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Urban v's the Commentariat

...and in today's episode, we have the Boy Jones driving a bulldozer straight into Not All Men! territory: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/sep/24/men-stand-together-emma-watson-misogyny

And as to where he gets his "understanding" of mental health issues from....what did he do, read up on all this from the back of a packet of fucking Cornflakes?

I don' think it's a bad piece overall. That said, I can't help thinking his passing mention of mental health issues is less than relevant to the causes thereof, It also takes rather more than a little soundbite to make it much more than lip service.
Can someone techno-clever grab the boy Jones' latest tweet about us all following IS's script? I want to check it is real and I didn't just imagine it. Ta.
Nick 'ten years on, the case for invading Iraq is still valid' Cohen:

How an Oxford degree – PPE – created a robotic governing class

A remarkable number of the politicians voters despised for their tricks learnt their politics at Oxford: David Cameron, William Hague, Theresa May, Jeremy Hunt, Ed Davey, Danny Alexander. Matthew Hancock, Ed Miliband, David Miliband, Ed Balls, Yvette Cooper, Angela Eagle, Maria Eagle, Rachel Reeves and Stuart Wood. There are more PPE graduates in the Commons than Old Etonians (35 to 20). Remember I am not talking about Oxbridge-educated politicians, who make up 50 per cent of ministers and 28 per cent of MPs, but the graduates of just one Oxford course.

Guess what Cohen forgets to mention in this article?
The piece itself is a great example of appalling naivety that probably stems from his shallow PPE education. Non-PPE graduate politicians across all states and parties are making the same appalling decisions, almost as if there's some structural pressure for them to do so rather than a series of unconnected wrong choices made over and over again all over the world because of wrong degree choice. So his argument has some merit in that field he works in but forgot to apply it to, but very little in that part of the world where he did.
The piece itself is a great example of appalling naivety that probably stems from his shallow PPE education. Non-PPE graduate politicians across all states and parties are making the same appalling decisions, almost as if there's some structural pressure for them to do so rather than a series of unconnected wrong choices made over and over again all over the world because of wrong degree choice. So his argument has some merit in that field he works in but forgot to apply it to, but very little in that part of the world where he did.

Structural pressure? Pshaw and fie, good sir!
Probably worth mentioning that he will see who has visited his profile (unless you have a paid-for OKC profile and are browsing invisibly), and given his creepy predilections, that might not be something everyone would want to risk.
Ok, so if you're on the site, you can hax0r it by not logging in and just pasting the link. If you can't be bothered, it's this kind of thing.

What I’m doing with my life
I manage a hedge fund.

I’m really good at
Talking shit and beating women.

The first things people usually notice about me
My lips are soft and full, the result of thousands of years of evolutionary advantage in making out. I have a swastika tattoo, and yes, that means I am not interested in blacks, thanks. I'm okay with Jewesses as long as they're prepared to get beaten and choked out with a tephillin and service my current female partner and I.

and even crabapple called him an asshole
An arsehole she approves of enough to paint portraits of.
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