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The Trump presidency

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I sort of want to get back into 'normal' mode and thinking about Trump in terms of his actual policies, free market policies, the things that will really fuck the working class of America and beyond. But there really is a morbid fascination about this stuff. Hard to predict where the paranoia of his courtiers will lead. Trump makes some sort of 'who will rid me of this turbulent journalist' speech...
On Bloomberg The Trump-Putin Parallels Pile Up
The budding resemblance between Trump and Putin is, of course, unsettling to Americans. They are not used to a leader behaving like a czar. But Putin doesn't do his czar act because he likes it.

He is an introvert who doesn't enjoy the crowds and takes hours of preparation, in the swimming pool, the gym and generally on his own, to face the day. In large audiences, Putin often looks like he's suffering, with a grimace of tiredness and irritation. He's not a showy public speaker, and his greatest pride and pleasure when speaking or answering questions clearly comes from an almost supernatural grasp of numbers and minutiae. And in meetings with "ordinary people," Putin is often wooden, hiding behind an uncomfortable grin and trying to simplify and roughen his speech. He is uncomfortable and awkward about touching flesh.
Putin operates in a bubble in part to protect a retiring, inward-looking man from unwanted interactions. It's essentially a shell.

Trump is creating a bubble because he wants to be admired, to win, always to be the best. He doesn't shrink from unnecessary contact as Putin does -- just from any reality in which he is not Number One. His bubble is an aquarium.

The striking difference between the two men doesn't preclude dictatorial tendencies in both. A flamboyant dictator, however, is likely more vulnerable than a reticent one -- something that should concern those who will help Trump prepare for inevitable negotiations with Putin.
Who do you bet on: the cold eyed former KGB predator or the flamboyant 21st century PT Barnum?
I sort of want to get back into 'normal' mode and thinking about Trump in terms of his actual policies, free market policies, the things that will really fuck the working class of America and beyond. But there really is a morbid fascination about this stuff. Hard to predict where the paranoia of his courtiers will lead. Trump makes some sort of 'who will rid me of this turbulent journalist' speech...
Yeah, it's so easy to get distracted by the madness.

I think that should be used though - it's so easy to bait Trump, a section of opposition should dedicate themselves to keeping him in a rage so as to ruin his sheen and keep him unfocused. Meanwhile the rest take on the more serious task of opposing the policies his administration tries to implement. Could also play off different branches and individuals against each other, as the general impression seems to be they're barely tolerating each other as it is.

I mean, it seems so simple I don't see what everyone's worried about... :hmm: ;)
Yeah, it's so easy to get distracted by the madness.

I think that should be used though - it's so easy to bait Trump, a section of opposition should dedicate themselves to keeping him in a rage so as to ruin his sheen and keep him unfocused. Meanwhile the rest take on the more serious task of opposing the policies his administration tries to implement. Could also play off different branches and individuals against each other, as the general impression seems to be they're barely tolerating each other as it is.

I mean, it seems so simple I don't see what everyone's worried about... :hmm: ;)

I read somewhere that it was in fact Trump that trolled the media with that whole crowd-size thing, because while they occupied their time/space with that he got on and did some other thing they didn't notice. Can't recall what though... maybe that's how well it worked. Two can certainly play the troll game anyway, and Trump seems to love using twitter.

eta: Just realized what you described is very close to the overall plot of the latest South Park series, I mean... that's basically what happened.
I read somewhere that it was in fact Trump that trolled the media with that whole crowd-size thing, because while they occupied their time/space with that he got on and did some other thing they didn't notice. Can't recall what though... maybe that's how well it worked. Two can certainly play the troll game anyway, and Trump seems to love using twitter.
Yeah, as Wilf and I both suggested there's a real danger of getting distracted by it. I'm honestly not sure Trump's thinking like that though; it's all too easy to believe that it's all genuine, and the distraction is a happy byproduct.

eta: Just realized what you described is very close to the overall plot of the latest South Park series, I mean... that's basically what happened.
Haven't seen it so I'll have to go on faith on that one!
Yeah, as Wilf and I both suggested there's a real danger of getting distracted by it. I'm honestly not sure Trump's thinking like that though; it's all too easy to believe that it's all genuine, and the distraction is a happy byproduct.

Haven't seen it so I'll have to go on faith on that one!

Do so as soon as you can. Series 20. The episode where Mr Garrison becomes President and starts his first day where he's shown around the Whitehouse, given the Nuclear Football "Loves me some football" is really... really funny. And spot on, I reckon they got Trump perfectly. His first day as POTUS very possibly did look exactly like that. In years to come it will probably be considered a historical document.

eta: fuck it, clip time...

