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Tory UK EU Exit Referendum

No doubt you are right pocketscience but is it not making an assumption to talk about a segregation process.The bremainers have sometimes seemed to suggest that Brexiters are getting excited in the expectation of radical change which is not in fact on the cards whatever the result.
No doubt you are right pocketscience but is it not making an assumption to talk about a segregation process.The bremainers have sometimes seemed to suggest that Brexiters are getting excited in the expectation of radical change which is not in fact on the cards whatever the result.
Capital doesn't like disruption. The wider things that apply to ongoing running won't change. What will change is their wider plans as one aspect of them will have been defeated unexpectedly, thus putting those wider plans in jeopardy. It's going to take time.
not something I agree with either, but tbf the EU's initial reaction was to attempt to get all EU countries to take a fair share of the refugees coming into the EU, something that the UK was a pretty vocal opponent of unfortunately.

No, IIRC, Germany decided to embrace ( without consultation of other EU states) a million refugees, then Merkel, after getting grief from her political establishment demanded that the rest of Europe 'share the load'
Actually a policy I agree with, but it could have been handled so much better.
No, IIRC, Germany decided to embrace ( without consultation of other EU states) a million refugees, then Merkel, after getting grief from her political establishment demanded that the rest of Europe 'share the load'
Actually a policy I agree with, but it could have been handled so much better.
...as soon as the cameras turned away so were the refugees. They toughened up and basically lied.
No, IIRC, Germany decided to embrace ( without consultation of other EU states) a million refugees, then Merkel, after getting grief from her political establishment demanded that the rest of Europe 'share the load'
Actually a policy I agree with, but it could have been handled so much better.
yes it could have been. I suspect Merkel was just expecting the other countries to follow her lead as it was the only humane response, and was caught out by the refusal of others to go along with it.
yes it could have been. I suspect Merkel was just expecting the other countries to follow her lead as it was the only humane response, and was caught out by the refusal of others to go along with it.
Or she was grandstanding for applause then bottled it. Leaving the refugees in limbo.

Edit: or targets to be got rid of
Still, the EU response dwarfes the Uk response, with just 1600 Syrian refugees resettled in the UK by March 2016 under the resettlement scheme.
Naw, not getting dragged into a Godwins on this, sorry:)
It's not. The EU, the defender of immigrants have built a thing called Fortress Europe and killed thousands of immigrants in the process. Any defender of the EU regarding immigration needs to answer this. But you know, they're not their white european mates being kept out.
Or she was grandstanding for applause then bottled it. Leaving the refugees in limbo.

Edit: or targets to be got rid of

Or, recognised the need for Germany to import a million young workers but expected the rest of us to accept the rest? Horribly cynical I know, but whey up, Germany has by all markers been the biggest beneficiary of the creation of the EU and esp the Euro.
if we're having a discussion about how bad the EU response to the refugee crisis has been on this thread, then it's relevant to point out the the UK response has been massively worse.

EU average last year was 260 asylum applications per 100,000 population. The UK was at 60 per 100,000, and the main brexit campaigns are leading on reducing immigration even further so I don't see that situation improving post brexit.
will it? There's a 2 year timeline for countries wanting to leave unless they can get agreement from all other countries to let the process drag on longer. Sorting out the mess afterwards will take a lot longer, but the process of leaving could well be completed in this parliament.
2 years from a notification of intent. There's no deadline set for the notification of intent. Seeing as the current gov want to remain they're hardly likely to submit that notification, nor negotiate the exit framework. So 2022 sounds a better target.
2 years from a notification of intent. There's no deadline set for the notification of intent. Seeing as the current gov want to remain they're hardly likely to submit that notification, nor negotiate the exit framework. So 2022 sounds a better target.
It's horrible on a friday night when free spirit is researching - this might help though.
We're not. We're on about merkel grandstanding and leaving others in the lurch. What's wrong with you?
that's your take on it so obviously it couldn't possibly be worth discussing anything else about the situation.

She may have been grandstanding, but at least her grandstanding resulted in over a million refugees being taken in, with 140k given refugee status last year, nearly have of the figure for the entire EU.
that's your take on it so obviously it couldn't possibly be worth discussing anything else about the situation.

She may have been grandstanding, but at least her grandstanding resulted in over a million refugees being taken in, with 140k given refugee status last year, nearly have of the figure for the entire EU.

wtf has that go to do with what you think that you think that you're thinking about talking about?
Still, the EU response dwarfes the Uk response, with just 1600 Syrian refugees resettled in the UK by March 2016 under the resettlement scheme.

