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UK captains of industry have charity night where they sexually assault young female 'hostesses'

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Does that little white writing under her bum in the DM actually say, and I quote
'Innocent party-goers Revellers at charity fundraiser'

Pretty sure that will have been inserted by the lawyers, as I’m sure they’ll be identifiable.

Disruptive Conduct
SO WHAT? Have any of these moaning journalists ever had the job of dealing with a 'hen party' anywhere? I've had to do that by myself before now, and the old saying 'the women are worse than the men' is true, as anyone who deals with the public when it is pissed could tell you. The moral outrage of the Financial Times and the Guardian readership is not something that most of the country outside London are likely to relate to.
SO WHAT? Have any of these moaning journalists ever had the job of dealing with a 'hen party' anywhere? I've had to do that by myself before now, and the old saying 'the women are worse than the men' is true, as anyone who deals with the public when it is pissed could tell you. The moral outrage of the Financial Times and the Guardian readership is not something that most of the country outside London are likely to relate to.
Why don't you cunt off?
SO WHAT? Have any of these moaning journalists ever had the job of dealing with a 'hen party' anywhere? I've had to do that by myself before now, and the old saying 'the women are worse than the men' is true, as anyone who deals with the public when it is pissed could tell you. The moral outrage of the Financial Times and the Guardian readership is not something that most of the country outside London are likely to relate to.
Well, it only took 18 pages but we got there in the end.
SO WHAT? Have any of these moaning journalists ever had the job of dealing with a 'hen party' anywhere? I've had to do that by myself before now, and the old saying 'the women are worse than the men' is true, as anyone who deals with the public when it is pissed could tell you. The moral outrage of the Financial Times and the Guardian readership is not something that most of the country outside London are likely to relate to.
Oh, right. That's OK, then. And to think it took us 18 pages before someone came along to enlighten us. Tsk :rolleyes:
SO WHAT? Have any of these moaning journalists ever had the job of dealing with a 'hen party' anywhere? I've had to do that by myself before now, and the old saying 'the women are worse than the men' is true, as anyone who deals with the public when it is pissed could tell you. The moral outrage of the Financial Times and the Guardian readership is not something that most of the country outside London are likely to relate to.

Aren't you breaching your NDA?
SO WHAT? Have any of these moaning journalists ever had the job of dealing with a 'hen party' anywhere? I've had to do that by myself before now, and the old saying 'the women are worse than the men' is true, as anyone who deals with the public when it is pissed could tell you. The moral outrage of the Financial Times and the Guardian readership is not something that most of the country outside London are likely to relate to.
To be honest, I do feel sorry for you. Had your mobile confiscated, followed to the toilets, forced to wear black underwear... that did happen didn't it?
'From 'Conservative Woman'. Followed links there rather than habitual reader. On the event in question.

'This equality obsession, as Charles Moore once put it, is not just mad, bad and dangerous, it is inconsistent and hypocritical. It targets those it wants to target. That now seems to be any expression of the male sexual drive.

Is the latest freedom we have to defend men’s freedom to express themselves at all sexually? While women are allowed to parade at will, woe betide the man who then comments or looks.'
Interesting (maybe) this Sarah Vine column from a few days ago where she complains about the boys who turned up to her 15 year old daughter's birthday party

Disastrous party that makes me weep for today's girls | Daily Mail Online

how vulnerable these girls were to what can only be described as the feral demands of boys who clearly had no respect for them, me or my home.

Boys whose arrogance made them believe they could do whatever they wanted with impunity — and get away with it.

Boys, dare I say it, who had a completely skewed notion of what girls were for.

I wondered what their parents — presumably wealthy professional people to be able to afford the school fees — would have thought had they known what they were up to. After all, this was no uneducated rabble. This was supposedly the creme de la creme of London’s private school elite.

The dads probably would have been fine with it tbh
Interesting (maybe) this Sarah Vine column from a few days ago where she complains about the boys who turned up to her 15 year old daughter's birthday party

Disastrous party that makes me weep for today's girls | Daily Mail Online

The dads probably would have been fine with it tbh

There are literally not enough facepalms in the world to describe her total lack of understanding between how shit it is to be a 15 year old girl being sexually pressured (which may well be worse now cos internet, but was a thing when I was one 25 years ago); and the impact of her newspaper employers and her own columns in shaming, sexualising and denigrating women. She’s a fucking disgrace :mad:
There are literally not enough facepalms in the world to describe her total lack of understanding between how shit it is to be a 15 year old girl being sexually pressured (which may well be worse now cos internet, but was a thing when I was one 25 years ago); and the impact of her newspaper employers and her own columns in shaming, sexualising and denigrating women. She’s a fucking disgrace :mad:
Can we have any faith in the judgement re sexual mores of someone who chose Michael Gove as her life partner?
SO WHAT? Have any of these moaning journalists ever had the job of dealing with a 'hen party' anywhere? I've had to do that by myself before now, and the old saying 'the women are worse than the men' is true, as anyone who deals with the public when it is pissed could tell you. The moral outrage of the Financial Times and the Guardian readership is not something that most of the country outside London are likely to relate to.

They relate to the rich elite misogynist males, you say?:hmm:
Why don't you cunt off?

Or, of course the agency could have hired a different type of hostess. There is no shortage of women who want £150 cash in hand plus free booze. A simple notice on the door saying 'workshy debs need not apply' might help, but otherwise a no nonsense approach from the lady doing the hiring might have avoided a lot of embarrassing headlines.
Or, of course the agency could have hired a different type of hostess. There is no shortage of women who want £150 cash in hand plus free booze. A simple notice on the door saying 'workshy debs need not apply' might help, but otherwise a no nonsense approach from the lady doing the hiring might have avoided a lot of embarrassing headlines.
Are you actually saying that women who don't want to do this are "workshy debs"?

And what do you mean about "a no nonsense approach"? And I note your concern about " embarrassing headlines". Is everything all right as long as there are no embarrassing headlines?
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