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Ego thing doesnt do it justice - most leaders have ego issues but Trump almost certainly has a narcissistic personality disorder which will have much more dramatic consequences. For a start he wont be able to tone it down even on occasions where it's in his own interests to do so.
As mad and horrible as its going to be it will be fascinating to see how his courtiers react. They are all trapped in a prisoner's dilemma of whether to grass other people to him when things (inevitably) go wrong. I'm sure you're right about the narcissistic personality disorder, but life in the White House will also be characterised by a non-mental health 'madness'.
On a completely different point I saw the first episode of Homeland, series 6 (?) last night. They chose to have the first female president in the White House, clearly confident in the outcome of the election. Oh dear. :facepalm:
On a completely different point I saw the first episode of Homeland, series 6 (?) last night. They chose to have the first female president in the White House, clearly confident in the outcome of the election. Oh dear. :facepalm:

Consistent with what I'd expect from the neocon Homeland.
As mad and horrible as its going to be it will be fascinating to see how his courtiers react. They are all trapped in a prisoner's dilemma of whether to grass other people to him when things (inevitably) go wrong. I'm sure you're right about the narcissistic personality disorder, but life in the White House will also be characterised by a non-mental health 'madness'.

I reckon Trump has purposefully stuffed his cabinet with plenty of fodder for his slogan on that show... "You're Fired!"
Liberals think that because I they make fun of something or call it out in some way then they have defeated it. Even now.
from facebook:
Lisa Mckenzie
14 hrs ·
I teach a class at the LSE called "Class, Politics, Culture" I have some very astute students who told me today that they feel that many of the big marches look more like Turner Prize competitions for witty placards. I like these students they are highly suspicious. I like that.

also his smug grin at every (average) joke

Still, if you dont laugh, youll cry
Hang on, the history of protest in this country at least is one with a strong strain of irreverence and mockery towards power. So it should be, surely? :confused:

The only exception I can really think of is the last Iraq War march, which was a rather solemn affair due to the huge numbers there who had never protested before. That didn't work either, did it?
On Al Monitor Is Ankara waking up to what Trump really represents?
Obama took more notice of the Islamic world’s antipathy toward lumping the words “Islamic” and “terrorism” together. He refrained from using the term in order not to offend ordinary Muslims who do not support radical views.

As a political Islamist, Erdogan also insists that the term “Islamic terrorism” is offensive to Muslims and insulting to Islam. “Terrorism has no religion,” he argues.

Given his sensitivities as an Islamist, Erdogan’s reference to “disturbing language” from Washington probably covers a broader spectrum of concerns than just the PYD/YPG issue.

Trump’s promise to relocate the US Embassy to Jerusalem, for example, is also agitating Islamic sensitivities and upsetting Erdogan’s support base, which is staunchly pro-Palestinian, pro-Hamas and anti-Israeli.

“The main problem is whether Trump will try and honor his election promises or not. His policies toward Israel and the question of [moving] the US Embassy to Jerusalem will be key topics,” Oruc said.

In order not to undermine his expectations from the new administration, Erdogan also chose to overlook remarks by Michael T. Flynn, Trump’s national security adviser. Erdogan, as an Islamist, would have strongly castigated Flynn's words under normal circumstances.

Flynn said in August that “Islamism is a vicious cancer inside the body of 1.7 billion people,” arguing that this had to be “excised” just like fascism, imperialism and communism.

Referring to Trump’s vow to prevent Muslims from entering the US and to relocate the American Embassy, Rahim Er, a columnist for the Islamist daily Turkiye, said, “We have yet to see whether the head that wears the crown becomes sensible.”

Er said relocating the embassy to Jerusalem will result in turmoil in the region. “If Trump makes the mistake of preferring the language of radical Christianity, this will harm the US, the Middle East and the world,” Er said.

The Turks have been rather elated by Trump. They're only just get round to recognising he's a mouthy Islamophobe who in addition probably will also sup with their main terrorist threat the PKK like the widely hated Obama.

Trump ever the golf club bore is departing from US GWOT policy as set by Bush after a few stumbles of not styling it as a war on Muslims in particular. Of course this is exactly how Salafi-Jihadis present the Far Enemy's actions as a Zionist-Crusader plot to do down the faithful. This inevitably is going to cause friction with Muslim allies.
I read somewhere that it was in fact Trump that trolled the media with that whole crowd-size thing, because while they occupied their time/space with that he got on and did some other thing they didn't notice. Can't recall what though... maybe that's how well it worked. Two can certainly play the troll game anyway, and Trump seems to love using twitter.

eta: Just realized what you described is very close to the overall plot of the latest South Park series, I mean... that's basically what happened.

One of his shaved monkeys stated that trump would not be releasing his tax returns .....
""""The White House response is that he’s not going to release his tax returns. We litigated this all through the election. People didn’t care. They voted for him.” ""

Barely a mention in the press ...considering how it was played out in the run up ....

