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Tory UK EU Exit Referendum

As if any average joe in any other European country can name their local MEP either...
and it's one thing the Eu can be grateful to Farage for - he's probably raised the awareness of the MEP species more than anyone, ever :D
Some of the questions asked are a bit odd. Is it that odd if people can't name an mep from their region? Honestly I could when I lived elsewhere, but I can't now and I follow politics pretty closely. I don't really see why anyone would know who wasn't directly involved in party politics, and even then...

Why is this lack of knowledge being presented as evidence of the ignorance of the British public and not evidence of the irrelevance of meps to us? They aren't really accountable even to the small extent that mps are.
Jim crow laws asked black voters to name things like all sub-district judges in alabama in order to a) disenfranchise them b) build a popular culture on the idea of certain people not being quite human due to their ignorance and so c) open to being ignored/abused.
I'd guess that many people who can't name their MEP couldn't name the leader of their local council either, or maybe even their constituency MP. It's not a big deal if they can't name them, they can find out easy enough if they want to. The problem is that a lot of people don't care if they exist and neither understand nor care about what they do.

Well I can name my constituency MP and several local councillors off the top of my head but not any of the MEPs (remember that we don't have individual MEPs) elected in my constituency.
Jill Evans is my local Plaid Mep We're on the same page on a number of things including TTIP. The Tory one is a waste of space, quelle surpise also I can't remember her name nor the Labour one. Shame she may not have a job for much longer.
Jim crow laws asked black voters to name things like all sub-district judges in alabama in order to a) disenfranchise them b) build a popular culture on the idea of certain people not being quite human due to their ignorance and so c) open to being ignored/abused.

How many of those who are sneering can actually name the MEPs from their region? I bet very few.

I think the fact that they can't makes your comparison more apt.
Oh god, this is the best bit of patronising I have seen yet

It says, you care about the Game of **Rugby Union** so much that you talk about it online. Yet you don't do the same with the the EU. You poor thick fucks. Plus *wink** vote for stuff that helps the boss who owns this place.
Seen quite a few of these 'Say you're in if you're in' posters. Assume they're pro remain but how wishy washy can you get..? (And that it's not really clear what they're about means they're pretty pointless imo. )
It says, you care about the Game of **Rugby Union** so much that you talk about it online. Yet you don't do the same with the the EU. You poor thick fucks. Plus *wink** vote for stuff that helps the boss who owns this place.

Fucking hell. Ludicrous.
Finally after 100+ pages someone relates the real tragedy that could unfold - 73 politicians might lose their jobs :(
Well in her case although I'm gong to abstain she does seem to actually genuinely care about a range of issues which I'm in agreement with. So if she ends up jobless I really hope she finds something else worthwhile to do.

To me one of the main arguments for us staying in the EU is that we're specifically protected from the impacts of the stability and growth pact, and the Euro. There are no penalties that can be applied to us for breaching those nominal debt targets, and we can't be held to ransom by the ECB because we can print our own money if needed to prop up the banks / economy / whatever. So we can decide by ourselves to ditch austerity and there's fuck all the EU can do about it, the UK government is implementing austerity voluntarily not because the EU are forcing it to do it.
Of course, none of that is untrue if we were leave either.
Basically what happened to Greece can't be forced on us by the EU, it's impossible with the current set up, so the comparisons with Greece that many people on the left have made are false comparisons.
You seem happy being in a club that's currently pushing the Greek model on a dozen or so other nations, sending scores of millions people into poverty, for the benefit of a few. We don't even have a seat at the table anymore, not even allowed in the room - unable to contribute to any fiscal agenda. All that whilst still being one of only a few net contributors.
Remind me of the advantage of the membership?
We can stay and fight alongside with Greece, Spain and other countries if we* and they swing to the left without any fear of what happened to Greece happening to us. They have a far higher chances of ending up forming a minority bloc in the European Council with a blocking percentage of the EU population with us than without us because we are one of the 4 countries with the highest population levels.
Greece did swing to the left. The money power at the center of the club gave them such a kicking in that dark corner of the periphery that any other left parties will immediately have their wings clipped, due to the fear of their electorate losing access to their savings overnight... A retreat is needed and the best place to form any alliance would be outside the perimeter. There's a unique opportunity in front of you now.
Also in Europe at least the parliament is elected by PR, so it's far more likely to end up with Socialist / Green / Left blocs having a role in a left / progressive coalition than would have been the case in the UK - at least prior to Corbyn seemingly managing to retake the Labour party for the left. If the non labour left in the UK got it's act together electorally then it has a far higher chance of getting representation via European PR elections than it does via first past the post elections to the UK parliament.
Ahh the European Parliament socialists, headed up by Martin Schulz, he who didn't mind also putting the boot in when Veroufakis was taking that kicking. What aspirations. Or is it just a lack of bottle?
* obviously all this would depend on Corbyn ending up in power in the UK rather than another neoliberal prick, but that's the best case scenario I can envisage, and it seems more likely than the left rising to power in the UK in the event of a vote to leave, with right wing tories and UKIP in the ascendancy.
As said by others, the only way you'll be able tame them is to vote leave. Tories will continue its tail spin and ukip will loose it's relevance.
I can't name my MEP, MP or Council leader. And I meet these fuckers with work often enough.

I can name my local councillors though.
Leave and Remain both out in force on the high street in Reading today.

One bunch of white middle aged middle class guys facing off another bunch of white middle aged middle class guy. All enjoying themselves thoroughly.

Sums it all up really....
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