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Urban v's the Commentariat

Old people definitely don't get literature. What with it only being invented in 1994 and everything.
There's a reason Georgina Urwell titled her seminal self-published novel about an under-appreciated genius trying to survive in a world of permanent war and mediocrity or something Nineteen Ninety-Four. Five star Amazon review and I haven't even finished it!
It's less to do with a law which I for one don't believe for one second that they give a fuck about and more to do with being desperate to associate themselves with a celebrity 'geek' because that makes them feel cleverer and hipper than you sheeple pricks with your Strictly and your snotty kids and petty beige concerns. From LP's buke, about 'geeks'. Rubbishist bits snipped.

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it's hard to see how someone can be an outsider with literature when every bookshop in the land probably has something like jane austen or charles dickens in it, even if it's just propping up a desk or chair.
Private school/Oxbridge mental health issues are much better/worse than anyone elses as the people there are the best and the brightest and so worth more than an ugh...average type:

How Cambridge University almost killed me

At Britain’s universities many students crumble as they realise they are only average-sized fish in a much larger pond. Part of the problem is that while we are used to praising or criticising students, it is unusual to sympathise with them. Even to themselves, the whining sounds like “poor me”. But the reality is that the pressure is putting thousands of bright young people at risk of serious mental illness.

Oxbridge is a close-knit collegiate system. Within this system, small communities of extremely motivated individuals live together in the intimate confines of an environment characterised by centuries of academic achievement. Katt Parkins likens it to an Etch-a-Sketch. “You know when you just have to slide off what’s already there and focus on a new drawing?” she says. “It’s like that. You have to focus on your work, so you suppress personal things that you should actually work through. Eventually it builds and builds.”

“There’s certainly historical data that suggests that there is greater prevalence of mental health difficulties in Oxford and Cambridge,” says Byrom. “Living with a small group of competitive people isn’t easy, and you also then have a competitive environment. I think Oxford and Cambridge are probably happy to admit that they pre-select people at high risk of developing mental health difficulties, because they’re taking high-achieving perfectionist young people, who come to be the best.”

Why was this piece given the internet lead today?
Like David Morrell never went away!

"One oxbridge columnist's quest to backpeddle more frantically than hardly any oxbridge columnist had done before."

"One oxbridge columnist's quest to backpeddle more frantically than hardly any oxbridge columnist had done before."

“An insane neonazi hacker threatens to destroy the intersectionalnet - and only two women stand in his way. But can ex-CIA hitwoman Laura Pennyred, who turned her back on the assassin's life to become the world's most successful academic in the history of media studies, and reformed art terrorist Malificent Croboppel, stop him in time?”
Private school/Oxbridge mental health issues are much better/worse than anyone elses as the people there are the best and the brightest and so worth more than an ugh...average type:

How Cambridge University almost killed me

Why was this piece given the internet lead today?

For the same reasons that so much of the story of this country's contribution to the fight against Franco focused on dreaming spires rather than bus garages. It's all about access and interest; neither of which seemed to have changed much in the nearly eight intervening decades.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
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