maybe I'm being too mean to her, I'm finding her really annoying lately.
I didn't expect my post to cause such a stir, i really didnt think id been a wanker. All I meant was, which has been said many times on this forum, I don't think lp is telling the truth, rather she is crying sexism in much the same way she claims oppression in various ways which have been proved to be either complete lies or appropriation of things that have happened to others, sometimes IMO, more oppressed groups. It seems to me that sometimes any criticism of her is met with cries of .....list, putting herself in the position of victim & painting others as bullies/oppressors when that is not always the case. I'm not saying she does this with every single thing, more that she's the sort of person who'd rather climb a tree to tell a lie than stand on the ground and tell the truth.

There have been many, many pages on this forum referring to the many whoppers she's told & been caught out in. They are still there for anyone to see. That doesn't mean I dont think she gets ANY harassment or trolling. As I've said b4 the best I can say to her is good luck with ur career, cos I know she has actually worked hard to get where she is. I just wish she wasn't the voice of revolution/anarchy/the far left, whatever role she & mainstream media sets herself up in. cos she is damaging to the activist movement.

Maybe u don't think she is particularly untruthful, maybe she isn't more than most mainstream journals. Could b I expect more from her cos of the position she claims to be representing. Anyway I've clearly upset some of her supporters here, from what has been said. I have felt here b4, tho not while talking about lp, that Ive been argued with for things I haven't said. Maybe swearing at ppl & being aggressive is what passes for "robust debate". I don't think so.
post: 13495861 said:
her supporters, eh? I thought I was the one who was being snide?
Why is that snide? It is not unreasonable to say she has supporters. Actually she has lots. More than critics id say. Also I did not say u were snide, sorry that u think I am.
On this thread? where are they?
Ppl Have defended her, not just this time but in the past on this thread. U can re-read it to find their names. Imo she has many supporters, tho not many necessarily on this thread. But she had not gone undefended.
its not implausible that she's been given shit for her hair. You can get called cunt to your face anywhere from kettering to kowloon for having unusual hair. In a harvard district, as a young woman? Come on. It happens.
Yes it does happen. Frequently. I was just meaning that every time she leaves her house was another stretching of my belief anyway. In a long line of stretching. I didn't think it would b big deal as this subject has been discussed b4. Really didn't mean it to go on so long.
Anyway I've clearly upset some of her supporters here,

I'm far from being a supporter of her, I've barely skimmed more than a couple of her articles,

I just wish she wasn't the voice of revolution/anarchy/the far left, whatever role she & mainstream media sets herself up in. cos she is damaging to the activist movement.

No she is not her name wouldn't even register with the people i live and work with. And if you think anything she could say or write in anyway damage" the cause" or more importantly and accurately the causes you align yourself with i feel sad for you son,cause i got 99 problems and LP aint one
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I just wish she wasn't the voice of revolution/anarchy/the far left, whatever role she & mainstream media sets herself up in. cos she is damaging to the activist movement.
is there an activist movement?
is that a good thing?
does her position or her journalism damage it?
You said you've upset her supporters here. Who are they?
He r supporters as in ppl who have stuck up for her when she is criticised. U can re-read the thread going back months if u want a list. Not sure why u want me to "name names" When u can read. Just cos ppl have defended her in some things on this thread does not mean I'm accusing them of being diehard lp fans.
I'm far from being a supporter of her, I've barely skimmed more than a couple of her articles,

No she is not her name wouldn't even register with the people i live and work with. And if you think anything she could say or write in anyway damage" the cause" or more importantly and accurately the causes you align yourself with i feel sad for you son,cause i got 99 problems and LP aint one
She is as far as msm & many ppl r concerned. I don't think she is either but this is the role she has taken up/had bestowed on her by msm. The damage she does to activist movements was discussed thoroughly earlier on this thread & I don't want to just repeat it all. It's a long thread & maybe u haven't seen the parts I'm referring to. Glad she's not a problem for u & ur pals.
is there an activist movement?
is that a good thing?
does her position or her journalism damage it?
Yes I believe there are activist Movements. I think they r a good thing. Her damage to these movements was discussed thoroughly imo earlier on this thread. I'm not going to repeat it all. Sorry if u missed it, I know this is quite a long thread to wade thru.
He r supporters as in ppl who have stuck up for her when she is criticised. U can re-read the thread going back months if u want a list. Not sure why u want me to "name names" When u can read. Just cos ppl have defended her in some things on this thread does not mean I'm accusing them of being diehard lp fans.
you're the one who made a snide comment about upsetting the LP supporters on here. I'm asking you to back that up, as I think you're misrepresenting the view of most who've expressed discomfort about particular lines of attack. We've all been pretty clear, so you're either pretty dense or doing this on purpose. Which is it?
you're the one who made a snide comment about upsetting the LP supporters on here. I'm asking you to back that up, as I think you're misrepresenting the view of most who've expressed discomfort about particular lines of attack. We've all been pretty clear, so you're either pretty dense or doing this on purpose. Which is it?
I wasn't being snide! Idk why u keep insisting i was. What is wrong with saying ppl have defended her? I have clearly said I'm not attacking her for her hair & saying I am is misrepresenting my words. I think I have been clear & been attacked for a line of thought that I wasn't saying. Ok ur right I'm doing it deliberately or I'm too dense. I won't b posting here again so u can breathe a sigh of relief. There are other things I'd have like to discuss such as el ahrairah's comment about trans ppl but I can't seem to get u to leave the LP thing & it s bogging down the thread. I've been sworn at, taken in bad faith & dug out about this.
Her supporters as in ppl who have stuck up for her when she is criticised. U can re-read the thread going back months if u want a list. Not sure why u want me to "name names" When u can read. Just cos ppl have defended her in some things on this thread does not mean I'm accusing them of being diehard lp fans.

In that case, I think you've misunderstood what some people are saying.

It's not that people are actually defending LP or supporting her in everything (anything) she says or does, it's more that they are challenging you choosing to criticise her on this particular (trivial and personal) issue, which looks like a personal attack for the sake of it rather than a substantive attack on her politics or her negative contribution to the overall debate.

I had this distinction pointed out to me a while back when I made some sneery comment about the sound of her voice, or something along those lines, and I thought it was a valid one, so I took it on board. No one is saying you shouldn't criticise LP (or anyone else) on substantive issues, and I'm sure the chance to do so will be along again soon.
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