If the editor’s opinions were in any way contentious, you might have a point. But the general consensus in the country and on the board is that the Russian state’s invasion of Ukraine, and its determination to provide talking points for useful idiots, are both reprehensible. And there hasn’t been overt moderation, merely some pulling up of the idiocy.
from my pov the useful idiots are people who repeat ad nauseam the same articles of faith, apparently founded on the belief that people being war criminals will necessarily get their comeuppance in the end. the reality for the people of ukraine - setting aside the people of russia for the time being - is that win, lose or draw their future is bleak. not bleak simply because of the physical and mental effects of the war, but also because the conflict has provided excellent cover for the endemic corruption of the administration in the same way that the covid pandemic provided great avenues for corruption in this country. in addition, the vast sums of money flowing into ukraine to allow its government to continue will in many cases have to be paid back with interest of an eye-watering 45%. simply put, as i have argued on another thread, today is probably as good as it gets for ukraine for a very long time.
but there is, i submit, not going to be any reckoning with russia in any likely scenario beyond what seized russian assets can allow. there will be no unconditional russian surrender. there will be no reparations agreed at some international peace conference. there will be on the one hand an impoverished and broken ukraine almost certainly without territory east of the dniepro or crimea and on the other a battered but not broken russia. this could of course change if western forces are despatched to the conflict, but to do that would undoubtedly have implications for other conflict zones, notably the middle east and south china sea.
the greater problem, i feel, is the way that this war is affecting everyone from tierra del fuego to kamchatka - namely, in the divisions resulting from the conflict which affect areas in which all countries have a stake - the climate emergency. prior to the war there was much cooperation in climate science, cooperation which is really unlikely to be resumed any time soon. for me, in some ways this war, the ferment in the united states, the competition in the south china sea, the episodic warfare between china and india, comes down to competition for resources at a time when statesmanship is needed. this is how it ends, through stupid wars which will resolve nothing but delay concerted action on the climate emergency past the point where any reasonable environment can be assured in the future, where mass extinctions take place not only on land but in the seas, where fuck knows what emerges from the permafrost alongside the methane seeping from it.
however this ends in ukraine it ends badly. but it has created a greater alliance in the enlarged nato - which, unlike the warsaw pact, has already taken part in wars in asia, africa and europe. even if peace - or just a cessation of violence - is achieved between ukraine and russia, there is no way, i feel, that nato will be stood down. i'm sure the alliance will prove its worth in another conflict, though this may be some thousands of miles east of odessa.