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Urban v's the Commentariat

They'd most likely claim he's not a real racist on the grounds that they've met him and he's a l33t irony fuelled h@x0r, who's just trolling you sheeple for lulz.

possibly. though i believe LP has written articles about sexism in internetland and concluded that it still isn't acceptable.

i'd like to see their excuses / explanations for thinking a self-described National Socialist is the doberman's twitcher.

post-racism :(
what happens if you critique her support for the nazi? i'd like to see her justifications for that?

Well, I did ask her about her quoting from a conversation she had with Anna Span at some porn award ceremony, only for Ms Span herself to go on Twitter and ask why she was being quoted in a conversation she didn't have at an event she didn't actually attend.

No answer, oddly.
Laurie Penny worked hard to get her fellowship at Harvard, just like any other brightest girl at smart private school could, nasty neoliberal ideas about 'choice' just drip from everything she writes.
Did she? I thought a load of her luvvie mates who don't pay much attention just signed a letter recommending her?

She should call the next book; "I'm sorry", it seems she gets to have her privilege cake and eat it too, so long as she says sorry the whole time.
Did she? I thought a load of her luvvie mates who don't pay much attention just signed a letter recommending her?

She should call the next book; "I'm sorry", it seems she gets to have her privilege cake and eat it too, so long as she says sorry the whole time.

I wasn't being serious, I'm sure you are right, but she behaves as if that is what happened. BTW I don't see many examples of her acknowledging her class privilege, white privilege sometimes maybe...
It irritates me to constantly reference Penny, but I cannot escape how she is a) unable to understand why people were critical of her Harvard comment and b) makes herself the victim....again. She's obviously not deserving of some the more visceral misogyny. But to blame the way she went after people yesterday for calling her out on 4 years of abuse is a weak excuse.

she really really really should get off twitter. it's a terrible place for people who can't take criticism, whether that criticism is justified or not. it would do wonders for her mental health. sadly it probably wouldn't improve the quality of her politics, writing, or base humanity.
she really really really should get off twitter. it's a terrible place for people who can't take criticism, whether that criticism is justified or not. it would do wonders for her mental health. sadly it probably wouldn't improve the quality of her politics, writing, or base humanity.

I was thinking that earlier.

I wonder how many others who've fully committed themselves into "building their personal brand through social media" are beginning to find that they've lost control of it?
I wonder how many others who've fully committed themselves into "building their personal brand through social media" are beginning to find that they've lost control of it?

I have zero sympathy, she has a world of other options and this is the path she has chosen. She can get off at any time, or at least stop behaving as appallingly, but she doesn't.
I have zero sympathy, she has a world of other options and this is the path she has chosen. She can get off at any time, or at least stop behaving as appallingly, but she doesn't.

Y'see I don't think she can. Same with the rest of commentariat. Social media is her platform, where she builds her platform, her audience and sustains her exposure. She leaves, she disappears into obscurity. Same with all the others.

No sympathy, that's the game she chose play. But I don't think she has much choice anymore.
...I also don't think she's quite privileged enough to just jack in journalism and waltz into some other career.

She appears very insecure about her status, hence the constant credential flaunting and name dropping.

There's plenty like her coming out of the private school system, coming out without quite enough social capital to ensure a smooth realisation of their raised expectations. These are also often the types to be keenest to rip up the ladder of social mobility to prevent others of their ilk coming along and providing competition for their "hard won" status.

At least in comparison with their more secure peers.

I chuckle to myself when these types are forced deal with the likes of me as "an equal" professionally or socially.

*I meet too many posh people in my life*
vice really is a shit outfit, the nadir of app-for-that fuck haired ironical posturing content to flirt with any nazi/gun/cannibal/racist shit cos you know..its cool man, retweet this shit. May they burn

Probably the only reason they haven't done a feature on "paedo" hairdos is because most of their staff have such coiffures.
Now is a good time for her to walk away from Twitter, seeing as she's about to start her course at Harvard. She won't have time to keep up with it soon anyway.
Her behaviour on Twitter is pretty routine:

Writes/makes controversial statement (closest thing to the trans movement without being trans/Harvard credentials):

Receives a lot of justified criticism (and some not) given the big profile she has. Instead of an exercise in humility and learning - it's "I'll try harder next time" or "I'm getting bullied and harassed, send love." It's amazing how she's not learnt anything from her past fallouts. She's her own worst enemy in that sense.

I think she's tone deaf to how people *actually* perceive her tweets/behaviour/writing. Very insecure about Harvard - she snapped at Nesrine Malik for suggesting she did not deserve to be there (which was not the case at all).

I know Twitter has a function now that notify's you if someone links to one of your tweets but the way she went after people yesterday was so embarrassing. She does not deserve a lot of the abuse but imagine playing on people's good nature to generate book sales?

Hopefully Harvard means she'll re-evaluate her attitude and the way she uses things like Twitter. Lose the vanity. Learn humility. Actually learn from the people who try to teach about her identity politics (as she's so insistent on it). She probably won't though. I'm probably some awful, shitty women hater for writing this now. Just another elitist bubble.

I don't dislike Penny in a lot of ways. She is just utterly naive about a lot of the world and has shitty politics. No malice. But as others say, when you approach Twitter in a certain way, don't expect to not be hoisted by your own petard.

I'm tired of writing about her. I will continue to critique her politics and laugh at her Harvard-style tweets. But unless either of the two happen, this will hopefully be the last thing I say about her.
It irritates me to constantly reference Penny, but I cannot escape how she is a) unable to understand why people were critical of her Harvard comment and b) makes herself the victim....again. She's obviously not deserving of some the more visceral misogyny. But to blame the way she went after people yesterday for calling her out on 4 years of abuse is a weak excuse.


The state of this fucking middle-class whinger. I could vomit.
Serious Q: has Laurie ever had a proper job?

I don't mean to minimise what I'm sure has been an immense trauma for her over the past few days in Harvard, but I love the idea of her behaving like she does currently in a normal prole job where you can't blame your fuck ups on 'trolls' and a 'campaign of abuse'.
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