How do you square up the EUs ( previously liberal) stance on immigration with its knee jerk reaction in regards to the Syrian crisis? Condoning members to build barbed wire fences, bribing Turkey to act as a de facto concentration camp in order to stop refugees entering Europe 'proper'?
What it says to me, is that the EU is a very authoritarian (verging on dictatorship levels) organisation, the refugee crisis is just one more demonstration of the EUs leadership being willing to see people literally die rather than undermine the establishments 'status quo'
We had the warning signs, with the leaderships treatment of Greece and the other 'poorer relations' and if we still need a proof of their intentions, then the remarks regarding "deserters" shouldn't be taken too lightly.
2 years from a notification of intent. There's no deadline set for the notification of intent. Seeing as the current gov want to remain they're hardly likely to submit that notification, nor negotiate the exit framework. So 2022 sounds a better target.
I doubt the brexit camp would stand for that? Cameron would be out on his arse if he tried that after a brexit vote. Cameron and Osbourne have both said they'd have to implement it straight away.

It's possible you;re right, but at least as likely that they'd trigger that fairly quickly after the vote.
How do you square up the EUs ( previously liberal) stance on immigration with its knee jerk reaction in regards to the Syrian crisis? Condoning members to build barbed wire fences, bribing Turkey to act as a de facto concentration camp in order to stop refugees entering Europe 'proper'?
What it says to me, is that the EU is a very authoritarian (verging on dictatorship levels) organisation, the refugee crisis is just one more demonstration of the EUs leadership being willing to see people literally die rather than undermine the establishments 'status quo'
We had the warning signs, with the leaderships treatment of Greece and the other 'poorer relations' and if we still need a proof of their intentions, then the remarks regarding "deserters" shouldn't be taken too lightly.
panic as much as anything.

Plus if anything it's a demonstration that the EU bureaucracy isn't so all powerful once a blocking minority of countries start going against their wishes there's not a lot they can do about it. They also couldn't force EU countries to take in anything like the number of refugees that they needed to to cope.

I don't see how it can be viewed as some sort of EU plot to suddenly overcome decades of work by that same EU bureaucracy in bringing down border controls, that's seem like a very odd take on the situation.
I doubt the brexit camp would stand for that? Cameron would be out on his arse if he tried that after a brexit vote. Cameron and Osbourne have both said they'd have to implement it straight away.

It's possible you;re right, but at least as likely that they'd trigger that fairly quickly after the vote.
Note: all concern = what cameron would do, what tories would do.
I doubt the brexit camp would stand for that? Cameron would be out on his arse if he tried that after a brexit vote. Cameron and Osbourne have both said they'd have to implement it straight away.

It's possible you;re right, but at least as likely that they'd trigger that fairly quickly after the vote.
Sorry, are you suggesting that cameron would trigger the intent to leave button immeadialtly after the referendum* even though he's fully against leaving & he's said he'd resign on a brexit vote? What kind of fucked up shit is that? He's a cunt but he's not an idiot. He'd never be able to set foot in the country again.

*There's no law saying he has to, thats him bluffing again
Note: all concern = what cameron would do, what tories would do.
I'm not sure what cloud cuckoo land version of the situation you're interested in discussing, but here in the real world they're the ones running the government who'd be responsible for taking that decision post referendum (assuming they haven't been forced out / quit).

What a handful of lefty outers want to happen is going to be entirely irrelevant.
I'm not sure what cloud cuckoo land version of the situation you're interested in discussing, but here in the real world they're the ones running the government who'd be responsible for taking that decision post referendum (assuming they haven't been forced out / quit).

What a handful of lefty outers want to happen is going to be entirely irrelevant.
Right. Maybe you better check your own Johnson and allies will be in power post an exit vote. But, what's the fucking point anymore?

You coked up self-regarding liberal-green-boring-expert-boss cunt.
Sorry, are you suggesting that cameron would trigger the intent to leave button immeadialtly after the referendum even though he's fully against leaving & he's said he'd resign on a brexit vote?* What kind of fucked up shit is that? He's a cunt but he's not an idiot. He'd never be able to set foot in the country again.

*There's no law saying he has to, thats him bluffing again
Cameron and Osbourne have both said they'd trigger it immediately. They may be bluffing, they may not, but can you really see them making it to the end of the parliament without setting the process in motion following a leave vote?
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