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Tory UK EU Exit Referendum

Right. Maybe you better check your own Johnson and allies will be in power post an exit vote. But, what's the fucking point anymore?

You coked up self-regarding liberal-green-boring-expert-boss cunt.
oh, you've sunk to that level. again.

I don't have a crystal ball, so can't be sure if cameron will be in charge or Johnson and allies, but it's likely to be one or the other, and I don't see either camp leaving it until after 2020 to formally start negotiations.
oh, you've sunk to that level. again.

I don't have a crystal ball, so can't be sure if cameron will be in charge or Johnson and allies, but it's likely to be one or the other, and I don't see either camp leaving it until after 2020 to formally start negotiations.
Any eu subsidy for your huge business? Any perks?
Cameron and Osbourne have both said they'd trigger it immediately. They may be bluffing, they may not, but can you really see them making it to the end of the parliament without setting the process in motion following a leave vote?
Is that stipulation from the same rule book Schauble used to deny Greek people access their hard earned savings by not repldnishing the banks with emergency euros after they voted against his ultra draconian austerity program... Open your eyes. They're making it up as they go along.
And you want to remain and change from the inside :rolleyes:
I'd be interested in any eu help you get as a boss and money maker though free spirit. Is it nothing?

Though the government is committed at EU level to binding targets for the levels of renewables penetration. Not that this seems to have stopped the tories from attempting to destroy the industry after deciding to 'cut the green crap'.
Is that stipulagion from the same rule book Schauble used to deny Greek people access their hard earned savings by not repldnishing the banks with emergency euros after they voted against his ultra draconian austerity program... Open your eyes. They're making it up as they go along.
And you want to remain and change from the inside :rolleyes:
I'm not sure what cloud cuckoo land version of the situation you're interested in discussing, but here in the real world they're the ones running the government who'd be responsible for taking that decision post referendum (assuming they haven't been forced out / quit)
Whereas if Remain wins, your mates will be running things? (Ignoring the imbecility of 50% of the parliamentary conservative party, plus who knows how many members quitting/getting kicked out).

But your support of the EU is at least consistent with your support/membership of parties which that workers and the welfare state.

Though the government is committed at EU level to binding targets for the levels of renewables penetration. Not that this seems to have stopped the tories from attempting to destroy the industry after deciding to 'cut the green crap'.
You get nothing, no bonus out of being in the eu - no cheaper materials, no driven down wages. Nothing? Have a think about it. Nothing direct?
You said they'd have to;
I doubt the brexit camp would stand for that? Cameron would be out on his arse if he tried that after a brexit vote. Cameron and Osbourne have both said they'd have to implement it straight away.

It's possible you;re right, but at least as likely that they'd trigger that fairly quickly after the vote.
I want to see the rules these cunts keep threatening us with
And you want to remain and change from the inside :rolleyes:
But he doesn't really want that much change, a few nicer soundbites, a fresh lick of paint etc. Something on green issues (while ignoring the environmental damage done by the CAP/CFP), pro-freedom of movement (while ignoring both the complete lack of freedom of non-EU citizens and the how capital has used such 'freedom' to attack workers), support the welfare state (while ignoring the attacks launched on nationalised industries by the EU)

The fundamental neo-liberal basis of the EU he supports, he just want's a nicer, progressive version of it. (EDIT: while at the same time denying the the EU is neo-liberal)
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You get nothing, no bonus out of being the eu - no cheaper materials, no driven down wages. Nothing? Have a think about it. Nothing direct?
well, I get no subsidy from the EU, which I thought was the question.

The EU's actually imposed trade tariffs that have raised the cost of chinese panel imports, but I suppose we benefit from having no tarriffs between us an Europe.

some in the industry do use cheap EU migrant workers on the big solar farms etc but not us.

My work isn't the reason I support EU membership directly, though indirectly the binding EU targets for renewables are about the only thing that's likely to stop the tories cutting all renewable support entirely. I was an environmentalist long before I started making a living installing solar panels.

I do fear the complete economic chaos that would ensue following an exit vote though, I doubt we'd survive it.
well, I get no subsidy from the EU, which I thought was the question.

The EU's actually imposed trade tariffs that have raised the cost of chinese panel imports, but I suppose we benefit from having no tarriffs between us an Europe.

some in the industry do use cheap EU migrant workers on the big solar farms etc but not us.

My work isn't the reason I support EU membership directly, though indirectly the binding EU targets for renewables are about the only thing that's likely to stop the tories cutting all renewable support entirely. I was an environmentalist long before I started making a living installing solar panels.

