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Ukraine invasion memes and viral content

I listen to some hardbass and I'm kind of impressed that most of those addidas wearing, squatting, kvass drinking, slav kings have come out against this.

Of course I post this too late to see its a repost.

All them words you typed made you late bro, meme thread, drop the link, harvest the likes innit 😀
Interesting about the hard bass community coming out against the invasion, I was looking for that sort of thing when I found the YouTube video I posted.
I vaguely remember a video with Russian and American flags and peace themed from a while back but couldn't find it
All them words you typed made you late bro, meme thread, drop the link, harvest the likes innit 😀
Interesting about the hard bass community coming out against the invasion, I was looking for that sort of thing when I found the YouTube video I posted.
I vaguely remember a video with Russian and American flags and peace themed from a while back but couldn't find it
A lot of the hardbass crew seem to be anti war

dj blatman

and Russian village boys

have both posted anti war stuff on instagram

It is indeed proving a sticky wicket
The cartoon surprisingly did not cover this topic

Ewocks: caravan of CARNAGE
Actually, apparently there is a revisionist cartoon short that specifically shows Leia saving a detachment of captured Storm Troopers from the Ewok pot. But it’s obviously a Lucas Film / New Republic propaganda cover up…

He is just made for memes. I'm not 100% convinced he's even real though, can someone actually be this much of a cliche incompetent tinpot dictator?

"During the Covid pandemic Lukashenko stated that concerns about the pandemic were a "frenzy and a psychosis" and that working the tractors, drinking vodka and going to saunas could prevent people from infection from the virus. "People are working in tractors. No one is talking about the virus", Lukashenko said on 16 March 2020. "There, the tractor will heal everyone. The fields heal everyone". He also said: "I don’t drink, but recently I’ve been saying that people should not only wash their hands with vodka, but also poison the virus with it. You should drink the equivalent of 40–50 milliliters of rectified spirit daily", but he advised against doing so while at work."
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