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Urban v's the Commentariat

When is the PD Response Squad picket at the university she is studying at in the states?
All US section militants are engaged in leading practically all worthwhile campaigns over there so a Proletarian Security Kommando has been scrambled and is on its way across the atlantic.

ignoring the fact that theres nothing special about being into sf and fantasy, the genres can and do stray into reactionary and questionable paths in the hands of wrong writers.

There's nothing special about being able to name 5 space marine chapters. Geek stuff is mainstream now. Has been since before I was born, waxing and waning as cultural trends do. Why carrying some pratchett torch is outre to these people is baffling.

A-fuckin-men brother.
politics as a lifestyle choice. The likes of weev would still be cracking jokes and acting the wacky fool as he voted for yellow stars- I wonder if his soi disant left commenteriat supporters realise how it isn't just an ironic posture.

A-fucking-men brother, volume II
His youtube account (youtube.com/weevlos) has plenty of racist guff on it from up to 5 years ago - if you have literally nothing else to do and can be bothered sitting through it. He is extremely boring.
The Crabapple piece in Vice that copliker posted upthread is the most revealing as to her friendship with this Weev creature:

"I didn't go there to write an article. I went because his conviction was wrong, and my friends and I cared for him. I meant to be another body filling the courtroom, to provide whatever support that's good for. "

"Official internet asshole or not, Weev inspires ride-or-die love."

He's so loveable! She sounds like a fucking Mitford sister.

""Hail, Eris," he yelled as the guards led him away. If this were a movie, here's where the crowd would have raised their fists in unison. We are Weev. We are Spartacus. A few did raise their fists. But the rest stood as if slapped silent. The black-haired girl doubled over with hard, ugly sobs. "

The hard, ugly sobs bit is straight out of the Penny book of faux-profundity...

from here: http://www.vice.com/read/lulz-and-leg-irons-in-the-courtroom-with-weev
The Crabapple piece in Vice that copliker posted upthread is the most revealing as to her friendship with this Weev creature:

"I didn't go there to write an article. I went because his conviction was wrong, and my friends and I cared for him. I meant to be another body filling the courtroom, to provide whatever support that's good for. "

"Official internet asshole or not, Weev inspires ride-or-die love."

He's so loveable! She sounds like a fucking Mitford sister.

""Hail, Eris," he yelled as the guards led him away. If this were a movie, here's where the crowd would have raised their fists in unison. We are Weev. We are Spartacus. A few did raise their fists. But the rest stood as if slapped silent. The black-haired girl doubled over with hard, ugly sobs. "

The hard, ugly sobs bit is straight out of the Penny book of faux-profundity...

from here: http://www.vice.com/read/lulz-and-leg-irons-in-the-courtroom-with-weev

This line from her article stands out:

The prosecutors spun the tale of a brilliant young sociopath.

And she spun the tale of Weev, the victim.

She's out of her depth. It reads more like a passage from a novel than a court report.

Women in the public gallery are 'balled up in tears' and are 'doubled over with hard, ugly sobs'

She herself calls it "art", so I presume with that comes, for her, a freehand to define a narrative divorced from a far more sinister story than she wanted in her simpleton good / evil battle
Probiotic yoghurts?

I'm still struggling to figure out the logic behind Penny Dreadful claiming to be a journalist, traditionally a job involving freedom of speech, information and opinion, while having closed comments on her blog.

Freedom of speech for the monied and bearded.




A senior Liberal Democrat has complained that peers cannot get by on the £300 a day they get for turning up at the House of Lords.

Baroness Olly Grender, who worked as an adviser to Nick Clegg, said that the tax-free payment left peers relying on their partners for financial support.

She told the House political magazine: “What you don’t get is a hairdresser, what you don’t get is a bus driver. And why don’t you get those people?

“Because it’s unaffordable for most people to do this kind of thing unless you are relying on a partner.

“A salary in the Lords alone, a bank won’t accept it as payment for a mortgage.

“It varies dramatically because you clock on when you sit because it’s an allowance rather than a salary.”

The attendance allowance is paid instead of a salary.

From wikipedia

Grender blogged for the New Statesman magazine.
I think I remember weev coming to fame back in around 2006/2007 as one of the people behind the website Jews Did 9/11 dot com. He was one of the Encyclopedia Dramatica lot who made a name for themselves stalking and harassing people on sites like Livejournal, and that was earlier still. He has a record of this stuff that goes back for nearly a decade at least.
Molly CrabappleVerified account ‏@mollycrabapple Oct 3
I'm a mixed Puerto Rican Jew. Fuck Nazis. Had much sympathy for an unjustly imprisoned person. Misjudged sincere belief as trolling

...Not sure if she's talking bout Weev's incarceration or Hitler's time in Landsberg...

If he'd been trolling, it would have been all good and great japes :rolleyes::(:hmm:
So where's their #FreePeterNunn campaign?

I note that (publically at least) LP has opted to ignore the whole thing and shore up the brand by putting out a 'Social Justice Warriors Are Winning' claptrap piece. Not so much as a #solidarity for poor molly. That's what that education buys you - an ability to keep calm, abandon your mates, at least until it blows over, and carry on.

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So where's their #FreePeterNunn campaign?

I note that (publically at least) LP has opted to ignore the whole thing and shore up the brand by putting out a 'Social Justice Warriors Are Winning' claptrap piece. Not so much as a #solidarity for poor molly. That's what that education buys you - an ability to keep calm, abandon your mates, at least until it blows over, and carry on.

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She does know he has a massive swastika on his chest, right?
I think I remember weev coming to fame back in around 2006/2007 as one of the people behind the website Jews Did 9/11 dot com. He was one of the Encyclopedia Dramatica lot who made a name for themselves stalking and harassing people on sites like Livejournal, and that was earlier still. He has a record of this stuff that goes back for nearly a decade at least.
Still on LJ apparently, where he posts a mix of open source rants and support for white supremacist murderers.
that was my first thought, but it was followed by "no, a fine upstanding urbanite wouldn't do something so dastardly"

Murdoch/Marx was obviously wrong, but you wouldn't have made up abominartions, or so i thought
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