Hello, I couldn't give a fuck about immigration because I belive people aren't going to want to come here for that much longer.
I'm an optimist who believes that great things will happen to the world, to the extent that people simply won't need to come to our shores to make a living.
In the meantime, I've got some advice for you, because I don't seriously believe that you're racist or that you somehow hate immigrants.
Immigrants, are routinely exploited by middle class liberals who talk a good talk about how they hate capitalism, yet have done very very well from it.
Let's not be fooled, with middle class liberals, it always pays to pay close attention to cause, effect and who really benefits by following the money.
It's no coincidence that areas with the best race relations, are areas free from middle class vermin with all of their fork-tongued divisive shite that divides communities.
Move to a nice working class area free from middle class liberals, you'll find everyone gets on. In the 18 years I've been living up North, I've only had one heated disagreement with an immigrant and that was road rage. It's utopia up here, everyone gets on. London is a shithole because it's the middle class liberals that cause all the problems.
Before moving into the area, double check that none of the fuckers are down the local council. Research the area well.
Next, encourage everyone around you, to cancel the bastards. Research where you're really spending your money. Is that business run by a hopeless middle class liberal, who sends out endless virtue signalling propaganda? Know your suppliers, know your vendors. Avoid anything to do with veganism and always be wary of anyone with a university education, that's a huge red flag.
Encourage your ethnic minority mates to do the same. Explain to them the dangers of middle class liberals.
Build up business relations with immigrants that have links outside of the EU.
Remember, while your getting on with making some serious cash importing and exporting to the Commonwealth, po faced remainers are wasting their time trying resurrect their broken customs union dependent busineses, the mugs!
Error on the side of caution, give Mr Patel your business rather than ANYONE from a traditional middle class background.
Remember, those people don't care about people in this country, let alone immigrants.
All they care about is money and NOTHING else. That's why they endless bang on about the economy when it comes to Brexit, but then try to cover their tracks by banging out about how great socialism is, but capitalism is somehow evil, like they have a heart! LOL.
Here's my red flags:
1. Vegan
2. University Education
3. Carps on and on about immigrant and minority issues like the people they are talking about can't speak for themselves.
4. Feels uncomfortable around people with a traditional cockney accent, treating them like they are a "fly by night".
5. Double or triple barrelled surnames.
6. Complains about gentrification - Normal people sell up and fuck off to just get away from the cunts, while those who complain about gentrification, are really middle class themselves and just don't have the money to be able to hangout with their own. You know, wankers who share the same values, but don't have the dosh quite yet. I enjoy watching those ones, they're mental lol.
That's all for now. If I can think of anything else I'll let you know, but please don't worry about immigration. It will sort itself out. Chin up, don't be a victim and fuck the po faced middle class liberals, they really are a scurge. Hopefully they'll fuck off to France or something.