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Mensch is openly making up quotes from UKIP defector carswell today:

Louise Mensch @LouiseMensch
Carswell's own blog "Only by voting Conservative can you get a realistic chance of leaving the EU" talkcarswell.com/home/2775

The site actually says:

By voting for the Conservatives, we stand a realistic chance of being out in 40 months' time.

Did the poor girl not learn what quotes are from private school and and an english lit degree from oxbridge?
Mensch is openly making up quotes from UKIP defector carswell today:

Louise Mensch @LouiseMensch
Carswell's own blog "Only by voting Conservative can you get a realistic chance of leaving the EU" talkcarswell.com/home/2775

The site actually says:

Did the poor girl not learn what quotes are from private school and and an english lit degree from oxbridge?
It would appear not, clearly a privileged education is not as good as one acquired in the state system. I got taught how to quote correctly and accurately from 12 iirc. She obviously didn't.
I was in Sweden. The country's neat politeness made an obscene contrast to social media, where the stream showed police rampaging in Ferguson, Missouri.

Swedish police hunt for neat polite gunmen targeting immigrants

'We can't rule out a neater politer Swedish Breivik': MP

Neat and usually polite riot police 'resorted to racial slurs' in Husby

sweden neat and polite - crabapple idiot.jpg

can you precis it so i don't have to read that nonsense?
"Stuff made me do an epic sad, (buy my rotten drawings)"
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I'll save you reading Crabapple's piece:

James Foley was a beautiful man. Sorry he is dead. I found out via Skype.

I like visiting Sweden. I am oblivious to its racism and neo-Nazi problem - or the police running over an anti-Nazi protester or charging them on horses.

Black people murdered by racist cops in America. But at least I offered bail funds. Protests in Ferguson. Is my whiteness = complicity?

IDF bombing Gaza. As an American I could not look away at the horror. As an American, am I complicit?

"Journalism often feels like vampirism." Am I also a vampire?

"Writing about others' trauma bears no relation to living it. Yet I was a ruin more and more." People were murdered but I felt just as bad.

Don't know how to write about happiness. Rain once washed flowers out my hair. I danced on regardless.

I read a good poem. Reminded me about good and bad in world.

Capitalism and a Hurricane ruined a place I liked to visit as a child. Poetic prose explains its decline as adult.

Beauty exists in bad places.

Beauty is worth fighting for.

Crabapple said:
Four hours earlier, we'd been downing whiskey to celebrate Weev's last night of freedom. His party took over the sort of fantasy loft that woos broke artists over to Newark. Journalists drank alongside hackers, activists, eyepatch-wearing documentarians, and candy-haired girls with lip rings. A lanky, lovely security expert swung from a rope. Livestreamer Tim Pool twittered that "all the little red dots on the government monitor are in the same room." Weev spent the night answering a Reddit AMA.
That's this pathetic cunt.

I'd say Penny was beyond parody but that statement has lost all meaning with her. Penny follows Auernheimer (and I assume Crabapple does too) and yet both are of Jewish descent but can seemingly follow someone who paranoidly rants about 'The Jews'.

Huh? Penny "follows" a Nazi writer for Vice?


I'm lost.

As an aside I know/knew someone who works at/for Vice. Nice kid. Incredibly privileged and expensively educated though.
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