...These days, I avoid left-wing newspapers and blogs like the plague, on the basis that, as I’m now 60, I’ve really heard enough bullshit to last whatever span is left to me. But an hour ago I fell for a tweet by Chris Deerin linking to what he claimed was a parody of a Laurie Penny column by Craig Brown. Only it turned out to be an actual column by the privately-educated journalistic successor to Polly Toynbee (and, of course, Deidre Spart), written in 2010, in the lead-up to the last World Cup. It is a classic – utterly beyond parody...
...At one point there's a surreal reference to a lesbian South African player being raped (possibly by Mosley's blackshirts - or idiot children - who knows?). And she uses the word "bricolage", thus proving how useful an expensive private education can be....