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Ukraine and the Russian invasion, Feb 2022 - tangentially related crap

They might be using vehicle-mounted incinerators but that might just be bullshit from the right wing press.
Yes, I saw a twitter photo with this and was dubious.
Found by googling that they are used for waste disposal in this type of situation - but whether for disposal of human bodies is another matter. Wouldn't they use a lot of fuel? And wouldn't those loading them up have some opinions about the matter?

Perchance. Grabbed a book from the shelves of unread by me charity shop books this morning on my way out . It’s the gulag archipelago. I can see lots of similarities with what’s going / will be going in in the region . Erk
Don't want to derail the main thread so I'll just come here to moan about the BBC once again doing that thing where all the TV and radio reporters get a memo to say that they've been saying the name 'Kyiv' wrong all this time and could they please switch to this committee-approved, even-less-accurate pronunciation?

They're calling it Keev ffs. My Ukrainian is pretty non-existent but I know a diphthong when I see one.
Perchance. Grabbed a book from the shelves of unread by me charity shop books this morning on my way out . It’s the gulag archipelago. I can see lots of similarities with what’s going / will be going in in the region . Erk

I've been meaning to re-read Bulgakov's The White Guard, about a family trying to survive in an encircled and ultimately doomed Kyiv. Not sure it would cheer me up much though.
I didn't study the appropriate section in school history lessons, but weren't we once fighting in Crimea, wasn't that where the charge of the light brigade happened.

wtf were we doing there of all places? :) :(
I didn't study the appropriate section in school history lessons, but weren't we once fighting in Crimea, wasn't that where the charge of the light brigade happened.

wtf were we doing there of all places? :) :(
Spreading civilization of course.
I didn't study the appropriate section in school history lessons, but weren't we once fighting in Crimea, wasn't that where the charge of the light brigade happened.

wtf were we doing there of all places? :) :(
Article on the use of drones in the war, including the use of regular civilian drones as a cheap method of surveillance of enemy movements etc.

Apparently Russia is trying to get China to geofence the whole of Ukraine as a no-fly zone so that civilian drones they’ve manufactured won’t work there. This was done previously in Syria. Also would limit the documentation of atrocities.

One thing that drones are hugely assisting with is the aiming of artillery fire, feeding back images so aim can be adjusted for better accuracy. Here’s an example of an attack on a supply depot with footage from multiple drones.

There seems to have been several similar attacks in the last few days, clearly the Ukrainian military is being fed good intel on supply and command depot locations by the helpful owners of high res satellites.
In tangentially related crap news, I have an email from the company I buy heating oil from (oil fired boiler & hot water) saying they are sorry for cancelling peoples orders they can’t get supply because of Putin and try again another day . I’m ok, have enough, but that’s bad.
For those interested in some meaningless numerology.

WW1 started 28/7/1914. 28+7+19+14=68

WW2 started 1/9/1939. 1+9+19+39=68

WW3? 24/2/2022. 24+2....you get the picture

It's probably doing the rounds on FB or somewhere.
For those interested in some meaningless numerology.

WW1 started 28/7/1914. 28+7+19+14=68

WW2 started 1/9/1939. 1+9+19+39=68

WW3? 24/2/2022. 24+2....you get the picture

It's probably doing the rounds on FB or somewhere.

All those sixes and eights; something something rapture is coming, antichrist Hitler-Putin.
This is priceless. Look at the sign at the top, flickering and falling apart like a clown car. Fucking state of the place.

Geotargeted facebook ad to recruit spies


For those interested in some meaningless numerology.

WW1 started 28/7/1914. 28+7+19+14=68

WW2 started 1/9/1939. 1+9+19+39=68

WW3? 24/2/2022. 24+2....you get the picture

It's probably doing the rounds on FB or somewhere.
You really think San Francisco 'fact'checkers are going to agree those world war start dates?
Key point I would make with this is "correlation does not imply causation". In any society sucide is something that happens, Russian army is a large organisation and I would imagine they all have access to guns. So it may have nothing to do with Putin.
Other point I would make is that this has been generated by a Ukrainian group

InformNapalm volunteer initiative emerged as a response to the Russian aggression in Ukraine in March 2014.

Having said all that, Boris Kolesnikov a police general, quick search on the internet I found..

Department, was one of the key suspects in a high-profile case on bribe extortion and abuse of power at the department.

Kolesnikov was arrested in February 2014. In June, he jumped out of a window during questioning at the Investigative Committee in June. Later the Basmanny District Court said no evidence was found of assisted suicide.

Russia appears to charge people they don't like with corruption, where as the obvious centre of corruption is Putin and his cronies. Since Putin is clearly having difficulty with his special miltary operation, we will have to wait and see if the Russian miltary starts to lose people in Moscow at an accelerated rate.

Not sure about all the data shown in this thread, but the main message is..

In short, how Russia's forces are performing in Ukraine is consistent with Russia's historical strategy in war fighting: take heavily losses and hope the other side quits.

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On February 24 Ukraine’s electric grid operator disconnected the country’s power system from the larger Russian-operated network to which it had always been linked. The long-planned disconnection was meant to be a 72-hour trial proving that Ukraine could operate on its own. The test was a requirement for eventually linking with the European grid, which Ukraine had been working toward since 2017. But four hours after the exercise started, Russia invaded.

Ukraine’s connection to Europe—which was not supposed to occur until 2023—became urgent, and engineers aimed to safely achieve it in just a matter of weeks. On March 16 they reached the key milestone of synchronizing the two systems. It was “a year’s work in two weeks,” according to a statement by Kadri Simson, the European Union commissioner for energy. That is unusual in this field. “For [power grid operators] to move this quickly and with such agility is unprecedented,” says Paul Deane, an energy policy researcher at the University College Cork in Ireland. “No power system has ever synchronized this quickly before.”
Between 50,000 and 70,000 tech workers have left the country since late February, Sergei Plugotarenko, the head of the Russian Association of Electronic Communication, told a parliamentary hearing on March 22 dedicated to helping the IT industry weather the economic crisis triggered by the war and sanctions.

He warned that a “second wave” of as many as 100,000 IT specialists could leave next month.

President Vladimir Putin has signed several economic measures, including a three-year tax holiday and subsidized loans for IT companies. He has also approved subsidized mortgages for IT workers and granted a waiver from army service to all tech experts of draft age.

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