On a more serious note. Does anyone have any comments to make about this:
https://w_____ww.serco.com/uk/sites/serco-aasc/landlords (Link deliberately broken, remove underlines to make it work)
Serco are offering money up front to landlords - 5 years worth, to house asylum seekers (Not that the asylum seekers bit matters).
This has not been thought through in my opinion, because given that normal tenants are on a short tenancy lease, it's a no brainer that landlords will evict them with the minimum legal notice in order to get 5 years worth of rent out of Serco by housing asylum seekers.
I blame neighter asylum seekers (genuine or not), nor do I blame the landlords or even Serco for this.
But the government should know better, or even worse it does, that this is all cyncial profiteering at the expense of ordinary people.
This is absolutely frightening. I doesn't matter how good a tenant you are, or that you've paid your rent on time for years. Unless you've a 5 year rent advance in your pocket to stump up, you just can't compete with this.
I can honestly see people writing to their Tory MP, for the Tory MP to get their staff to find out the landlords of those who complain, passing on the details.
I want to complain to my Tory MP over this. But I'm frightened that my landlord would evict me down the line if I cause trouble.