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The debt the British people owe to Gerry Adams...

please clarify what you are inferring here CR.

If it is what I think it is, we should meet and toast your graduation into full-blown conspiraloon.

I am fully aware that british spooks are capable of anything, so please don't insult my intelligence with a rant about what they are capable of. Just explain what you mean above. Thank You.

Im not inferring anything at all . Im stating quite clearly that it was in British interests to ensure this man came to no harm . Just as it was in British interests to ensure Martin McGuinness never spent a day in jail either. That both were regarded as assets of one form or another . And both were a protected species . Precisely why the British protected them remains speculative along with the nature of why they would be considered assets worth protecting . But it would appear galringly obvious that the British governemnt knew well in advance that both these men could and would deliver a political arrangement and formula that was acceptable to British interests and fully in line with them. And thats what they most certainly did do without any shred of doubt.
I also presume this why Mr Abbas never got a missile through the roof of his car or died of a mysterious illness . For the prcise same reason .
although earlier on in the thread somebody justified massacring 10 protestants as stopping further murders of catholics.

I made that post about the Kingsmill and I 'justified' fuck all.

I placed the attack in it's political/historical context, I explained the rationale of those behind it and it's ripple-out effect both short and long term - something that the poster who brought it up deliberately did not do as he regards context/rationale/nuance as troublesome to reconcile with his myopic, emotive posturing.

I have always regarded Kingsmill as a dark day for Republicanism and have never been shy making that view known. Unlike the other poster I made my opinion plain in Republican circles, rather than on the 'mean streets' of Stillorgan (for english readers read somewhere like Windsor for Stillorgan).

If you would like to engage in discussion on this issue, I would be more than willing to do so. I won't be engaging with '8d G' the homey from the Stillorgan Massive.
Im not inferring anything at all . Im stating quite clearly that it was in British interests to ensure this man came to no harm . Just as it was in British interests to ensure Martin McGuinness never spent a day in jail either. That both were regarded as assets of one form or another . And both were a protected species . Precisely why the British protected them remains speculative along with the nature of why they would be considered assets worth protecting . But it would appear galringly obvious that the British governemnt knew well in advance that both these men could and would deliver a political arrangement and formula that was acceptable to British interests and fully in line with them. And thats what they most certainly did do without any shred of doubt.I also presume this why Mr Abbas never got a missile through the roof of his car or died of a mysterious illness . For the prcise same reason .

glaringly obvious... speculative... without and shred of proof....

2+2= 4,376... FACT.

I made that post about the Kingsmill and I 'justified' fuck all.

I placed the attack in it's political/historical context, I explained the rationale of those behind it and it's ripple-out effect both short and long term - something that the poster who brought it up deliberately did not do as he regards context/rationale/nuance as troublesome to reconcile with his myopic, emotive posturing.

I have always regarded Kingsmill as a dark day for Republicanism and have never been shy making that view known. Unlike the other poster I made my opinion plain in Republican circles, rather than on the 'mean streets' of Stillorgan (for english readers read somewhere like Windsor for Stillorgan).

So you haven't justified the attack you just claimed you spoke to the survivor and a Unionist that justified your opinion that the attack was necessary.

No siree bob no justifying the murder of 10 people here at all.

If you would like to engage in discussion on this issue, I would be more than willing to do so. I won't be engaging with '8d G' the homey from the Stillorgan Massive.

Apparently down in the south I don't get to have "personal chats" with the victims of UDF and IRA violence, that completely vindicate my position.

I notice we've gone from his holiness LiamO offering blessings forgiveness and pity, and back to his usual petty bitchy routine.

Normal service is resumed.
I apologise justification was wrong should have said explained.
the gunsights thing is simple the new assualt rifle comes with an optic sight so to get a better look at something either because your suspicous or bored its natural to look through the sight.
unfortauntly anyone you look at thinks the rifles being pointed at you.
I apologise justification was wrong should have said explained.

