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The Trump presidency

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This is actually worse than I imagined it would be. And I imagined a lot of bad things.
Each day seems to bring a new fresh Hell. I genuinely think a lot of people thought all the bollocks about building walls and ditching environmental protections during the campaign was just bluster. Stupid, stupid mistake.

I'm wondering what it will take for Trump voters to actually admit they made a massive cock up in voting for him. The hiring freeze that will include VA facilities could be the one that will slap his core supporters hardest. Plenty though will still be cheering for most of what he's doing, so . . .
Bit far fetched, but then we all thought the election of the Buffoon was totally laughable.
Now everything's scarily possible.
I glimpsed that piece when it first came out and I still couldn't imagine he'd be elected. Reading it now and seeing how many of those things he's already done, or at least started on (having broken protocol and assuming authority practically since election day.)

Some dismissed St Louis writer Sarah Kendzior for being alarmist in her predictions, having closely studied the rise of authoritarianism in central Asian countries and knowing the signs very well. Fuck me though, she's been almost 100% right so far. Today, she posted this:

Every goddamn thing I predicted is coming true. And it wasn't that hard to predict: Trump announced his intentions and the rest is obvious to anyone who studies authoritarianism, knows Trump's team, and has a basic knowledge of the US government.

Now I'm only hoping people listen to me on nukes, because yes, he will use them. And yes, I am getting fed up with people acting shocked. Along with a few dozen others, I warned of this over and over, begging people to take the threat seriously. I said in November you had two months. There is not a 2018. There is not a 2020. What you'll be left with in 2017 will be unrecognizable.

Bannon and Trump's daughter Tiffany both registered to vote in two states.

Bannon registered to vote in New York on Oct. 14, 2016, and cast an absentee ballot there, according to New York City elections officials. At the time, he was serving as chief executive of now-President Trump's campaign. But he was also registered in Sarasota County, Fla., where he had been on the voter rolls since Aug. 25, officials said.

Update: The Post's Matea Gold has now confirmed that Trump's daughter, Tiffany Trump, is also registered to vote in two states -- New York and Pennsylvania. She is the second person close to Trump who has this distinction. And Trump's Treasury secretary nominee Steve Mnuchin is as well.
I sort of want to get back into 'normal' mode and thinking about Trump in terms of his actual policies, free market policies, the things that will really fuck the working class of America and beyond. But there really is a morbid fascination about this stuff. Hard to predict where the paranoia of his courtiers will lead. Trump makes some sort of 'who will rid me of this turbulent journalist' speech...

'Troublesome journalist'
Quite a few sword ( or heavy calibre automatic weapon wielding nutters) just waiting for the presidential nod!
Yeah, it's so easy to get distracted by the madness.

I think that should be used though - it's so easy to bait Trump, a section of opposition should dedicate themselves to keeping him in a rage so as to ruin his sheen and keep him unfocused. Meanwhile the rest take on the more serious task of opposing the policies his administration tries to implement. Could also play off different branches and individuals against each other, as the general impression seems to be they're barely tolerating each other as it is.

I mean, it seems so simple I don't see what everyone's worried about... :hmm: ;)

You really want him to nuke California-;)
Whoever does the DoD twitter feed has strong subtweet game

That's all interspersed with the usual rah-rah stuff, of course, but still

Loving the Merriam Webster dictionary tweets -

z claque.png z facts.png z snowflake.png z vanguard.png
One of his shaved monkeys stated that trump would not be releasing his tax returns .....
""""The White House response is that he’s not going to release his tax returns. We litigated this all through the election. People didn’t care. They voted for him.” ""

Barely a mention in the press ...considering how it was played out in the run up ....

"It's under audit"
I have a feeling someone might just leak them in the coming months, if in fact they were ever submitted?
Clintonist guerillas at it again, no doubt they'll attempt to storm the capitol at some point. For now, hearts and minds, the occasional character assassination and cut transport links.

And two major pipelines approved despite the lawful objections of protestors? this isn't about HC any more, she's yesterday's news, this is about someone who's very rapidly using presidential orders to undermine every enviromental protection enacted over decades in order to promote the last gasp,of the FF industry and its associated billionaire class.
Actually, I think Vladimir Putin is an accomplished statesman, possibly one of Russias finest leaders (if not the best so far). Therefore I for one am concerned that the medias insistence on associating Trump with the Russian president is making Putin look bad.

They are both a couple of Robbin bastards, though I'd agree Putin is the far cleverer one.
Of course - a slow and humiliating self-inflicted death would be the best outcome. Wouldn't it be great if they found Trump in the Oval Office naked except for a pair of stockings and suspenders, with an electrical flex tied around his neck and a black bin liner over his head, with an orange segment in his mouth. The orange in the violent sexual predator/borderline pedo's mouth would make it look like he had no mouth.
And when it happens? 'CIA seeks extradition of members of U75' -:)
And when it happens? 'CIA seeks extradition of members of U75' -:)
The single thing that Theresa May has ever done where I thought, for that thing, 'good on you' was her refusing to allow Gary McKinnon to be extradited. She stood up to the US in that moment. Will she similarly stand up to Trump's US?

Seems to me that standing up to (some of) the worst of the US's excesses from the UK isn't a party-political thing here. Wilson did to some extent (although not over Diego Garcia), but then Blair was the worst of the lot. Thatcher actually did object to the invasion of Grenada. That will be a test for May.
The objection Thatcher made about Grenada was precisely because it was a former British colony. She was incredibly limited in what she would object to, clearly. She was cheering most of it.

Point is that Blair just did whatever the US told him to do. In that respect, he was actually even worse than Thatcher.

And Blair did whatever George Bush, a r/w Republican, told him to do. Beggars belief, really, the murderous fucking arm-gesture-mimicking fucking spineless fucking cunt.
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The single thing that Theresa May has ever done where I thought, for that thing, 'good on you' was her refusing to allow Gary McKinnon to be extradited. She stood up to the US in that moment. Will she similarly stand up to Trump's US?

Seems to me that standing up to (some of) the worst of the US's excesses from the UK isn't a party-political thing here. Wilson did to some extent (although not over Diego Garcia), but then Blair was the worst of the lot. Thatcher actually did object to the invasion of Grenada. That will be a test for May.

On a personal/political basis I'm still unsure about May, what happens when she meets the bastard Buffoon could be very instructive, a tightening of the ' special relationship' or a threat to align with China?
Interesting times ahead-;)
On a personal/political basis I'm still unsure about May, what happens when she meets the bastard Buffoon could be very instructive, a tightening of the ' special relationship' or a threat to align with China?
Interesting times ahead-;)
I'm unsure too. But the first response will surely be to give the appearance of trying to tighten the special relationship. In true British style, at the same time, she'll be negotiating like mad with China. :D
I'm unsure too. But the first response will surely be to give the appearance of trying to tighten the special relationship. In true British style, at the same time, she'll be negotiating like mad with China. :D

"Sir Humphrey, I'm not sure this spoon has a long enough handle?"

"Prime Minister, the people voted against barge-poles, and now you must sup..."
As leader of the neoliberal right party of capital she literally is.

In that case, so is Tony Blair.

That's pretty reductionist.

I didn't hear people comparing Cameron to Thatcher. Oh, he's the new Thatcher!

Nah, it's cos she's a woman and so was Thatcher. Making that comparison without anything more is seriously crap.
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Point here anyway isn't that May isn't thatcher but that May isn't trump. Blair not being bush didn't stop him from grovelling to bush... we'll see how may is to trump. Will the Atlanticist tendency win out? Or something else? Don't know.
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