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The Trump presidency

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The head of the Secret Service just announced his retirement, which I would find a little ominous if I was Trump - though judging by his appointments at the EPA etc, he might choose Squeaky Fromme or John Hinckley to replace him.
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Maybe, Samson-like, Trump's hair will be his ultimate undoing.
If some bint steals his wig it's all go:
My dad has worked around different parts of the former USSR for 25 years now and knows his stuff about it, and reckons Putin is all washed up and finished; just doesn't have the resources or true support to get anything real done, hence the cheap tactic of fucking about with rumours online.
The pandas were the best thing, but I was 8 when they arrived, so . . .

I didn't remember the pandas.

I remember the secret war in Cambodia, Kent State, the failed peace talks, the firing of the special prosecutor, the putting of US strategic forces on high alert for no reason, a country on the verge of coming apart at the seams - things like that.
I didn't remember the pandas.

I remember the secret war in Cambodia, Kent State, the failed peace talks, the firing of the special prosecutor, the putting of US strategic forces on high alert for no reason, a country on the verge of coming apart at the seams - things like that.

Nixon was to the left of Obama, according to Obama
“The evolving and eroding level of trust as a result of this situation and a series of other questionable instances is what led the president to ask for General Flynn’s resignation,” Mr. Spicer said.

Mr. Spicer’s comments were the first public confirmation by the White House that Mr. Trump was aware of the allegations against Mr. Flynn before they were reported last week. They also contradicted the previous description of the national security adviser’s abrupt departure on Monday night, and they now attributed the decision to Mr. Trump rather than Mr. Flynn.

I didn't remember the pandas.

I remember the secret war in Cambodia, Kent State, the failed peace talks, the firing of the special prosecutor, the putting of US strategic forces on high alert for no reason, a country on the verge of coming apart at the seams - things like that.
the overthrow of Allende & murder of all those people in Chile was quite big news here, as was the Israeli war and resulting OPEC stuff that led to our 3 day week. He was also responsible for Agnew and Kissinger. Lovely bloke, such a shame he had to leave early.
I didn't remember the pandas.

I remember the secret war in Cambodia, Kent State, the failed peace talks, the firing of the special prosecutor, the putting of US strategic forces on high alert for no reason, a country on the verge of coming apart at the seams - things like that.
Think you might be a couple years older than me :)

I mainly remember Kent State because my sister's fiance had been involved in anti-Vietnam protests at SIU Carbondale and she was worried something would happen to him. I had a cousin that worked as a secretary at Kent State, but I don't think she was near where the shootings happened.

There was plenty of talk about the war and other news amongst my parents and older siblings, but I was interested in sneaking Mr Rogers Neighbourhood on, which clashed with the news. I was only 4 when Nixon was elected first time, but was more involved in 1972 with campaigning for McGovern/Shriver, who fought and lost on an anti-war, anti-poverty ticket. I remember the Watergate hearings being on all the time and being very boring. I was at church camp when they announced Nixon had resigned. I was only 10 so I think I have an excuse for remembering the pandas best. :)
Google Americans for prosperity
I'm not quite sure what that has to do with CRI's repeated tendency to respond to a criticism, or simply a different analysis, by misrepresenting it and going on to 'answer' a set of points that weren't raised. And then goes on to introduce an irrelevant article he's just found on twitter as if to justify himself further.

"U.S. officials said that Flynn told Kislyak that Moscow should not overreact to the sanctions, indicating that the two sides would soon be in position to revisit the matter, presumably in Moscow’s Favour"

Can't understand why this hasn't caused even more 'shyte hitting the fan' momentum, given it could explain Putins 'statesmanlike' decision not to retaliate.
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Abe probably means Trump's slowly beginning to grasp TPP is about collectively containing China.

Abe said he explained to Trump that exports of Japanese cars are decreasing compared with the 1980s and 1990s, and more Japanese cars are produced in the United States.
Abe said he explained to Trump that exports of Japanese cars are decreasing compared with the 1980s and 1990s, and more Japanese cars are produced in the United States.
"Explained" LOL, must have had lots of pictures handy
On Bloomberg U.K. Lobbies Trump Officials to Stay in Paris Climate Deal
I suspect Trump will favour "Drill baby! Drill!" Full spectrum denialism is becoming an article of faith of faith with his base.
Possibly a few republicans with serious amounts of revenue being generated by renewables in their constituencies will start to worry about the Buffoons fixation on FFs? (oil and gas) you can forget about coal and the miners, the Buffoon surely has.
Miners have been used by shitloads of dodgy and not so dodgy governments for both election and in office maintainece puposes. And once the miners have served their purpose, they will be fucked off as usual. It will be business as usual. Its one of the few constants on politics
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