I do fear the complete economic chaos that would ensue following an exit vote though, I doubt we'd survive it.
It'd be capitalist war.
That's the eu.
I doubt the brexit camp would stand for that? Cameron would be out on his arse if he tried that after a brexit vote. Cameron and Osbourne have both said they'd have to implement it straight away.

It's possible you;re right, but at least as likely that they'd trigger that fairly quickly after the vote.
Cameron will be lucky not to be out on his arse either way but defo gone on a leave vote, though who ever picks up after caretaker is managing a wounded beast 17 majority before this started, but you seem strangely to have reached a different conclusion as to what will win out - managed xenophobia or managed capital
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You said they'd have to;

I want to see the rules these cunts keep threatening us with
I said that they said they'd have to.

I don't know of any specific rules forcing them to do it immediately, so it's probably more the fact that they have a tiny minority and the brexit MPs could easily force them out if they didn't do it pretty soon after an exit vote.

I also suspect that a judicial review could force them to do it if they took so long that it looked like they weren't respecting the referendum result.
Cameron will be lucky not to be out on his arse either way but defo gone on a leave vote, though who ever picks up after caretaker is managing a wounded beast 17 majority before this started, but you seem strangely to have reached a different conclusion as to what will win out - managed racism or managed capital
Have I? Please do enlighten me about the conclusion I've reached.
So you didn't campaign for the Liberal Democrats then? You are currently a member (and campaign organiser) for the Party that employed scab labour?
So you didn't campaign for the Liberal Democrats then? You are currently a member (and campaign organiser) for the Party that employed scab labour?
very briefly in a 3 ways split marginal that lib dem was the best way of ensuring it didn't go tory.

A party that stood on a fully anti-austerity anti-neoliberal platform at the elections that I campaigned for them at. I'm not a member of Brighton Green Party, and wouldn't support that position.

I also spent a decade or more campaigning and protesting against neoliberal globalisation, but hey don't let that bother you.
A party that stood on a fully anti-austerity anti-neoliberal platform at the elections that I campaigned for them at. I'm not a member of Brighton Green Party, and wouldn't support that position.
Apart from you have supported it by continuing to support the party, by refusing to challenge it.

What has the Green Party done to stop it happening again? What has it done to those members that employed scab labour? What has your local branch done? Did you push for a motion condemning the Brighton Green Party and supporting the strikers from your local branch? Are you trying to get something written into the Rules of the Party to make such actions an expulsion offence? Or are you too busy helping out Cameron and the CBI ensuring that Remain wins.

I also spent a decade or more campaigning and protesting against neoliberal globalisation, but hey don't let that bother you.
How by campaigning the LibDems (definitely not a neo-liberal party of course)? By campaigning for the Greens? By campaigning for the EU - which you continue to claim isn't neo-liberal.
very briefly in a 3 ways split marginal that lib dem was the best way of ensuring it didn't go tory.

A party that stood on a fully anti-austerity anti-neoliberal platform at the elections that I campaigned for them at. I'm not a member of Brighton Green Party, and wouldn't support that position.

I also spent a decade or more campaigning and protesting against neoliberal globalisation, but hey don't let that bother you.
Why would they? When it counts.
I think people just tend to overestimate figures in general. These regular aren't the British thick racists lol 'opinion polls' are disgusting.
I think people just tend to overestimate figures in general. These regular aren't the British thick racists lol 'opinion polls' are disgusting.

Some of the questions asked are a bit odd. Is it that odd if people can't name an mep from their region? Honestly I could when I lived elsewhere, but I can't now and I follow politics pretty closely. I don't really see why anyone would know who wasn't directly involved in party politics, and even then...

Why is this lack of knowledge being presented as evidence of the ignorance of the British public and not evidence of the irrelevance of meps to us? They aren't really accountable even to the small extent that mps are.
Some of the questions asked are a bit odd. Is it that odd if people can't name an mep from their region? Honestly I could when I lived elsewhere, but I can't now and I follow politics pretty closely. I don't really see why anyone would know who wasn't directly involved in party politics, and even then...

Why is this lack of knowledge being presented as evidence of the ignorance of the British public and not evidence of the irrelevance of meps to us? They aren't really accountable even to the small extent that mps are.
I'd guess that many people who can't name their MEP couldn't name the leader of their local council either, or maybe even their constituency MP. It's not a big deal if they can't name them, they can find out easy enough if they want to. The problem is that a lot of people don't care if they exist and neither understand nor care about what they do.
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