"It's under audit"
Hang on, the history of protest in this country at least is one with a strong strain of irreverence and mockery towards power. So it should be, surely? :confused:

The only exception I can really think of is the last Iraq War march, which was a rather solemn affair due to the huge numbers there who had never protested before. That didn't work either, did it?
i wouldn't call the c.40,000 who turned out on the last iraq war march huge numbers

In The NTRB The Styrofoam Presidency
American political pageantry is aspirational. The extended ritual of the inauguration conveys an understanding of the importance of the office of president and awe and pride in the miracle of the repeated peaceful transfer of power. The ceremony, the concert, the lunch, the parade, the balls, and more—all of this serves to create a nationwide mood of celebration and self-congratulation. It is like a giant wedding designed to make even the most curmudgeonly of relations tear up. It is a moment for all to shine—for the celebrants in their magnanimity and for the less fortunate in their own generosity. As the day progresses and the new first couple accept the honor and the responsibility bestowed on them, they transition into a different state of being: as the country watches, they acquire the quality of being presidential (which so many pundits hoped against hope Trump would suddenly display).

Trump had no use for any of it: the magnanimity, the generosity, the awe (unless it’s inspired by him personally), the pride (unless it’s his own), the aspiration. Indeed, the single quality he displayed repeatedly was his lack of aspiration. Take his speech. Better yet, take the cake. On Saturday it emerged that the inaugural-ball cake that Trump and Vice President Mike Pence cut with a sword was a knock-off of President Obama’s 2013 inaugural-ball cake. Obama’s was created by celebrity chef Duff Goldman. Trump’s was commissioned from a decidedly more modest Washington bakery than Goldman’s, and the transition-team representative who put in the order explicitly asked for an exact copy of Goldman’s design—even when the baker suggested creating a variation on the theme of Goldman’s cake. Only a small portion of Trump’s cake was edible; the rest was Styrofoam (Obama’s was cake all the way through). The cake may be the best symbol yet of the incoming administration: much of what little it brings is plagiarized, and most of it is unusable for the purpose for which presidential administrations are usually intended. Not only does it not achieve excellence: it does not even see the point of excellence.
Another article comparing the Putin kakistocracy and Trumpismo.

The cake is pure Trump; a skinflint rip-off of another creation.

This is a man who when he remodels a mansion before flipping it has chrome taps sprayed with gold paint that peels off at a touch. Well the Russian oligarchs he often sells to buy $100 million dollar property sight unseen based on snaps and what are they going to do sue? Like dodging his taxes that's smart and why not up the margin. The Donald is in the details. He micromanages everything and can't resist fakery; even that cake is a lie.

Flamboyant Eastern potentate vulgarity is certainly part of Trump's appeal but this is all rather like what you'd expect from the thick necked KGB siloviki brought up in the gloomy cabbage smell of the USSR.

Of course one might ask why the Hell did Obama who doesn't come from money spend so many tax dollars on the original. Vainglory, something Obama isn't short of either, or perhaps a respect for the office and wanting to serve it well.
In The NTRB The Styrofoam Presidency
Another article comparing the Putin kakistocracy and Trumpismo.

The cake is pure Trump; a skinflint rip-off of another creation.

This is a man who when he remodels a mansion before flipping it has chrome taps sprayed with gold paint that peels off at a touch. Well the Russian oligarchs he often sells to buy $100 million dollar property sight unseen based on snaps and what are they going to do sue? Like dodging his taxes that's smart and why not up the margin. The Donald is in the details. He micromanages everything and can't resist fakery; even that cake is a lie.

Flamboyant Eastern potentate vulgarity is certainly part of Trump's appeal but this is all rather like what you'd expect from the thick necked KGB siloviki brought up in the gloomy cabbage smell of the USSR.

Of course one might ask why the Hell did Obama who doesn't come from money spend so many tax dollars on the original. Vainglory, something Obama isn't short of either, or perhaps a respect for the office and wanting to serve it well.

Actually, I think Vladimir Putin is an accomplished statesman, possibly one of Russias finest leaders (if not the best so far). Therefore I for one am concerned that the medias insistence on associating Trump with the Russian president is making Putin look bad.
Actually, I think Vladimir Putin is an accomplished statesman, possibly one of Russias finest leaders (if not the best so far). Therefore I for one am concerned that the medias insistence on associating Trump with the Russian president is making Putin look bad.
You don't stay head of a mob of greedy siloviki without having some superior talents.

I've read a few books on Putin. He's a very cold fish but capable enough especially compared with his peers in Russia. He's been leader for some time and its a job not very forgiving of errors. He makes mistakes but survives. There's a post up thread about Putin's distaste for the charade before the crowds that Trump appears to enjoy with needy relish. It points out Putin's well prepared and most comfortable with technocratic detail.

I suspect he will have the inexperienced, barely briefed, Trump for breakfast. So will Xi. On the other hand put Putin in US politics and Trump would just call him "little" and "low energy" and win.
The "international abortion funding" policy has been revoked by republican presidents and reinstated by democrat presidents ever since it was first written.
The Netherlands is launching a global fund to help women access abortion services to compensate for U.S. President Donald Trump's ban on U.S. federal funding for foreign groups providing abortions or abortion support for family planning abroad.
Source: CBC
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