No probs, and thanks for your response.

If anyone (other than 8d G and cry-baby - 'les enfants terrible') would like clarification on any post I have made on this thread or to discuss this or any other post respectfully and maturely I would be more than willing to engage with them.
The head of the F.R.U unit in Northern Ireland at the time time..a brigadar Gordon Kerr..is now Britains military attache to china...funny the circles these people travel in..the chinese are welcome to the fucker...that mans got proper blood on his hands...funny thing is he was actually listed in the electoral role for westminister at one point.
The head of the F.R.U unit in Northern Ireland at the time time..a brigadar Gordon Kerr..is now Britains military attache to china...

Yes, good old gordon. Proper decent chap. Gave the green wogs hell. Proper order. Can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs, can you?

My 'favourite' loyalist Operation (as a perfect example of just how 'infiltrated'/controlled Loyalists were by british spooks and Unionist cops and also the seamless joints between State and Death Squads) has to be Pat Finucane's murder.

The Cops. RUC men repeatedly bad-mouth Finucane to Loyalists in custody, thereby making him a target.

Douglas Hogg - makes his infamous speech in the Commons, complaining of some solicitors being 'unduly sympathetic' to the IRA - thereby 'green-lighting' Finucane's assaaaination.

Brian Nelson - UDA Intelligence officer and British army (FRU) plant/operative - supplied the intelligence info (which he mostly got from the FRU, ie british army).

Billy Stobie (UDA Quartermaster and RUC Special Branch Agent) supplies the weapons

Ken Barrett (UDA gunman and RUC Special Branch agent) pulls the trigger

There are other british agents that I can't recall just now, but IIRC they include the person who supplied the car amongst others.

Basically this entire operation, from conception to aftermath was conceived, facilitated and carried out by people in the employ of the british state.
No probs, and thanks for your response.

If anyone (other than 8d G and cry-baby - 'les enfants terrible') would like clarification on any post I have made on this thread or to discuss this or any other post respectfully and maturely I would be more than willing to engage with them.

You're the snot in the back of the class making all your witty asides and little comments that when called on, refuse to clarify and resort to a barrage of obscure, meaningless insults and name calling.

Can you clarify why you're such a petulant, egotistical bell end?
You're the snot in the back of the class making all your witty asides and little comments that when called on, refuse to clarify and resort to a barrage of obscure, meaningless insults and name calling.

Can you clarify why you're such a petulant, egotistical bell end?

i think you're projecting again.
I apologise justification was wrong should have said explained.
the gunsights thing is simple the new assualt rifle comes with an optic sight so to get a better look at something either because your suspicous or bored its natural to look through the sight.
unfortauntly anyone you look at thinks the rifles being pointed at you.

the rifle is being pointed at them , they dont just think it .
The head of the F.R.U unit in Northern Ireland at the time time..a brigadar Gordon Kerr..is now Britains military attache to china...funny the circles these people travel in..the chinese are welcome to the fucker...that mans got proper blood on his hands...funny thing is he was actually listed in the electoral role for westminister at one point.

they made him the attacheto China as a reward for his work in Ireland . However he then got sent to Iraq shortly after the invasion . Unsurprisingly this stuff started to happen soon after in Basra .


Chaps dressed up as Johnny foreigner driving around with explosives and shooting policemen . tsk tsk
they made him the attacheto China as a reward for his work in Ireland . However he then got sent to Iraq shortly after the invasion . Unsurprisingly this stuff started to happen soon after in Basra .


Chaps dressed up as Johnny foreigner driving around with explosives and shooting policemen . tsk tsk

Where they the two SAS men that got caught?...fuck i bet they just hate their pics being on the interenet....LOL
Why indeed? Gimme a shout when he's gone PC.

He has me so scared. Between his witty retorts and scathing one liners, I barely dare show my face.

