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The Trump presidency

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like any good reality show it switches from farce to tragedy in an eyeblink and loses key players before their character has properly developed or crumbled. It's obviously missing Davina for the excrutiating exit interview, but what it really needs is love interest and the occasional wildcard... hey look, here comes Netanyahu
yeah it would be funny if it wasnt so worrying

i think this is what the term gallows humour was invented for...

Trump is very obviously not suited to the role, you wouldn't expect him to be able to carry out simple instructions like 'take this bag of chips across the road, give them to that man in the red coat, and come back' without fucking up at least two of them - so being responsible for 10,000 nukes is just way out of his league - but our almost certain, and not far off fiery death brought on by a fit of thin-skinned piqué should not stop us finding this chaos deeply amusing.
What would it actually take for the US to reboot the election cycle and run a new one?

I know there is no mechanism for this - this is after all the plot of now-obsolete drama Designated Survivor - but what would it take for a change?

How many iterations of incompetence would they need? How many times would they have to hand the presidency further down the chain to an unelected (Pence aside) meatsack until the whole thing, just, well, broke?

We couldn't get that lucky!

(just joking. Having a left-wing coup would be just as bad as a right-ring one.)
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What would it actually take for the US to reboot the election cycle and run a new one?

I know there is no mechanism for this - this is after all the plot of now-obsolete drama Designated Survivor - but what would it take for a change?

How many iterations of incompetence would they need? How many times would they have to hand the presidency further down the chain to an unelected (Pence aside) meatsack until the whole thing, just, well, broke?
i am confident it will descent to the 208,314th in line, which is me.
What would it actually take for the US to reboot the election cycle and run a new one?

I know there is no mechanism for this - this is after all the plot of now-obsolete drama Designated Survivor - but what would it take for a change?

How many iterations of incompetence would they need? How many times would they have to hand the presidency further down the chain to an unelected (Pence aside) meatsack until the whole thing, just, well, broke?

why aside Pence? that's like asiding LBJ.
What would it actually take for the US to reboot the election cycle and run a new one?

I know there is no mechanism for this - this is after all the plot of now-obsolete drama Designated Survivor - but what would it take for a change?

How many iterations of incompetence would they need? How many times would they have to hand the presidency further down the chain to an unelected (Pence aside) meatsack until the whole thing, just, well, broke?

The line of succession is pretty deep. Its so deep that they likely wouldn't run out of people, because as new people came in, more would be being appointed. None of these would be elected, but we've had (and survived) an unelected President before.

I'm afraid that Trump will get impeached. He's actually the lessor evil to some of the others in the chain. Pence would be quite happy to turn Trump's strongman takeover, into a theocratic coup.

<edited to add>
The line of succession:

U.S. Presidential line of succession - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
knowing little of American politics...

i know Pence has opinions that don't find a great deal of favour in these parts, but is he in terms of his character made from the same stuff as Trump - thin-skinned, conspiraloon etc.. or is he a bit more traditional Republican who merely sees Trump as a vehicle, and possible a vehicle he might be able to steer under a bus, for Pences own policies?
knowing little of American politics...

i know Pence has opinions that don't find a great deal of favour in these parts, but is he in terms of his character made from the same stuff as Trump - thin-skinned, conspiraloon etc.. or is he a bit more traditional Republican who merely sees Trump as a vehicle, and possible a vehicle he might be able to steer under a bus, for Pences own policies?

He's more of a traditional Republican, except he's even more of a fundamentalist Christian than most of Republicans. And, I think he was convinced to join the Trump ticket because he knew that Trump would probably get himself impeached. Being Vice-President to Trump is the golden ticket to a seat at the Resolute desk.
He's more of a traditional Republican, except he's even more of a fundamentalist Christian than most of Republicans. And, I think he was convinced to join the Trump ticket because he knew that Trump would probably get himself impeached. Being Vice-President to Trump is the golden ticket to a seat at the Resolute desk.

Damn, he's even craftier than I thought. The joy when Trump is impeached will be short lived and replaced by The Rapture :eek:
He's more of a traditional Republican, except he's even more of a fundamentalist Christian than most of Republicans. And, I think he was convinced to join the Trump ticket because he knew that Trump would probably get himself impeached. Being Vice-President to Trump is the golden ticket to a seat at the Resolute desk.
Is there any evidence that he's sufficiently more competent than Trump? Yeah, I know it's not hard, but basically: would he himself get impeached in short order? The incompetence in this team doesn't exactly stop with Trump. So I wonder for all of this 'Pence would be scarier' talk, might he just end up with the same fate? Links back in to my previous question I suppose.
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Is there any evidence that he's sufficiently more competent than Trump? Yeah, I know it's not hard, but basically: would he himself get impeached in short order? The incompetence in this team doesn't exactly stop with Trump. So I wonder for all of this 'Pence would be scarier' talk, might he just end up with the same fate? Links back in to my previous question I suppose.

No, he's a much better politician. He'll be more effective in the long run in getting what he wants than Trump.
The line of succession is pretty deep. Its so deep that they likely wouldn't run out of people, because as new people came in, more would be being appointed. None of these would be elected, but we've had (and survived) an unelected President before.

I'm afraid that Trump will get impeached. He's actually the lessor evil to some of the others in the chain. Pence would be quite happy to turn Trump's strongman takeover, into a theocratic coup.

<edited to add>
The line of succession:

U.S. Presidential line of succession - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pointless trivia, Gerard Ford is the only President of America who was never elected. He was the house minority leader and was selected as VP after Spiro Agnew resigned in 1973 over bribery and corruption scandals.
Can't help thinking it would have been easier for Obama to launch his Bolshevik revolution during the eight years when he was the actual president.

Craft Democrats sneaking back in when you least expect them/Lazy Government bureaucrats can't even organise a coup in 8 years.



Does this really look like a man who's about to start a violent revolution? Fucker looks like the only soul in the world enjoying 2017.
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I noticed this bit of news this morning:

Religious freedom could top Sessions civil rights priorities

When they use "religious freedom", think "religious oppression." The surreal bit in that article was this line:

It would be a welcome change for conservative Christians who say their concerns were marginalized under the Obama administration in favor of First Amendment and LGBT issues.

Religious freedom is in the First Amendment.
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