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The Trump presidency

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Has Boris gone or has she played safe and left him at home?
Maggie May is already on her way to indulge in her special relationship:
Since Boris is up before a Lords committee right now, I'm guessing he won't be going along for the ride, unless perhaps later.
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Maggie May is already on her way to indulge in her special relationship:
View attachment 99404
Since Boris is up before a Lords committee right now, I'm guessing he won't be going along, unless perhaps later.

Merthyr Tydfil ready to fire in 5, 4, 3...

...amused to see the neo-liberal elite's house-paper the FT has now decided the answer to Trump's protectionism, authoritarianism & dodgy take on human rights are...( drum roll ) ..China and Russia...

On The John Batchelor Show Insane Clown President: Dispatches from the 2016 Circus by Matt Taibbi and Victor Juhasz. PART 1 of 2.

Interesting interview, the book following Trump on the campaign trail sounds like a hoot.

Taibbi has an interesting theory: Hilary made a big mistake in tilting to left. He reckons facing Obama she basically ran like Bill had and tried to appeal to the Dem blue collar base with a good deal of success. But in 2016 facing Bernie in the primaries she ran much had Obama had playing to a wider field that included minorities. This wasn't a comfortable space for the rather rightwing former Goldwater girl. She came across as fake whereas Trump was Trump easy with fakery on draining the swamp, a RINO genuinely hating on the GOP establishment and Russki loving warts and all. There might be something to that.
I don't believe there even is such a thing as " federal troops " . The Feds as far as I'm aware are the FBI . Sending in the FBI to deal with a murderous gangster crime wave is hardly unprecedented . Back in the 20s and 30s it was the Italians and the Irish shooting up Chicago, today it's from within the African American community . It's gangsters shooting up the place no matter what the ethnicity involved and it's the FBIs traditional role to deal with it . This " troops " thing is just more scaremongering and sensationalism. Starting to wear a bit thin .

He could federalize the national guard, I saw that concept on a tv series called "Designated Survivor". In the show, the state refused, they knew no king but the king in the north whose name is state governor.
There's more than one way to screw the workers and keep all the pie for the 1%. Both Xi and Putin do a pretty good job of it.

Though average Russian wages are now lower than in 3rd world China and the Moscow's ruling clique of siloviki are rich beyond the dreams of Trump so the prize must go to the latter.
The average wage in Russia fell below $450 per month, Mikhail Matovnikov, the chief analyst of Russia's largest bank, Sberbank, told journalists during a business meeting on May 19. This makes labor costs in the country cheaper than in China.

The average monthly salary in Russia is $433, which is less than in Serbia, Romania, China or Poland, Matovnikov said.

The decrease in the average wage has allowed a number of international companies that have factories in Russia to begin or to increase the export of products abroad.

Among such examples are the Candy Kirov plant, which now ships home appliances to Europe, Australia and Japan, and the Hyundai factory in St. Petersburg, which has begun producing cars for the Egyptian market.
All hail to the chief.

Trump has also complained about unions keeping workers wages far too high.
I don't believe there even is such a thing as " federal troops " . The Feds as far as I'm aware are the FBI . Sending in the FBI to deal with a murderous gangster crime wave is hardly unprecedented . Back in the 20s and 30s it was the Italians and the Irish shooting up Chicago, today it's from within the African American community . It's gangsters shooting up the place no matter what the ethnicity involved and it's the FBIs traditional role to deal with it . This " troops " thing is just more scaremongering and sensationalism. Starting to wear a bit thin .

Might be more worrying that Trump apparently doesn't realize that the FBI, ATF, DOJ etc. already has a presence in Chicago. But the truth is that Trump's doesn't give a flying fuck about gun violence in Chicago, he just brought it up to have a dig at Chicago's mayor after the mayor criticized him for talking too much about his inauguration crowds.
Trumps twitter feed is the only twitter feed I've really started to check almost every day, I always look forward to seeing what Trump has tweeted this time. I hope they don't wrestle him to the ground and take his phone. I wonder what he'll tweet next!
Trumps twitter feed is the only twitter feed I've really started to check almost every day, I always look forward to seeing what Trump has tweeted this time. I hope they don't wrestle him to the ground and take his phone. I wonder what he'll tweet next!
He's very creative with his spelling....
The Baltic countries have long understood the nature of the political competition taking place in their region. Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are on the front lines of Russian political warfare. Officials there recognize that, as one Latvian defense official put it, all it takes for an enemy is to break down a society’s willingness to protect the values of their country, since without that will, “you can beat your enemy without a battle.

China is using initiatives such as One Belt, One Road, and its Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) to jumpstart investments in and connectivity throughout Eurasia. The AIIB is expected to lend $10 to $15 billion a year Washington’s opposition did not stop many of its allies from joining the bank. As one China scholar, Zheng Wang, has pointed out, through this “alternative diplomacy,” the Chinese are avoiding a direct challenge to existing international institutions and instead, creating new platforms that Beijing can control or substantially influence. Chinese President Xi Jinping’s recent speech at Davos is the latest example to suggest China’s determination to actively shape economic and political trends.
The incoming Trump administration has been criticized for being long on private sector skills and short on government experience. It’s time to recognize the former as a strength, and to consider how to make that experience applicable to the challenges of government and foreign policy today. Like a business pressed by harsh market forces, U.S. foreign policy must learn to adapt and compete.
That is the thing; it is an imperial competition and the US evolving enemies are slipping out of containment. Can Trump bring the agility that his family business has or will he stumble onto his big orange bake? He holds powerful cards but seems set on discarding many of them.

When your the world hegemon change is almost by definition a bad thing and change is coming.
That is the thing; it is an imperial competition and the US evolving enemies are slipping out of containment. Can Trump bring the agility that his family business has or will he stumble onto his big orange bake? He holds powerful cards but seems set on discarding many of them.

When your the world hegemon change is almost by definition a bad thing and change is coming.

I reckon your hatred and contempt for all things Russia and China plays too great a role in your understanding of Trump. I reckon Trump deserves to be understood on his own terms, regardless of what you think of other countries and their leaders. It's not like Trump erm... lacks character, and he's a true innovator. We'll be seeing things we've never seen happen before under the Drumpf Reich, things that simply aren't like anywhere else.
President Batshit's full ABC News interview where he still can't stop obsessing about numbers - first the DOW but, more importantly, his imagined size of the inauguration crowd... (35m35s in)
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