Which face is that? The one that pm's me pretending to be above such schoolyard behaviour or the one that plays to the crowd?

Which face is that? The one that pm's me pretending to be above such schoolyard behaviour or the one that plays to the crowd?

Just for clarity...

On the 9th of October last, I did indeed send cry-baby a PM - the contents of which were conciliatory, recognised that he is simply not cut out for the rough and tumble stuff and offered a truce in hostilities. This was gratefully and gratiously accepted and a polite 'peace' was observed for a while. Then cry-baby had another identity crisis/meltdown and began yapping again.

That he considers this respectful and sincere exchange some kind of 'secret weapon' - to be held in reserve and used on a 'special' occasion(???!) - speaks volumes about him and his current state of mind. If anybody is the least bit interested in what was in my PM I will be happy to forward it.
Just for clarity...

On the 9th of October last, I did indeed send cry-baby a PM - the contents of which were conciliatory, recognised that he is simply not cut out for the rough and tumble stuff and offered a truce in hostilities. This was gratefully and gratiously accepted and a polite 'peace' was observed for a while. Then cry-baby had another identity crisis/meltdown and began yapping again.

That he considers this respectful and sincere exchange some kind of 'secret weapon' - to be held in reserve and used on a 'special' occasion(???!) - speaks volumes about him and his current state of mind. If anybody is the least bit interested in what was in my PM I will be happy to forward it.

Lol@ "secret weapon". :D:rolleyes::D

Do you really think anyone gives a toss about what your position is? All this, simply because not everyone sees through a myopic haze like you.

Your pattern here is quite obvious even to the most bovine who'd not usually pick up on it. The abuse, the tomfoolery and patronising faux ceasefires you offer.

I came back simply because the majority of urbanites are decent skins and a few randoms like yerself don't hold sway over the entire forums.

Deal with it.
to be honest the Basra "police" made the sterotype of the ruc look like nice pscos. when you have the british knocking a police station down to rescue iraqi's form the police that they were paying you know somethings gone seriously wrong:(.
not talking about those two chaps that was a diffrent episode.
if you can explain shooting 10 people in cold blood as preventing more bloodshed.
I'm sure the spooks can justify the games they played as preventing more death terrorists groups don't have hangers on with clean hands.
Gerry surely has blood on his hands otherwise he would'nt be in the postion he was to influence anyone.
Once you have paramiltary groups running around things are going to get very nasty. The idea Brits and prods= evil barstards . Pira and its ilk freedom fighters = bollocks.
just look at the cain database all sides soaked themselves in blood.
Why do you want to applaud Adams, he is just another scumbag nationalist politician. Well done Gerry for figuring out maiming innocent civilians ain't the away forward!
he did drag pira into the ceasefire and most of them followed him. considering cira rira are still trying to keep the mayhem going its possible the deathtoll could have reached 4000 by now ;( with no end in sight. he got his well paid goverment job so i think the debt is paid
I preferred it when the scumbag had a voice over - i thought it would have always been better as Donald Duck - then at least we could have laughed at him.
Lol@ "secret weapon". :D:rolleyes::D

Do you really think anyone gives a toss about what your position is? All this, simply because not everyone sees through a myopic haze like you.

Your pattern here is quite obvious even to the most bovine who'd not usually pick up on it. The abuse, the tomfoolery and patronising faux ceasefires you offer.

I came back simply because the majority of urbanites are decent skins and a few randoms like yerself don't hold sway over the entire forums.

Deal with it.


Thou art like one of those fellows that when he
enters the confines of a tavern claps me his sword
upon the table and says 'God send me no need of
thee!' and by the operation of the second cup draws
it on the drawer, when indeed there is no need.

Maybe that's just me.
No...it's romeo and juliet...the quote is about a guy who comes in and says 'cool guys, just chillin' but he's arguing with everyone within 5 minutes.

I'm assuming you mean me...you may just have come in to announce your apostlehood.
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