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The Trump presidency

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by the steps taken to avoid thinking about it?
Very true, where here you have, in the U.K, what could reasonably be called a 'civilised' battle between LvR in the US the right used every trick in the book to totally destroy nascent socialism and didn't they make a job of it?
Right down to the Dems been actually terrified of being associated with the dread 'S' word in the form of Bernie.
Now can we get back to the Buffoon?
Trump uses sticky tape to hold his tie together.
There are people theorising that he dresses the way he does on purpose, to send the message that he's not one of those elite efette establishment types etc.
But sticky tape on the inside of your tie? That is not the clever kind of contrived.

'Mr. Trump’s tie symbolizes one of the central questions of his candidacy, and now his presidency. Is his seeming ineptness genuine? Or is it part of a contrived performance, designed to deploy the symbols of power while rejecting the conventions of civility that have traditionally defined and constrained them?'

Here's the thing about people with narcissistic personality disorder. They tell themselves that all their odd quirks and shortcomings are a smokescreen to mess with people, but the reason they need to believe this is that otherwise they would have to admit that they're just flawed. I have a friend who most likely has this disorder and he's convinced himself and other people for years that he tries to come across as dumb, awkward, disorganized, and poor so that people won't pick up on how clever, on top of things, and truly sophisticated he really is and he thinks that this gives him some sort of advantage.
After you know him for a while, you realize that there may be a tiny bit of truth to this, but mostly it's because they're truly batshit crazy and disordered. I suspect the same thing of Trump. Some things he does may look like "oh, he's actually quite clever...with his smoke screens and stuff." but on further examination or familiarity with this type of character you realize it's really not anything clever.
Meanwhile, in "important things" like Trump shaking hands with leaders of other nations . . . :D

He started off brilliantly by closing the distance between himself and Trump, meaning that if the president tried to pull him forward, the two would collide—mutually assured destruction. Immediately, he took away his opponent’s greatest strength. Then he engaged Trump in a shoulder grab—a total power move that Trump countered with a shoulder/neck grab of his own. As the two men grimaced at each other, Trump created some distance and went back to old faithful: The grip-and-yank. If you look closely at the 4-5 second mark, Trump tries to tug Trudeau’s arm toward him, but for the first time since he took office, his opponent was ready: Trudeau held firm, resisted the yank, and held his ground beautifully. Finally, Trump tried to squeeze the hell out of his hand and go over the top for leverage, but Trudeau wouldn’t budge. The president gave it one more try, to no avail, and at the 7-second mark he ran out of gas. After exchanging a meaningful look with Trudeau, as if to recognize a worthy adversary, he dropped the Canadian’s hand and beckoned toward the cameras.

In my official ruling, this is a draw, but it’s a stunning, impressive result for Trudeau nonetheless. Just as in European championship soccer, getting a draw on the road is almost like winning, and for Trudeau to perform so admirably on enemy turf is a triumph for all of Canada.

Unfortunately, this probably means Ottawa is getting nuked. But it was worth it to see the first small crack in the armor of the Ivan Drago of handshakes.

Ha ha...
Just imagine it....world leaders will be having "practice Trump shakes" before meeting him; just to beat the hand....

A Trump/Kim Jong Un shake could be memorable....:D

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Okay, here's a screen-capped, uploaded, absolutely permanent, undoctored post. Enjoy!

View attachment 100408

However you view it, surely I'm not the only one who find this a tad worrisome.

For those so inclined, Richard DeAgazio's Facebook stream is full of posts fawning over Trump (maybe he gets a discount) and bog standard white supremacist fare.

Here's another snap from a random guest at the same dinner party at his resort. He's got one half of the nuclear codes. Someone else in this picture has the other half. Lovely.

View attachment 100409

They couldn't find the light switches
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33/1 for Canada to be the next country banned, 66/1 for it to be Britain, and 500/1 for it to be Sealand - if I was a Sealand passport holder I'd be tempted to place a huge bet then try to get into the US as a Sealander.
Which takes us back to what I said: Socialism hasn't had any longevity in the US, and is not a major factor in US politics or culture at present, apart from a small and dedicated cadre.

We're in agreement.
Only if you agree you are an utterly dishonest, incoherent,prick who just makes nonsense up. Otherwise, no we're not and you have a reading age of nearly six.
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