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It was meant as reported speech - like what the kids he grew up with would say. Like me talking about my dad calling paul weller a poof but without putting it in quotes. He writes a load of priviliged shit now, but this is not one he's done wrong.
Not sure I buy that explanation to be honest.
It was meant as reported speech - like what the kids he grew up with would say. Like me talking about my dad calling paul weller a poof but without putting it in quotes. He writes a load of priviliged shit now, but this is not one he's done wrong.
I see what you mean for the first post as reported speech but not sure about the follow up.
Even drainpipe jeans were for poofs.
Pretty much everything was for poofs actually. Lucky poofs, if only there had been any.
He's saying gay people were forced to hide - so there weren't any. Partly through abuse of people as poofs and people seeing threatening poofs everywhere. Any deviation from standard style =poof. I'm right on this one. Trust me.

How do we explain shakey though?

Fair enough.

On related note these could probably go in the unfashionable 80s bands thread. The street racists gave us their album for christmas cos it was the kind of thing that gets dumped in the bargain bin. It seemed a bit tame for us at the time, definitely nowhere as good as Shaky, so my brother gave it to the school teddy boy. I didn't like their clothes either. Still playing apparently.

Laurie and Molly get the mention on Breitbart.

This news will come as acutely embarrassing to a number of figures on the political Left who lauded Auernheimer during his trial and incarceration. New Statesman writer Laurie Penny praised Auernheimer in bylined opinion pieces as well as on Twitter, where she called for his release using the hashtag #freeweev.

Artist and writer Molly Crabapple, another prominent figure on the Left, wrote an emotional account of Auernheimer's sentencing in VICE. "I didn't go there to write an article. I went because his conviction was wrong, and my friends and I cared for him. I meant to be another body filling the courtroom, to provide whatever support that's good for," she opined.
Laurie and Molly get the mention on Breitbart.
There's an awesome pbman-type comment under that:

The odd thing is his politics didn't change. He is/was a committed Leftist who now is outspoken in his articulation of the standard views of the Left. Most of the most rabid Communists in Eastern Germany became fervent Neo-Nazis after reunification. They have also adopted Islam as their religion of choice.

The Left is a continuum of thought that encompasses both National Socialism and International Socialism that they and perhaps you would like to avoid mentioning.
Most of the most rabid Communists in Eastern Germany became fervent Neo-Nazis after reunification. They have also adopted Islam as their religion of choice.

This is true. You can barely move for Neo-Nazi muslims in the former DDR.
Having watched that vid of the freak above outside court - why did they attach themselves to this clown? They wouldn't dare sit next to him on the bus. Why did this happen?
lauriepenny said:
You lot are hilarious. Really. The number of hours you've wasted ranting, hyperventilating and making up rubbish about me and stalking my friends is no doubt an enormous loss to the British left.
One of your friends is a nazi hacker and actual misogynistic stalker who's capable of compromising the personal security of people by passing information on to rather unpleasant types. #awkward
Having watched that vid of the freak above outside court - why did they attach themselves to this clown? They wouldn't dare sit next to him on the bus. Why did this happen?

It exposes the journalists concerned for being the featherweights that they are in their profession. They were either too lazy or too stupid to do basic fact checking on the subject they were reporting on.

The Breitbart article implies that he undertook a political conversion while in prison, but the egotistical narcissism if not outright psychopathy has been evident all along. From a Tweet posted up before:

I am a friend of @rabite's. I can't believe it took a picture of a swastika for y'all to notice his whole white pride trip. He's not subtle.
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