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Stalin Tender Dumplings (pelmeni).


'Life has become better, comrades, life has become more joyful.'

"But what about people who don't like dumplings, like me?"

"Come the glorious day of the People's Dumpling, comrade, you'll do as your damn well told".
Pausing only to name drop Ferguson ,race and riots before back to the main issue ; the pressures on her in meeting some deadline for an article. A little bit of self centreredness.
Has Penny actually expressed any genuine sympathy for Mike Brown? I think not. Imagine, highlighting a story about racial and economic disparity and making it about you because someone name dropped your book.

Thank God she's in Harvard. She would probably be writing an article about it.
For the love of Jaysus, more peaceful for who? people being tear gassed and shot at with both live rounds and rubber bullets ?, what she means is she prefers to have her urban uprisings with a bit less looting and a few more articulate people on the telly. She is scum!

Maybe she means that she is in Harvard this time.
For the love of Jaysus, more peaceful for who? people being tear gassed and shot at with both live rounds and rubber bullets ?, what she means is she prefers to have her urban uprisings with a bit less looting and a few more articulate people on the telly. She is scum!

It's always more peaceful when the violence is so far away.
The author - Ed Smith - was a decent tier below world class cricketer. Seems like an alright bloke on commentaries and others reckon his books are ok. He's just that sort of ok person. The main thing is that they now have another privately schooled oxbridge voice writing for them after one privately schooled oxbridge voice has crossed the water.
The author - Ed Smith - was a decent tier below world class cricketer. Seems like an alright bloke on commentaries and others reckon his books are ok. He's just that sort of ok person. The main thing is that they now have another privately schooled oxbridge voice writing for them after one privately schooled oxbridge voice has crossed the water.
Did you read what I assume is her last column for them, on white knights and feminism?

I almost stopped reading after the first paragraph.

I would like to apologise to my long-suffering editor. This column is coming in late. I have been busy, you see, sexually servicing all the men and boys who express feminist sentiments in public. Some people have suggested that this idea – that men only treat women as human beings in order to get laid – is venal propaganda cooked up by paranoid chauvinists to explain away the growing army of men who are proud to support women’s crazy ambitions to gain basic respect and equality. But no. It’s all true. I haven’t slept properly in four years. I hear that Germaine Greer hasn’t slept since 1981. I’m working through the backlog by consuming enormous stockpiles of coffee but the queue is long and it’s getting longer every day, so please bear with me.

She might as well have just wrote "I am on the internet and I'm a woman, I have sex LOL"

The most heroic thing you can do as a man today is to risk your own social status to do what you know is right

Yes the most heroic thing you can do today is argue with misogynist 13 year olds on the internet and get called a white knight and a 'fag'. Jesus. Her writing gets worse and worse, this would be alright if she was a 13 year old writing on tumblr for an audience of one but she gets paid for this shit.
LP's final NS column for a year. Rather painfully late to the topic of Ferguson. Still lacking any self-awareness:

"I am struggling to hear the radio report over the industrial roar of an espresso machine and the smooth jazz drifting in through speakers. I am sitting in a hipster café in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The girl at the next table over from me has no idea where Ferguson is, or what is happening there, despite the battle for her country’s soul going on 1,200 miles away in the Midwest. She was unaware, until I brought it up in conversation, that on 9 August, an unarmed African-American teenager had been shot and killed by police. Outside, on a balmy, late-summer morning in a mainly white university town, with no police on the streets, life goes on as normal. Please repeat – this is America."


Then we move onto London...

"In Britain, we’ve seen this already. Almost exactly three years before the Ferguson protests broke out, the Metropolitan Police shot and killed an unarmed man, Mark Duggan, in Tottenham, north London. Peaceful demonstrations turned into several days of pandemonium as young people came out to loot shops and fight the police. Thousands of arrests were made and the government was hours away from sending in the army.

The protests in Ferguson are different in many ways from the 2011 English riots but there are also disturbing similarities: in August 2011, the official story was that the civil disorder had nothing to do with “real” politics, nothing to do with racist policing and repression. It was – in the words of the Home Secretary – “pure criminality”. It had nothing to do with class, or austerity, or the racial prejudice baked into both of those axes of oppression. Law enforcement was justified in making mass arrests and using extreme force to bring the situation under control – the only response to civil breakdown, then as now, was to bring in the big guns. And, as with the situation in Ferguson, everything hung on the character of the deceased."

Interesting how she frames the London protest as looting and fighting the police. She then labels it a "riot" before qualifying her remarks with a sentence about austerity and police racism.

Also "fighting the police" de-legitimises how the police first murdered Mark Duggan (which she correctly highlighted) and then a 16-year-old protester outside Tottenham Police Station is attacked, after around 100 people peacefully protested and were largely ignored by the police shortly after the shooting. Years of institutional police racism, stop and search, harassment is reduced to a sentence. Yes, it's not about London, she's trying to make a broader point about U.S. society, using her days of experience in a country, with a complex history of race problems.
The author - Ed Smith - was a decent tier below world class cricketer. Seems like an alright bloke on commentaries and others reckon his books are ok. He's just that sort of ok person. The main thing is that they now have another privately schooled oxbridge voice writing for them after one privately schooled oxbridge voice has crossed the water.
A lot of his articles for Cricinfo are pretty good IMO, but as you say totally from the right sort of background.
  1. Apparently I 'was born to Ray Barnett'- dear Wikipedia, wonderful as my dad was, the family confirms that he did not actually give birth
john locke ‏@jlocke13 2h
  1. @PennyRed "born to" not "born by"..did you do English GCSE..?
  2. Expand Collapse

Laurie Penny ‏@PennyRed 2h
.@jlocke13 actually I got the top mark in English GCSE nationally

She's the best at English 'nationally'. Actually. Actually.

Hope this will be my last post on the subject of Penny. If true, why brag about such a thing? What on earth does it matter? Especially in some twitter beef over spelling with someone calling themselves John Locke? What a dick. And so needy.
  1. Apparently I 'was born to Ray Barnett'- dear Wikipedia, wonderful as my dad was, the family confirms that he did not actually give birth
john locke ‏@jlocke13 2h
  1. @PennyRed "born to" not "born by"..did you do English GCSE..?
  2. Expand Collapse

Laurie Penny ‏@PennyRed 2h
.@jlocke13 actually I got the top mark in English GCSE nationally

She's the best at English 'nationally'. Actually. Actually.

Hope this will be my last post on the subject of Penny. If true, why brag about such a thing? What on earth does it matter? Especially in some twitter beef over spelling with someone calling themselves John Locke? What a dick. And so needy.

And you just know this Locke guy has named himself after the Lost character, not the philosopher.
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