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Ukraine and the Russian invasion, Feb 2022 - tangentially related crap

Obviously can take this with a massive pinch of salt, but according to Ukraine, Russia has lost 11,000 soldiers in the first 11 days.

I'm sure this is exaggerated, but if true, Russia is in 11 days quite close to approaching the number of casualties the USSR suffered in 10 years in Afghanistan (14,500). Gives you some sense of the scale, and as Russia is a much smaller population than the Soviet Union, the loss to Russian society is proportionately much higher too.

They have already lost more tanks, helicopters and aircraft than they lost in Afghanistan too, which does certainly seem plausible.

Edit - oops I meant to post this in the main thread
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Are they retrieving their dead and getting them home for burial? I read someone saying that that isn’t happening, and suggesting that failing to do so will have big implications for morale amongst soldiers and at home too.

Obviously can take this with a massive pinch of salt, but according to Ukraine, Russia has lost 11,000 soldiers in the first 11 days.

I'm sure this is exaggerated, but if true, Russia is in 11 days quite close to approaching the number of casualties the USSR suffered in 10 years in Afghanistan (14,500). Gives you some sense of the scale, and as Russia is a much smaller population than the Soviet Union, the loss to Russian society is proportionately much higher too.

They have already lost more tanks, helicopters and aircraft than they lost in Afghanistan too, which does certainly seem plausible.

I think that would be a valid post on the main thread, TBH.
So what's the story on these anti tank hedgehogs ? BBC reported at lunchtime, they were being deployed by the Ukrainians.
This has been posted already, but it's really worth a watch, especially the bit by Mr. Michael Kofman of the Center for Naval Analyses that starts at about 24.30 mins in and lasts for about 10 mins if you can't be arsed with it all. He's absolutely incredulous about how useless the Russian military has been so far.


(((( private schools )))) *

* :p
Are they retrieving their dead and getting them home for burial? I read someone saying that that isn’t happening, and suggesting that failing to do so will have big implications for morale amongst soldiers and at home too.
They might be using vehicle-mounted incinerators but that might just be bullshit from the right wing press.
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